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Meaford BMQ - Last minute call


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So I called my armory 2 weeks ago about the BMQ I am supposed to be going on for August. They told me they had nothing on my BMQ but they had my ID Discs, so I picked those up. They told me to give them a call back in a few days. I did and they still had nothing. I was told that the person who deals with the courses was currently on vacation and would be back on the 24th of July and to call them then. I did. They told me that it would take some time to get my joining instructions together and that I could pick them up on Thursday, as in today. I did so and have taken them home and began going through them. I leave this Sunday and am completely confused as to some of the equipment they are asking for in my joining instructions because it is not very descriptive. I know people constantly ask the same questions on this board and some people get rather annoyed. I have searched extensively but still cannot find anything specific to what I am asking for. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am going to wake up early tomorrow to call my armory but they close early and I thought it would be best to post this here now because it may take some time to get responses.

I was wondering what the following items were:
- Trunk Locker
- Respirator w/Case & sling
- Thermarest w/bag

I was also wondering what the following items are to include or not include:
- Boots cleaning kit
- Toiletries kit

Also I was unsure if I was just reading too much into this but it says Handkerchief OD and I was wondering if I can just buy 6 handkerchiefs or if they were issued to me.
Seeing as how I will not be able to get to the Clothing Store before I leave for course if I do not have some of the issued kit will it be issued to me on course or should I just try to get to the Clothing Store tomorrow as best I can?

Again, sorry for all the questions and lack of searching but there isn't really anything as specific when I did search not to mention a lot of it is for the RegForce.

I will call my unit tomorrow but we are approaching the weekend and I thought I should post this sooner than later. Thank you.
"Trunk Locker"-I'm assuming that is a barrack's box. The big green trunk, 2 latches, and possibility of a lock

"Respirator w/Case & sling"- That's your gas mask, it's carrying case, including the straps

"Thermarest w/bag"- That's your air-mattress, along with the carrying bag for it.

Boot cleaning kit should include black shoe polish, I prefer Kiwi. Do not get the parade gloss stuff. 1 Applicator brush, 1 buffing brush, and some cloths (once again, Kiwi).

Toiletries kit...shaving cream, razor, spare blades, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, shampoo, etc.

I wouldn't worry too much about the handkerchief. Try to get to clothing stores, but if they don't issue you kit, then that can be taken care of at your course location. Just do the best you can.