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Mail and care packages sent to BMQ / BMOQ

  • Thread starter Thread starter LMackenzie
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I read in this thread that someone could send snackies, but to make sure there was enough to share....is that true?
The reason I ask is that my kids want to bake some cookies for everyone(instructors included) to keep us all happy and if food stuffs are not permitted within barracks, how would I be able to share them?

Also, do we find out our platoon number when we get there?
I have been trying to find out when, but can't get an straight answer, and I would really like to be able to find out ahead of time so that I can give that info out to family and friends so that they are able to send me mail.
Your Platoon Number will be in your Message, when you join.  If you can't find it there, you will find out when you get to St Jean.  It would probably be best to wait until you get to St Jean, as everything is subject to change.  ;D
I was just looking on my msg after you mentioned it, and all I could find is my course number....no platoon number, unless it is 12 numbers and 2 letter long....lol.

Guess I do have to wait...darn it!
  My Legion Branch has been sending packages out to troops on the current Roto and we have gotten some feed back from them, all positive (maybe they are just too polite to criticize?).  As well, my wife was over in Kabul in 03, so some of the things are from her suggestions as well, but here are a few "hit" items we sent:

Tim Horton's Coffee (yes, they have a Tim's, but it runs out of coffee.  As well, great to have if the soldier is an office-worker)
Moisturizing lotions (dry skin/chafing is a problem)
Travel mugs
Hard Candies (Werther's, etc)
Chocolate (according to the wife it arrived a-ok, even in 50C heat)
Pre-mixed juice crystals
Small funnel for putting pre-mixed juice crystals in canteen/water bottle
Beef Jerky

  I'm sure a lot of the above is available in Theatre now at PSP/CANEX outlets, however the troops always told us it was nice to have it come from home.  We also canvassed a few local businesses who donated some ball caps/T-shirts, travel mugs, etc for them.  We were told that all were well-received.  Hope this helps.  Cheers.
Thanks all for the feedback.  Sent my first package today, tried to make it personal yet a little fun and practical. 
Six more months of packages to go.
I find the dollar store is great for finding little toys cross word puzzles and games to send in the package. I like to pack things that can be shared to raise the morel of hubby's bunkmates. keeping them connected to home is important to!
I was told  2 key things

1) porn... which I will not send.  So I'm sending Maxim

2) Gatorade powder

incidentally.. I have a company donating Maxims to me to support the Pl I adopted... not sure how
many, but 5 - 15 per month until their tour is over

And I'm currently trying to harass Gatorade for either free or at cost powder in huge quantity. 

;D ;D ;D

thanks though for the thread... now I'll get some beef jerky and other things wherever
I can.. through donations and corporations of course...  bulk is good, charity is better,
being Clergy asking for support from organizations is the best!
Trinity, that is awesome,

Let me know if I can help, I will send you a PM later on today.

Talk to you later...

1) porn... which I will not send.  So I'm sending Maxim

I believe it has been banned in the muslim nation of Afghanistan anyway...no point in tempting fate either way.  Maxim should be fine.
    I am interested in sending some care packages, cards, and notes over to our Soldiers. Could somebody give me a heads up on addresses that are available to send them. I don't know anybody personally that is there, so it will be a hit or miss if I get the contents right, and the address I will count on one of you fine folk.

    Thanks A Lot

            Little Mac
reading the last post , does Canada Have an adopt a solider program ? or is that just the US?
You are more than welcome.  I started this thread to help me out, but knowing that someone else is benefitting makes it even better.
There are several of programs that some Canadians have started.

The one program from Army.ca is the BBJ challenge adopt a troop..


Another one is called Canadian Angels . The lady who started this has been doing it for the last 6 months or so.


Hope that answers your question.
Another idea is as we get closer to fall to take some pictures of the changing foliage and send them. I know that some of them miss seeing something other than sand! :)
Porn Stimulating magazines suitable to the soldier's tastes.
Powerade/Gatorade powder (asstd. flavours)
Beef jerky
Newspapers/Newsmagazines (Macleans,The Economist, Time etc.)
LETTERS, not e-mail. I kept my letters, they are great to read a few years later.
Here are some more additions to the list of things to send. Baby wipes or you can get individual packaged nice lemon smelling cloths (50/ pack) at WalMart- some guys don't want to smell like the baby when they wipe their face or hands- very good for those outside the wire.  A friend emailed me to send disposable latex gloves ( go figure!). Maple syrup I can undertand, but I will have to ask what he uses the gloves for.  ;D    If your buddy is a reader, the latest hot paperback is nice too.  Snoose (SPelling)  you know that stuff you chew and spit out (yeuck,bleh).  The best thing (I think) is a teddy, with love letters from family. 

Trinity,  what donations are you looking for?  Might be able to help you out buddy! Will PM you later.

For me, its Dare jube-jubes, Dare jelly beans, and Popeye candy sticks that does it ever time! Throw in some Malted Milk choc bars, some Y&S red twizzlers, maybe some Bee-Hive corn syrup, Dad's Choc-chip cookies, and I'll love ya for life!

These are Cdn icons as far as I am concerned, and I rarely get a chance to eat them anymore. Every few years usually.

Anyone so deemed to send me a package, PM me for my deployment address  ;D. Of course your package will be rewarded with something from 'over here', that I assure you. perhaps a "Who's Your Baghdaddy" T-shirt?


Wesley 'Over There' (formerly Down Under) said:
For me, its Dare jube-jubes, Dare jelly beans, and Popeye candy sticks that does it ever time! Throw in some Malted Milk choc bars, some Y&S red twizzlers, maybe some Bee-Hive corn syrup, Dad's Choc-chip cookies, and I'll love ya for life!

Ahh, a man after my own heart.  Most of those top my personal list too Wes.  PM inbound.  Hmmm, looks like it'll be a good shopping trip....one for me, one for you, one for me...  :D
Based on my experience of just sending Maxim-esque mags to adopted sections, the stuff gets around.  Highlights of e-mail back:

"your presents that you sent me came out with me on every mission and finally when we went into helmand to help the Brits who hadent eaten in a couple days when we dropped off supplies for them I also
dropped off some of your mags which they truely enjoyed even though they still refer to us with much distain as those colonials hahaha, never thought that i would hear that. So your gifts have been passed on to make others very happy, please understand you have made long hours in the back of the LAV3 bareable if not livable"

"it turns out that your gift has three benefits first the troops read the magazines then second they can get traded for new material or kept for a particular article/model that someone likes and third we usually give them to the afghan national army troops with us apparently maxim isn't something condoned by the
mullahs, but it is funny to see the looks on their faces when they see a girl in something less than a birka(traditional dress resembling a curtain that covers the body)."

I've also sent Timmies gift certificates to K'Har, to good effect.  I also tell the manager of the store where I buy them where they're getting used - many of them don't even KNOW they're redeemable in AFG.

Wesley - tried a couple of PMs and an e-mail, but to no avail yet.

Tony, got your pm- Sent an email confirmation address, and my deployment address too.

Cheers and thanks heaps,
