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M109 Max Range

  • Thread starter Thread starter Elliott.cg
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Does anyone know the max ranges for the M109 at the variuos full charges.

Thank you
At full charge White bad chareg 7 its 10,000 Meters. At charge 8 Red Bag it is 18,100 Meters w/ am M107 Projectile
I know its a bit off topic but this summer I got to fire a 105 mm 22 1/2 km. Just thought I‘d mention that prior to that day the 109 had the longest range capabilites in the CF.
gunner - was that a base bleed projectile? Out of our current 105, or a trial gun? Sounds interesting...
its a new base bleed ammo that we were testing for use in afaganistan. The lg1 got maxed out at 19 1/2 km and the C-3 got the 22 1/2 klicks. One **** of a kcik in the chest too. After 15 rounds u have to switch the crew cause the blast is soo great it effects ur chest.
I‘ve been looking around and as far as I can tell red bag and charge 8 are not the same thing. It looks to me that red bag is labelled as charge 7 even though it is one big bag. Charge 8 seems to be, again, one big bag but with different characteristics from red bag. Can anyone clear this up for me. I am asking because I will be teaching a lesson on propellant for a Det 2i/c course that includes 155mm propellant. As a reserve, I have very little experience with the M109. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Red Bag charge 8 is classed as zone 7 I think. they are the same. White bag chg 7 is not one big bag. cbtygunner, the round you speak of is the HEER rnd. High Explosive Extended Range. F Bty is firing it in Kabul now.I dont have any tabulated data for it yet. I am curious as to what the max range is, and also the max ordinate.
To my knowledge we fired 22 1/2 km as the max range with the C-3 as for the LG1 we were gettin only 18 to 19 km. I dont think they have gotten an actual max range yet they still have trials to do this Jan where Whiskey battery in Gagetown is conducting the trials. As for the ordinate if im correct on what u mean by that it has 2 "charges" zone 1 and zone 2. And its still a big bang for a 105 HOOAH!
The max ordinate is the max altitude that round will travel druing flight. for example on the m109 at charge 8 at arange of 18000 m the max ordinate is 5285 metres.
Thanks shy for clarifing that 4 me. I ask my #1 and he said he heard the TECHS sayin something about us firing around 32 000 ft. We were placed in check firing because of some airliner was passing over. And as for Whiskey bty I wont comment.....
Gun Shy, Actualy it is closer to 6K But the MAX ordinate which is what you really want to work with when determaning air coridours is about 10,300 M at Chg 8. Basically find the max for the charge and work your way back for the range when planning.
Hmm, time to get back to a Regiment. I understand the Pak Howitzer better then the C3 and LG1!
If i'm not mistaken I believe the max range for the m109 a4+ is 18.3km, not 18.1............
Life with the M777 and new ammunition is a whole lot better than the 18km M107dc numbers for the M109A4.

Modular Charge M232A1/5H and M795 are quite an improvement on this.
(with better probable errors values as well)...