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Lt. General Romeo Dallaire - North Bay


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Maj. General Romeo Dallaire will be speaking in North Bay next Thursday! A bunch of members from our regiment are driving down to see him speak! Should be a good experience. I read his book a while back so it will be interesting to hear his story first hand.
He is a great speaker: he was one of the most popular guest speakers at Quantico the year I studied there: I had the honour of being his escort officer-he is also a good man. How are the Irish doing these days? I was the RSSO for Al  Nichols and John Goudreau.

you guys are very lucky I would love to go down and see him speak. He is a very passionate person and  a damn good troop :salute:
Sorry to be anal, but was he not a Lt. Gen?

And I would love to hear the man speak, should be a great experience, make sure you post up your experience after its over!:)
I brought this up in the military literature forum, but it must have been missed. When I saw it advertised at my school (Nipissing U), I couldn't believe it. Such a great speaker coming to a small university. I would have thought he would go for schools like U of T or something like that. It'll be great,  hope to see you guys there.
When he wrote his book he was LGen. but from my understanding he has since been promoted to Maj. General.

The Irish are doing well! Al  Nichols and John Goudreau are still involved with the Regiment. We had our winter indoc. last weekend which was cold but fun. I'm on my BMQ course right now, looking forward to SQ and BIQ.
Lt. General is above Maj. General.
Do you think he got demoted???
Be (Brigadier) My(Major) Little (Liuetenant) General, lol, I still remember that :P
The cover of his book states he was a Lt General when he was medically released from the CF back in 1998. I don't think there were any demotions in his biography.

Anyways that'd be awesome hearing what he'd have to say in person. I'm halfway through his book right now and I saw the History Television special about his experiences in Rwanda last year. Anyone who has the privilege to hear him is lucky in my books.
I guesse when you're a General....You're a General!...lol ( spoken from one who was short on the Totem pole)   lol
   My father (who I wish would be inclined to own a computer) served for Mr. Dallaire when he was a Battery Comdr (excuse me, I was never a gunner).   Amongst my Father and Grandfathers' most cherished military mementos, is a signed copy of Maj. Gen. Dallaire's book.   Every time I go to visit him ...I must see my fathers "RACK OF FAME"  ..where Mr Dalliaire's book stands front and center. He tells me of what an outstanding troop he was,.. and still is .
   If anyone that goes to this "SPEAK"... if you would be so kind, as to submit anything you got from it,...it would greatly be appreciated.   I would love to bring this to my "Old Man".   I know he'd just love to hear it!    

PS. if anyone out there knows him...please don't tell him ..his son called him an 'Old Man'
Wow, I had no idea he was coming to town. I'll have to check it out. Anyone know where I can get more info?
Thurday, January 27, 2005 at 7:30 PM. It will be held at The Wall student pub located at the main campus. It is free for students and staff of Nipissing U and Canadore College, so I don't know how much it would be for others. I would hazzard a guess no more than $5 (I don't really know, but a regular over cost is $5 for UAs)
I searched around the university website but found nothing, and I haven't heard anyting on the radio etc.

Do I just show up and pay at the door?
That would be my guess. The reason why you didn't find any info on the University site, is that it is being organised by the bar, not the school itself. when I looked at the bar website anything about having to get tickets.
Here's the bar website

I just called The Wall. The person I spoke with advised me that it is a "closed campus only" show and all tickets have been sold.

Too bad it will probably be a great event.

I wonder if they would turn you away if you were to show up in uniform?
I have heard Gen Dallaire speak on three seperate occasions, twice at UBC andone at a police conference. All soldiers should attend one of his talks, he is an inspiring soldier and humanitarian. His theme is,"Are all humans human or are some humans more human than others?" He would be an outstanding choice for the next Governor General.
I myself had the privilege to attend one of his conference a few years back in Qc City... Lieutenant-General Romeo Dallaire is an outstanding soldier and a great man... I read his book "J'ai serré la main du diable" and you can see he is been traumatized by his experience in Rwanda. Too bad, he has been abandonned by the United Nations and Canada. Anyway... he was one of our great general and Im sure Canada wont see another general; like that for many years until we dont have an army anymore... They becoming more and more just dirty bureaucrats.....