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Look Who's Seeking NDP Nomination in Vancouver Centre....

The Bread Guy

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rabble exclusive: Interview with Michael Byers
Am Johal, rabble.ca, 16 Jul 08
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"Can you articulate your criticisms of the Liberal and Conservative positions regarding the Afghanistan mission and their support for extending it to 2011?

My main concern is that the current counterinsurgency mission cannot succeed. We are squandering the lives of brave Canadians and innocent Afghan civilians. These deaths are unnecessary. The most serious decision a democratic country makes is sending our young men and women into harm’s way. This mission is being undertaken for other reasons, including a desire to cultivate favour in the White House.

The defense lobby and some of our generals are also happy about the need for new equipment and resources. At the same time, the mission is personally - though quietly - opposed by many men and women within the Canadian Forces.

I do think there is an important role for Canada in helping Afghanistan. But until we show the U.S. and NATO that we are determined to pull out of the counterinsurgency, we will not be in a position to carve out a new role - and exercise leadership in developing effective long-term solutions. "


"Vancouver Centre is a two-way race between Hedy Fry and Michael Byers. There is no need to vote strategically, and no need for a protest vote. All I ask is that voters choose the person who will be their most energetic, outspoken and effective voice in Ottawa."
"I do think there is an important role for Canada in helping Afghanistan. But until we show the U.S. and NATO that we are determined to pull out of the counterinsurgency, we will not be in a position to carve out a new role - and exercise leadership in developing effective long-term solutions. "

To paraphrase:

Step 1 - Pull out.
Step 2 - Uh, I think there something else we could do.

As a constituent of Vancouver Centre, I could not be happier. A strong NDP candidate versus a strong Liberal incumbent (Hedy Fry) means one thing,  a huge vote split where a strong Conservative can come right up the middle.
This is the same person who wants to " cultivate favour in the White House." with a presumptive Obama administration by changing the name of the NDP to the "Democratic Party"...


I sometimes think the Socialists worship the Roman god Janus... ::)
At the same time, the mission is personally - though quietly - opposed by many men and women within the Canadian Forces.

Really? How many? Which ones?  I'd be shocked if Mr Byers has personally spoken to more than 5 soldiers in his entire life.
This is the same person who wants to " cultivate favour in the White House." with a presumptive Obama administration by changing the name of the NDP to the "Democratic Party"...

So the NDP could now be described as being "lapdogs" of Obama?

How is this different than the accusations they heave at the Conservatives for being "too close to the Bush White House"?
Thucydides said:
This is the same person who wants to " cultivate favour in the White House." with a presumptive Obama administration by changing the name of the NDP to the "Democratic Party"...


I sometimes think the Socialists worship the Roman god Janus... ::)

Well, SOME kind of anus, anyway.  Most likely the one their heads are up. >:D
SeaKingTacco said:
Really? How many? Which ones?  I'd be shocked if Mr Byers has personally spoken to more than 5 soldiers in his entire life.

My thoughts exactly Taco. After spending five years training troops to go to Afghanistan I have yet to hear of 1 troop not supporting the mission. Would Mr Byers be willing to back up a vague statement with anything approaching facts or evidence.
Probably refering to that single former Reservist who said he quit because he was being forced to go to Afghanistan...  ::)
Kat Stevens said:
Well, SOME kind of anus, anyway.  Most likely the one their heads are up. >:D


My first out-loud laugh of the day - thanks for that!
Greymatters said:
Probably refering to that single former Reservist who said he quit because he was being forced to go to Afghanistan...  ::)

Oh, you mean that lying, dishonouable half wit. Name to remain unmentioned. Remember those worth it, forget those not.
Byers is big into the Peace at any Price philosophy.

As long as someone else, like the women and children of Afghanistan who pay with their lives and freedom, gets the bill he won't acknowledge or pay.

The man is a moral failure who still believes in the eventual victory of International Socialism, a man blinded by a pathetic, childish anti-Americanism that makes his decision making a slave to a failed political philosophy.

When you can't support a UN sanctioned mission to protect innocent Afghani women and children, a mission that is about buying time for a failed country to get back on its feet after 30 years of war, then you are worse than pond scum.

Mike Byers, still supporting mass murder and torture in Afghanistan by his Taliban Allies.
Perhaps Mr. Byers is a holdover from the "usefull fool" days, as he clearly is a fool. Usefull?

Were here to debate and discuss a policy or procedure. We're not here to create 'argumentum ad hominem'. We now how that one worked in the last closed thread about someone else from out there.

Attack the message, not the man.

Milnet.ca Staff
Although this thread is more about MPs, I was wondering about everyone's general opinion about Mayor Sam Sullivan when he was still in office in Vancouver? I am just a landed immigrant who has been living in Richmond the past couple of years so I may be a little out of touch with the local political scene, although I am trying to follow national politics as much as I can here.

I remember seeing some documentary- albeit only part of it- about the Mayor being obsessed with some issue- not sure if it was govt.  assistance to programs for disabled people or something else. I do know that he is a member of some non-partisan association. Just asking for generally more experienced opinons different from that of the media since I know how low a number of the posters here regard the reporting of CBC, etc.
>I am just a landed immigrant who has been living in Richmond

Shouldn't you be more concerned about who is the mayor of Richmond?
Brad Sallows said:
>I am just a landed immigrant who has been living in Richmond

Shouldn't you be more concerned about who is the mayor of Richmond?

My work is closer to downtown Vancouver though.

Brad Sallows said:
Shouldn't you be more concerned about who is the mayor of Richmond?

To be fair, if you live in Richmond, you basicaly live in Vacouver.

(same with North Van, West Van, Burnaby, ........)
Yes, but aside from the GVRD's machinations in which all the municipalities have their sticky fingers, you might find that the mayor of Vancouver - despite occupying a lot of print space in the media - has relatively little influence over the mayor and council of your own municipality.