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London attacks underscore Canada's need to be in Afghanistan: Hillier

scm77 said:
"The central fact is that, overwhelmingly, suicide-terrorist attacks are not driven by religion as much as they are by a clear strategic objective: To compel modern democracies to withdraw military from the territory the terrorists view as their homeland," Pape said in a spring U.S. interview.


Here's what Osama has to say about that:

"We should fully understand our religion. Fighting is a part of our religion and our Sharia [an Islamic legal code]. Those who love God and his Prophet and this religion cannot deny that. Whoever denies even a minor tenet of our religion commits the gravest sin in Islam."

"Hostility toward America is a religious duty, and we hope to be rewarded for it by God . . . . I am confident that Muslims will be able to end the legend of the so-called superpower that is America."

That's right, not motivated by religion.  Where do they find these "writers"?

Funny thing though...I found this quote while researching Bin Laden quotes...

"We declared jihad against the US government, because the US government is unjust, criminal and tyrannical. It has committed acts that are extremely unjust, hideous and criminal whether directly or through its support of the Israeli occupation." - Osama bin Laden - to CNN in March 1997

Kinda interesting to compare that to the US justifications for fighting terrorism.  Both are acusing eachother of the same thing.
CFL said:
Hell has officially frozen over.

No kidding...Thats exactly how to put it too...This time last week I would've said "No chance in heck that'l ever happen!"

Occasionally I like being monumentally wrong! :blotto:

Sorry - Spectra  ;) - maybe a rifle plate too...

Back on track - so many people seem to be trying to give our enemies an out by placing the blame with us.  ::) - failing to see they don;t want an out they want us dead.

Unfortunately when it comes down to such a divergent ideology (they want us dead - and we want to live...) there is only two possible solutions - We kill them (my personal choice) or they kill us (not high on my list)

KevinB said:
Sorry - Spectra   ;) - maybe a rifle plate too...

so many people seem to be trying to give our enemies an out by placing the blame with us.   ::) - failing to see they don;t want an out they want us dead.

Call a spade a spade...about time someone did as that's what the deal is, like it or not!

Kind of wonder where people like the Polaris bunch and all their toadies get their lefty ideas from anyway?!

When the other side wants to kill you and eradicate your society it seems pretty clear to me what the deal is! ^-^
Slim said:
Call a spade a spade...about time someone did as that's what the deal is, like it or not!

Kind of wonder where people like the Polaris bunch and all their toadies get their lefty ideas from anyway?!

When the other side wants to kill you and eradicate your society it seems pretty clear to me what the deal is! ^-^

Well you and I get it - same with General H.  I wonder about the other 28million Canadians.
  Maybe when there is a few thousand less of them due to an AlQ attack...
Okay, I'm 8 pages late to the fray, but I want to put my two cents in....

General Hillier, nice one sir.  :salute:

This reminds me of the thing a few months back with USMC General Mattis taking an very real and un-PC line that lit the headlines up.  It seems that both these Generals are cut from the same cloth.

Good to have a (gasp - I said it) Warrior in the drivers seat.
The guys at the "Polaris Institute" sound like a "Film Actors Guild". Check out there website and see where they are coming from. I imagine the office smells pretty bad since they avoid bathing so they can "fight the man".


Welcome to the Polaris Institute
...retooling citizen movements for democratic social change in an age of corporate-driven globalization
This was emailed to me this morning from a buddy who works at DHH:


Tue, July 19, 2005

Call 'em scumbags

Army boss needn't apologize

By TOM BRODBECK -- Winnipeg Sun

It wasn't chief of defence staff Gen. Rick Hillier's portrayal of terrorists as "murderers and scumbags" last week that bothered me.

In fact, I found his comments and his honest assessment of the role of our military, "to be able to kill people," quite refreshing.

It's nice to know the guy leading our armed forces knows the difference between our allies and our enemies and is not afraid to say so. 

No, what disturbed me was the response by some Canadians who thought Hillier's language was extreme and alarmist.

"His use of epithets such as 'scumbags' and 'killers' is reminiscent of language used by (U.S.) President (George W.) Bush and U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld," said Steven Staples, project director of The Polaris Institute, a left-leaning think tank based in Ottawa.

What would you call people who murder innocent children, Steve? Our buddies?

And then there's Maude. Maude Barlow from the Council of Canadians.

She says Canada should take a more "moderating" position on the war on terror, calling Hillier's comments "very aggressive."

Yeah, maybe we could just moderate the conflict. We could get some of the key al-Qaida leaders in a room with the heads of democratic states and try to work out a deal.

Maude could be the moderator.

Of course people who blow themselves up in busy markets and subways are scumbags. We need to wipe them out, kill them if we have to.

We need to eliminate the terrorist cells plotting their next attack and we need trained, well-resourced military personnel to carry it out.

When Hillier says our military is designed to kill people, he's simply telling it as it is.

"We're not the public service of Canada, we're not just another department," Hillier said last week.

"We are the Canadian Forces, and our job is to be able to kill people."

Some people don't like to hear that.

They prefer sugar-coated, politically correct terminology like peacekeeping or policing.

But Hillier is simply being honest. Soldiers are trained to kill. They're not counsellors and they're not diplomats. And the people they're killing are the bad guys -- the scumbags and the murderers.

They are the people who fly airplanes into office buildings and the people who will eventually attack Canada, too.


They want to attack western society; they want to obliterate democracies.

You can either sit back and do nothing about that. Or you can go after these scumbags aggressively.

That's what Hillier's job is. And we should be supporting him in his efforts, not taking pot shots at him.

Canadian soldiers are risking their lives in war-torn countries such as Afghanistan while hunting down terrorists to protect the very freedoms people like Barlow and other lefty nutbars enjoy.

They should at least show their appreciation for that.

For the first time in a long time, we have a chief of defence staff who isn't afraid of running a real military. I'm grateful for that.

Gen. Hillier explains the Afghan mission

Saturday, July 16, 2005 Page A16Key

Canadians are going to war. Over the next few months, 2,000 troops will head to Afghanistan, where fighting still rages with remnants of the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Some of the Canadians, among them members of the elite Joint Task Force 2, may be involved in direct combat in the southern mountains, where their job will be to hunt down and kill insurgents.

But isn't that awfully dangerous, Canada's top soldier was asked this week. Won't the new Afghan mission make Canada a target for terrorist attacks like the July 7 transit bombings in London? General Rick Hillier gave a bracing answer. Every Canadian should listen.

"The London attack actually tells us once more: We can't let up," he told reporters on Thursday. "These are detestable murderers and scumbags, I'll tell you that right up front. They detest our freedoms, they detest our society, they detest our liberties." Canada, he said, is already a terrorist target simply by virtue of its status as a democratic member of the Western alliance, and it can't let fear of reprisal stop it from confronting the threat. When Canada was fighting the Nazis in the Second World War, "did they say, 'No, we might be attacked over here if we actually stand up against those despicable murderers and bastards?' " asked Gen. Hillier, who is Chief of the Defence Staff. He answered himself: "No, they did not."

Warlike words, no doubt, but as Gen. Hillier pointed out, he is not the head of the Egg Marketing Board. He is the head of the armed forces. Those forces have a job to do. Afghanistan, the home base of the al-Qaeda terrorist group until 2001, is in trouble. Its fragile new democracy is under threat from al-Qaeda and the Taliban, who would dearly like to make a comeback. Its government needs protection as it tries to hold a general election in September. Its people need help as they try to rebuild their homes and their lives after a quarter-century of civil war and misrule.

Apart from rooting out terrorist forces, Canadian soldiers will be helping to train local police and soldiers, making sure that international supplies get through and patrolling cities so that people can go about their business in safety. Canada's nation-building, terrorist-fighting mission in Afghanistan could not be more important or more noble. As Gen. Hillier put it, the goal is to establish democracy and security, "the exact opposite of what people like Osama bin Laden, Mullah Omar and those others want."

Could our stepped-up presence make Canada more of a target? Of course it could. Though it's impossible to know the motives of twisted minds like those of the London bombers, it's quite possible they struck there because of Britain's leading role in the Iraq war, just as it's quite possible that terrorists struck Madrid last year because Spanish troops were in Iraq. But then, terrorism has afflicted plenty of other countries, from Indonesia to Turkey to Morocco, that have had nothing to do with Iraq. Let's not forget that the attack that started all this, on 9/11, came before Iraq or Afghanistan.

Hate-filled fanatics don't need much provocation. They may have favourites on their target list, but every democratic country is at risk as long as this international conspiracy exists. Countries such as Canada can't let the fear of backlash prevent them from taking their part in dismantling that conspiracy. To do so would be to hand a victory to the terrorists, whose purpose is to divide the democratic states and weaken their will. Like it or not, we are all in this together.

A fighting man like Gen. Hillier knows that in his bones. Bravo to him for saying it.

Thanks 392....

That article was so good, I just looked Tom's email address and sent him a thank you note.

For anyone else who would like to, his email is: tbrodbeck@wpgsun.com.

Matthew.  :salute: