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Locking threads

So how is having an extra few thousand threads with 'simple question-simple answer' an improvement?  Then, when someone is actually searching for a real discussion thread, they get an extra hundred hits offering the few simple pieces of information they already know.

You might think that over the past few years we've done our best to develop a workable option, even if it doesn't please all the people, all the time.


MOOXE said:
George I actually do admin some other forums aside from the site listed in my profile, I like to remain transparent to the board, but thats just me.

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Maybe you just haven't see all the repetitive question in your forum yet.
Michael O'Leary said:
So how is having an extra few thousand threads with 'simple question-simple answer' an improvement?  Then, when someone is actually searching for a real discussion thread, they get an extra hundred hits offering the few simple pieces of information they already know.

You might think that over the past few years we've done our best to develop a workable option, even if it doesn't please all the people, all the time.

That is a good point. However, even locked threads come up in searches so the user will be likely to read it.

Mike, Michael, George & Bruce you have all made good points,  I do realise the rules and customs of this board do not change overnight. I only ask that you consider what I have had to say.
MOOXE said:
That is a good point. However, even locked threads come up in searches so the user will be likely to read it.

That's actually our argument for merging similar topics into "mega threads" but it also lends credence to simply deleting repeat posts altogether. (Something we generally feel is too strong an action.)
Im just curious as to know why Shaynelle's post was locked. I wanted to write my condolences out to her.  To me it seemed like she came here to get some support on her situation... it's not like she can go out on the street and talk to any "neighbour" about this.  She came here, to express her feelings and to tell us about her loss.  I dont think its very fair to lock that topic because someone started that whole childish "I know you know, I accuse thing" . Why not just give that person a warning that that wasnt needed in a public forum via PM and delete that persons remark? 
I'm just curious why you would state that the attacking post should have been sent via PM, but your condolences need to be in the public eye.  It was locked to avoid unnecessary tangents, the staff cannot watch it 24/7.  PMs can be used for personal condolences.
I thought Id just post my condolances (sp?)  since this is a forum.   I just thought that a persons remark such as that , should be done via PM since it could potentially cause some drama, and not just lock a post where someone came here for help and support on such a delicate issue. Because one person decided to post such a thing , I dont think its really fair to the original poster to have it locked.    I just thought that I'd ask :)  Sorry if that bugs ya  :-\  Thanks for getting back to me so quick :)
The potential for further susch post got the thread locked.  It's a better approach than trying to clean it up repeatedly.
How to word this without being crushed :)

I have to admit I'm a little (very) frustrated at all the posts being locked recently. I'll click on a thread, read a bunch of posts I want to reply to, write down my points and when I get to the end I find the thread locked. (yes I need to pay better attention to detail)

Now I agree there are VERY obvious reasons why these suckers get locked. People going off topic, people making silly personal attacks instead of attacking someones argument (which is a BIGGIE i've noticed recently) and people personally involved with the issue (as seen by the recently friendly fire incident).

The mods do an awesome job at interjecting exactly when it's required. 
"Get back on topic or this will get locked."
People however continue to derail a topic and the thread gets locked.  Thats not very much fun. We post on this forum because we love it, it's full of some expert opinion on all things military and it's a great place to discuss issues that are on the front page in the news.
It's just very frustrating comming to this great site and not being able to contribute to these topics because they have been locked.

Instead of locking posts after mods give warnings, what about singleling out posters who continue to derail threads and simply stop them from either A) posting on that thread or B) stop them from posting on the forum for a few days.   Give them 2 days to relax, take a breath, let their emotions come down.  This way the remainder of us can still enjoy the threads and contributing.  If said person comes back after their 2 or 3 day break and just goes berserk (as we've seen done in the past) then give them a ban. No big loss.

It's annoying when someone with 40 posts and no profile information comes in, causes shit and gets an interesting thread locked. The thread ends up turning into an argument where everyone fights with this guy asking for his pers info and the thread topic gets forgotten.

The rest of us who are mature and able to control our emotions with a few thousand posts and a few years on this site end up loosing out in the end. The shit disturber just ends up quitting w/mission accomplished.

In no way am I critisizing the staff or their decisions to lock threads when they do, no doubt they've helped avoid many headaches. 
I am only suggesting an alternate course of action that punishes shit disturbers and not the remainder of army.ca posters

With respect
you can also PM the Mod who locked the thread and tell him why you feel it should be unlocked. We will unlock threads if warranted on a case by case basis.
Ghost - PM inbound

Just a note to all - occasionally we get suggestions to deal with offenders on a one-on-one basis. I agree that would be more effective in some cases, but remember, it is usually more time consuming, and labour-intensive. We are all volunteers here, with real lives away from Army.ca  :)
Hi there,
I recently posted a question, and was promptly answered by a few of you.  Thanks for your help!  The topic was then locked, and I don't know what that means.  I have tried seaching the site for an answer, but was unsuccesful.  Can someone shed some light on this for me?  Just curious, that's all.  Thanks a lot.
A locked topic is a thread that has been 'locked' by the site Moderators, for any number of reasons. Locked meaning there can't be anything new posted in the thread, unless it has been un-locked by the Moderators.

To save bandwith, and not allow threads to be highjacked, we Moderators lock the topic.

Any thread can be unlocked, if something relevent can be added, by asking any Mod.

And with that, this is a lock.



army.ca staff
Just to clarify Tess' remarks, it doesn't necessarily mean that you or any poster on the thread has done anything "wrong", only that the discussion has run its course or the question has been answered and there is no need for people to just ramble on. We like to keep a tidy shop here.
the 48th regulator said:
This will just become another long drawn out battle of the opinions of religion, much like the one that was just locked.

Do we really need to drag another one out into the mud again??



Well the locking of specific threads around here is a topic for other discussion.  Like why a topic such as the one you referred to, in which no-one was foaming at the mouth was summarily locked and yet in other topics the flame wars go on forever, get quite vitriolic and are never locked.
Reccesoldier said:
Well the locking of specific threads around here is a topic for other discussion.  Like why a topic such as the one you referred to, in which no-one was foaming at the mouth was summarily locked and yet in other topics the flame wars go on forever, get quite vitriolic and are never locked.

Have you asked the Mod who locked it for his reasoning behind it?


the 48th regulator said:
Have you asked the Mod who locked it for his reasoning behind it?



I've asked the questions before.  I know the answer I'll get and it is just as unsatisfactory now as it was then. 
Reccesoldier said:
I've asked the questions before.  I know the answer I'll get and it is just as unsatisfactory now as it was then. 

Do you have a solution?

Maybe that can help us to better moderate the threads, as opposed to just outright locking them.

