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Limbo Mortar


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Hello I'm new to the forums, I have been searching high and low on the internets for information on the Limbo Mortar, there are a few sites that have still pictures, but not too much that goes into any great detail. I would love to see some footage of a simulated Limbo attack, I saw one in person up close and personal like on one of those 'family day' cruises, this was back in the very early 1970's I would have been about 7 years old and this would have been on some sort of St. Laurent class or Annapolis class warship, I am pretty sure it was the Nipigon, I was not ready for the whole thing, when they fired the first salvo (they fired a total of 3 salvoes), I didn't have my ears plugged, needless to say the sound of the bombs being fired was bloody awful, the sight of the mortar shells arching skyward and splashing down was equally amazing, and to sum it up, the actual burst was not something that you could ignore/miss or ever forget. Best regards all. :cdnsalute:
i served aboard HMCS Annapolis from 1970 to 1975, we had a family day cruise in 1973, when we in the Weapons Underwater Branch fired three salvo's of HE. I was in the loader position of the Limbo. Marmaloon what is your Sir name? Maybe I sailed with your Dad.

You should have heard those bombs being launched from the Mortar Well!