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lifestyle of armoured soldier

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hello all, I have a quick question for those of you who have made the military your career, particularly the armoured soldiers.
Do you find that you are able to have enough time for a family while in the armed forces? Do you make enough money to have a family while in the froces? Are there very many people who actualy make a career out of the combat arms, i.e. stay in the forces until retiement? I know this isn't an armoured specific question, but I am planning on becoming an armoured soldier so I figured that there would be no better group of people to ask. I have a strong passion to serve my country, but I would still like to be able to have a family and have enough money to support them with( I'm definately not looking to get rich in the army though, just enough to have a family with). I appreciate your time and any respone to these questions.
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