ModlrMike said:
SCAN is seriously flawed, and as currently constituted, a waste of effort. Here's my view...
SCAN should consist of at least three phases:
1. the young "soldier" who moves from BE to IE gets a seminar and gets introduced to the second career planning cycle. The sessions can include such things as skills and education upgrading, for example;
2. between 10 and 15 years service, a follow-up session is attended. This should allow for members to check their progress, and if necessary, get back on track while there's still time to do so; and
3. SCAN in a format similar to the current one that focuses on transition to civilian life.
I can't overstate my philosophy that retirement planning starts at the beginning of a career, not at the end.
Apart from a couple of presentation with regard to pension payment rules (if you are to get one), and some taxation aspects (RRSP transfer of severance pay) SCAN is a waste of taxpayers money. The only folks who derive any benefit are the crew that take the show on the road, both Canada and overseas.
To be even more blunt, the CF offers no real transition for many (particularly Combat Arms folks) as they leave the CF for pastures new. While not SCAN related, the Education Reimbursement (ER) Program is aimed improvising your usefulness to the CF not your employability in Civvi street. "ER provides financial assistance to Regular Force officers and NCMs who, through part-time study, wish to upgrade their educational or professional qualifications in the interests of the CF.
Even the Skill Enhancement Program (essentially upgrade your qualifications from your military MOS that have a civilian equivalent); try that on as Combat Engineer or infantryman etc.
What would I like to see as a service leaver......A real career transition program, one that provides benefits tied to length of service.
For instance, and as a minimum, less than ten years sit in on the briefings to get a pitch from Scotia Bank, resume help etc, basically as SCAN is now less the pension related presentations.
With more than than 10 YOS and definitely at 20/25 YOS, graduated and increased transition benefits. Essentially a real post CF re-training and job placement program. This is totally lacking now.
Until our service members have such a benefit to prepare them for the civilian world the CF will continue to get off extremely light for the years of service contributed by the member.
I saw SCAN for what it was years ago, nothing but a self licking ice cream for those that take it on the road no matter how well meaning the individuals who present are.
The program is folks a pile of....well you know. I think our service leavers deserve far more than what is offered now.
If we had such a program, I firmly believe it would add to retention particularly of folks who serve a lifetime in the hard combat arms with no civilian equivalent employment, knowing that you can stay in those occupations for life as many do, and have a chance of getting gainful employment on exit from the CF.
Old fart...