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LF no BS answer on how to get the new Ruck.

63 Delta

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As title states, looking on how to get the new ruck. Im a Trooper to be deployed on TF 3-09. I wasnt around for the initial kitting of the new Ruck in September. Ive gone to Clothing and asked, but they have no answers. Im also not the only one without it. Going to be kind of stupid when im the only guy on a patrol without the new ruck. Please no answers with "The new ruck sucks, stick with the old oner" or "your armoured you'll never use it".

My thoughts are there must be some kind of system in place to get rucks out to guys who need them. What if a soldier overseas breaks his ruck, or it gets blown up? They must be able to replace it...

The way the ruck is issued right now is clothe the soldier goes to the base and issues the ruck and gives lectures on the ruck.  The current policy is without the lectures you can not get issued the ruck. If the ruck gets destroyed you will get issued a new one as it is on your clothing docs.
I don't think you need to worry about wearing a rucksack on a patrol as an armored soldier?

Either way we had people who missed the initial kitting due to courses.  I guarantee there are higher ups who missed the same kitting you did so you can bet your hat there's going to be another last minute kitting. There was with us.
If your unit was issued their rucks, then you should have gotten yours at the same time.
Given that you were not there at the time, it is THEIR responsibility to see that you get yours.
Through your chain of command, ask them to look after you!
Talk to your section commander.... wait ten days - memo to your Troop Warrant, pause 10 days - memo to the next one in your CoC.
Truth be told, I've had my name taken for the new rucks 4 times since november, all going up to at least Pl WO level, and nothing's happening. My best guess is that there's a shortage of ruck-sizing qualified personnel to do the job of issuing them. It's not like I'm in some obscure reserve unit in the middle of nowhere here, so I figure the problem's just about the same elsewhere in the CF.
HULK_011 said:
As title states, looking on how to get the new ruck. Im a Trooper to be deployed on TF 3-09. I wasnt around for the initial kitting of the new Ruck in September. Ive gone to Clothing and asked, but they have no answers. Im also not the only one without it. Going to be kind of stupid when im the only guy on a patrol without the new ruck. Please no answers with "The new ruck sucks, stick with the old oner" or "your armoured you'll never use it".

My thoughts are there must be some kind of system in place to get rucks out to guys who need them. What if a soldier overseas breaks his ruck, or it gets blown up? They must be able to replace it...


The new ruck is not stocked at base level, nor are the sizing jigs. Clothing Stores can do nothing for you. This is national CTS policy and it is CTS control of this item that prevents you and others in first line units from getting this item now -when you need it-. You will be sized for it and issued it when CTS arranges to do another visit to your location and you jump through the hoops they arrange there.

The sizing jigs are held by CTS in NDHQ. Personnel requiring the new ruck must attend the lessons on utilizing this kit. They must also be sized by qual'd pers using the CTS jigs that are kept in NDHQ. CTS must present these lessons (their policy, not Supply's, nor clothing because if it were up to us....). If you do not attend the lessons OR the sizing ... CTS will NOT release a ruck from the depot to your local clothing outlet for you.

We are in the exact same situation here. As is every other 1st line unit in Canada who has had soldiiers posted into it since CTS had visited that location. Their next visit to this lcation is end-May ... and we've had troops waiting since last APS.

No BS - you get to wait until next time CTS is at your base on a TD trip so that they can personally oversee you get the lessons and sized.

How's that for total control of Army kit? Not very convenient ehh? Not very conducive to actually getting the kit into the hands of the soldiers either is it? I have pers here qualified to size you, but I can't get the jig to actually DO that. Nor can we give you the lectures (more ppt death). Go figure.

But heck, it keeps a project cell (and some people in it employed) now over a decade old in business doesn't it?

NO BS from me. That's how it is. Sometimes, the truth hurts. I do not agree with the stranglehold they have on this and other items ... it's killing our trade and is actually preventing us from kitting and supporting soldiers like you when you need that support.
Thanks a lot for all the No BS replies, much appreciated. And Army Vern your insight into how it works well be passed on to others in the same boat; hopefully they wont take their rage out on the innocent Supply techs  :D.

Rumour has it that there will be another kitting before deployment, but to late for Suffield/Wainwright...
NFLD Sapper said:
Still got mine sitting there Vern?

Absolutely. You did attend the lessons and the sizing by CTS that we did in Newfoundland. It was shipped here with your name all over it.
Err... yes yes I did  ;D

only been sized not "trained" on how to bend the damn rods
Snaketnk said:
Vern, any idea when CTS is supposed to come by Gagetown next?

End-May. And that's to size/lesson out the ResF mbrs from 36 & 37 Bgde who were not sized during the last visit CTS/Clothing Gagetown did to NS, NB, Nfld due to being away on courses etc. PEIR will also be looked after in May.

We are currently arranging our nights for the duration of their visit (and weekends too) so that we can get the RegF guys who've been posted in to 1st line since their last visit done at the same time as CTS' trip down for 36 & 37.

Exact date/timing for stragglers from your Unit should be out shortly.
Thank you so much for that, a little late for our ex in April, but I can be assured that I'll have it before too long. Thanks again.
Snaketnk said:
Thank you so much for that, a little late for our ex in April, but I can be assured that I'll have it before too long. Thanks again.

Nema problemo; that's why the green relish-outfitters choose to pay me.
I can't believe it's cheaper to send a bunch of CTS yahoos across the country on TD a gazillion times than to publish a nice little booklet like they did for the '82 pattern webbing/ POS rucksack (even if the ruck sucked  ;D).  Gee, I even remember how to disassemble/reassemble it, as I just had to in order that it got some long overdue cleaning done for my BFT this week...

medicineman said:
I can't believe it's cheaper to send a bunch of CTS yahoos across the country on TD a gazillion times than to publish a nice little booklet like they did for the '82 pattern webbing/ POS rucksack (even if the ruck sucked  ;D).  Gee, I even remember how to disassemble/reassemble it, as I just had to in order that it got some long overdue cleaning done for my BFT this week...


Booklets!!?? PPTs!!??

I've got people qualified to size with the jigs - it's the jigs we can't get.

What, exactly, are you suggesting?  8)
I remember those 1982 booklets.

Why one needs to attend lectures on a back pack is beside me.

So from no booklets (1964 ruck) to a booklet 1982 eqpt, to now attending lessons and sizing.

Whats next for the future generation of rucks after this one?

Sounds way to complicated, and politically correct.

No lessons - no ruck  :( , wow.


ArmyVern said:
Booklets!!?? PPTs!!??

I've got people qualified to size with the jigs - it's the jigs we can't get.

What, exactly, are you suggesting?  8)

Did you not state you needed to attend the lectures as well?  If it were as simple as your very capable techs fitting the (eventual) would be users with the jigs, they'd all have the rucks wouldn't they?  I'm suggesting that someone in Ottawa stop that time honoured ass protecting/bank account building bit of leadership known as "carving a niche for myself and only myself for perpetuity" (OK, even I'm a bit guilty).  Unless of course I misread all that and should get those 2 neurons of mine back synapsing together instead of where ever... ;D.

ArmyVern said:
The new ruck is not stocked at base level, nor are the sizing jigs. Clothing Stores can do nothing for you. This is national CTS policy and it is CTS control of this item that prevents you and others in first line units from getting this item now -when you need it-. You will be sized for it and issued it when CTS arranges to do another visit to your location and you jump through the hoops they arrange there.

The sizing jigs are held by CTS in NDHQ. Personnel requiring the new ruck must attend the lessons on utilizing this kit. They must also be sized by qual'd pers using the CTS jigs that are kept in NDHQ. CTS must present these lessons (their policy, not Supply's, nor clothing because if it were up to us....). If you do not attend the lessons OR the sizing ... CTS will NOT release a ruck from the depot to your local clothing outlet for you.

We are in the exact same situation here. As is every other 1st line unit in Canada who has had soldiiers posted into it since CTS had visited that location. Their next visit to this lcation is end-May ... and we've had troops waiting since last APS.

No BS - you get to wait until next time CTS is at your base on a TD trip so that they can personally oversee you get the lessons and sized.

How's that for total control of Army kit? Not very convenient ehh? Not very conducive to actually getting the kit into the hands of the soldiers either is it? I have pers here qualified to size you, but I can't get the jig to actually DO that. Nor can we give you the lectures (more ppt death). Go figure.

But heck, it keeps a project cell (and some people in it employed) now over a decade old in business doesn't it?

NO BS from me. That's how it is. Sometimes, the truth hurts. I do not agree with the stranglehold they have on this and other items ... it's killing our trade and is actually preventing us from kitting and supporting soldiers like you when you need that support.

OK, I had a really good rant all typed out, then deleted it, so now I feel better. Suffice to say, that has got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard of in my 30 some odd years of serving. Yep, we need more empire builders ::)

I know an organization that needs an enema. ;)