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Lets dispell this gay myth

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Remeber when "gay" was being happy.
Everyone sing the Flinstones tune with me.....

Meet the Flintstones
They're the modern Stone Age Family
From the town of Bedrock
They're a page right out of history

Let's drove with the family
Down the street
Through the courtesy of Fred's
Two feet
When you're with the Flintstones
Have a
Yabba-dabba-doo time
A dabba-Doo time
We'll have a gay
Old time

Flintstones ...

Someday maybe Fred will
Win the fight
Then the cat
Will stay out
For the night
When you're with the Flintstones
Have a
Yabba-dabba-doo time
A dabba-doo time
We'll have a gay
Old time
We'll have a gay
Old time

Flintstones ...

I didn't care if Fred and Barney were gay. I just thought they were good neighbours.
paracowboy said:
I agree with GO!! here:  and I feel the same when I see hetero people behaving the same way in public. It's inappropriate, and kids don't need to see adults acting like that.

"The OC" is just as bad as "Queer as Folk" - I was flipping through the channels the other night and Showcase had some fat lady in a leather suit sticking a dildo up a 60 year old man's ass.  There are plenty of things of an erotic nature that could be more discreet in my books.
"The OC" is just as bad as "Queer as Folk" - I was flipping through the channels the other night and Showcase had some fat lady in a leather suit sticking a dildo up a 60 year old man's ***.  There are plenty of things of an erotic nature that could be more discreet in my books.

I'd have to agree with you, I don't much enjoy any of those shows and just think their trash, and I'd say that I'm not a big fan of public displays of affection like making out on a park bench what have you whether hetero or homo.
Futuretrooper said:
Personally I don't really see how a bunch of naked men, some clad in bondage outfits and simulating anal sex is a celebration of life. In Edmonton the elected mayor didn't want a pride parade and was elected by the people, however was told he would be charged for human rights violations if he didn't. As well in BC a counsellor was fired for arguing against allowing gay pride magazines in schools which proclaimed the joys of S&M because it was contradictory to his beliefs, guess what he got fired, despite the fact he their was no proof he displayed hatred towards GLB youths. At a gay pride parade I remember seeing a parade float which mocked the pope and catholics, shouldn't they be considered hate. I think that if gays and lesbians expect us to be tolerant of their lifestyles, they should be tolerant of other peoples lifestyles as well.

I remember reading on a seperate thread about how the Globe and Mail's first page was all about the huge gay pride parade in Toronto, then on the second page in the bottom corner a tiny heading and photo about the veterans who were remember the 50th anniversary of the end of the Korean War. My problem is that it seems that all Canada's starting to become is a country that puts gay pride before tradition. I don't think that should be the case.

well said.

gay people should not be going out and rubbing the fact they are gay in everyones faces. the gay pride parade, is to much, it is stupid and pointless. strait people do not go to a parade every year to celebrate strait pride day. strait people don't go around going " I'm strait and i am proud" 

this is my opinion but i have a strong feeling that if strait people were to have a strait pride parade, it would raise a hole lot of s***. the parade would be "Discriminatory" towards the gay community. it would not fly.

with the float that mocks the pope and catholics. that is complete and utter stupidity. if the catholic church were to create a float mocking gay people, well i am sure you can imagine what would happen.
"Why do I have to tell my kids that the two gay bikers simulating sodomy on a carnival float..."

I think that these public displays of overtly homosexual behaviour began as a way of forcing an accepting society to address homosexuality as a real presence. People just didn't address it, unless you were gay of course. This kind of thing forced people to at least acknowledge their presence.Now, homosexuality is accepted by most as common, and not a perversion (in the same way that bestiality is for instance). Not all of us see it as 'normal' or 'right', but I think we can all agree that homosexuals are not 'sick' and don't require counselling.

Now, because homosexuality has achieved this acceptance, there is no more need for these overt and outrageous displays. Just as I don't parade around saying " Look at me! I'm straight with a wife and kid! Accept me!" They are now part of mainstream society. Homosexuals should be glad that they no longer need to do this sort of thing.
should we ban the Santa Claus Parade for fear of upsetting non-Christians, or maybe that huge Caribbean parade they have in T.O. every year.  If you don't want to see it don't bother watching it.  Its one day.  I do agree that the floats should be tasteful mind you and therefore fall under indecency laws.
well said.

gay people should not be going out and rubbing the fact they are gay in everyones faces. the gay pride parade, is to much, it is stupid and pointless. strait people do not go to a parade every year to celebrate strait pride day. strait people don't go around going " I'm strait and i am proud"

this is my opinion but i have a strong feeling that if strait people were to have a strait pride parade, it would raise a hole lot of s***. the parade would be "Discriminatory" towards the gay community. it would not fly.

with the float that mocks the pope and catholics. that is complete and utter stupidity. if the catholic church were to create a float mocking gay people, well i am sure you can imagine what would happen.

Ok cadets, you're teenagers. You're at an age where you're insecure about sexuality, so you look for easy targets. You can't spell. We get it. Thanks for all the insight and contributions (or as we use to say without any hint of innuendo, thanks for coming out!).  ::)

My question is: Can I be a sniper if I'm openly gay? Will the course staff give me any funny looks?  Cuz u no I think being gay would really help with colour co-ordinating my ghillie suit, and thatz really important!!111

and I did a search already and couldnt find anything so plz help plz :cdn: :salute: :threat: :rage: :warstory:

Sorry, I can't even imitate their posting style if I tried. How long before this becomes another army.ca running joke?

Hutch, the Catholics don't need a parade.  The pope sticks his head out of his window every so often, tells the faithfull that all gays are sinners and they'll burn in hell, tells the third world not to use condoms, and then decries the loss of his faithful to attrition, HIV and AIDS.

The sacrament of Communion is to (sic) much.  It is stupid and pointless.  Agnostics don't go to church every week to celebrate the life of a mythical carpenter 2000 years ago, they don't go around saying "I'm not sure, and I'm proud".

Kids these days...

Paramedtech..........way too close to the line, put a leash on it!

...and out of curiousity, do you not think you sound kind of stupid preaching that gays are no different, etc..and then slamming another segment of the population?
I'm glad to see productive conversation.. thank you

AS for the gay bikers....

PLEASE.. I've seen many gay pride parades  (I LIVE IN TORONTO!!! Don't get any ideas!)

The bikers guys.. that was one float out of 100?

ONE FLOAT...  the rest of the floats were pretty decent and family oriented even.

But which float makes it on every news channel and newspaper....  The naked gay bikers.
And thats what we think of being gay is.  Its not. Its a very very small segment of their
population that get 80% of the media.

And thats what i'm trying to say with my bad experiences early in life. All you need to do is see
the bad side once.. and its hard to realize the rest isn't like that.  Most gay people don't want
to be in your face, but just to be normal like everyone else.

A float mocking the pope.. well, he denounces them openly daily and with world wide
media coverage.  I can see their point in being upset. 

Just remember try to see the whole picture of gay life, not one aspect.  Our combined stories
can show different parts that others don't see.  Thats how we learn.
Trinity said:
PLEASE.. I've seen many gay pride parades   (I LIVE IN TORONTO!!! Don't get any ideas!)

You aint seen nothing yet, until you have seen Sydney's Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. It was a shocker for this prairie boy back in 95 let me tell ya! Its held ever autumn (March). Do a search for it. I have been to several with othert couples, as you can make an evening out of it and its truly an eye opener. Dikes on Bikes (100s upon 100s topless <from fat to flat and all between> women on motorcycles at that), the ADF's float, and the Police float, etc. Flesh is openely flashed by both sexes. the circus is really in town!

As much as I do NOT condone such activity or the lifestyle, well over 500,000 people line the streets, the majority of them straight (like me), and the partys are outragous to say the least. Infact insane enough to make most card carrying catholics (I am an RC, so I can say that) cringe and curl their toes to the 10th power. The police make very few arrests.

Sydney has a gay population the size of Regina (the largest gay concentrated population in the world), and entire suburbs are TOTALLY gay, and I mean TOTALLY! However, great cafes and trendy shops (and heaps of fettish/bizarre sex shops too if you are into that), and one feels totally safe in these areas. I really do, like a feeling of being safe, don't laugh. My 80 yr old Aunt out from the Bible Belt of central Saskatchewan (she never misses a Mass and even went to them while in Sydney) was in disbelief and TOTAL shock when she observed two men clad in leather and hotpants, chains sweying, Freddy Mercury clones, were pashing it up with their tongues (serious tonsil hockey, yes SERIOUS  ;D ) on Oxford Street. I'll never forget the look on her face for as long as I live ;D

This exposure to this culture at first disgusted me to no end (in fact beyond belief bringing my redneck Saskatchewan side out), but over time, it has allowed me to have much more tolerance than I ever thought I could muster. Now I just accept it (don't agree with it), and carry on.


ParaMedTech said:
Hutch, the Catholics don't need a parade.  The pope sticks his head out of his window every so often, tells the faithfull that all gays are sinners and they'll burn in heck, tells the third world not to use condoms, and then decries the loss of his faithful to attrition, HIV and AIDS.

The sacrament of Communion is to (sic) much.  It is stupid and pointless.  Agnostics don't go to church every week to celebrate the life of a mythical carpenter 2000 years ago, they don't go around saying "I'm not sure, and I'm proud".

Kids these days...

hey bud, since there has already been a warning for you i will not personally attack you, or what ever you believe in, i have more class than that.

1st point do not insult he pope. he does not stick his head out a window to say gays are sinners and will burn in hell. john Paul 2 was loved and respected by more than just the catholics. DON'T INSULT THE POPE.

2nd he does not tell 3rd world countries to not wear condoms. the catholic church believes that life is a sacride thing. the idea of sex is that you are giving yourself to the one you love, creating new life. in a 3rd world contry i don't think a rapist would put on a condom to rape a kid.

so just grow up

2332Piper said:
Attack the idea Britney, not the man. Flaming is what turns things like these into what you like to call 'running jokes'. (I know, I do it too sometimes, we're all guilty of it, but still, when its not called for...).

Being a cadet does not necessarily make you stupid, neither does being a teenager. I'm 18 and an ex-cadet, does that make me sexually insecure and not capable of forming an opinion?

"There are idiots in every race etc...." applies to cadets...and by extension the CF as well.

thanks for stepping in there i may of said something that might get me in trouble. but like it was said, piper is 18 and in the reserves, i am 18 and in the cadets. since this topic has nothing to do with the military, why bring the fact that i am a cadet into it?
Sydney has a gay population the size of Regina (the largest gay concentrated population in the world), and entire suburbs are TOTALLY gay. However, great cafes and trendy shops (and heaps of fettish shops too if you are into that), and one feels totally safe in these areas.

Good god, I know where I'm moving to now. The next time I come off a winter ex I'll probably say fuck it and go straight to the airport. Why even bother to unpack?

oh i know that the catholic church has its flaws. everything does. there are very few catholics that have not used birth control.
My experiences:
I grew up in a pretty smalll town where no one talked about homosexuality. When I first came to Vancouver I worked at an accounting firm and there was a very 'out' guy there. I was a bit shocked at first but then once I got to know him I really liked him. He was in a long-term relationship and his partner was a great guy too.

Then I started a new job, I was invited to the Christmas lunch to get to know everyone. The other woman I would be working with directly was about 20 yrs older than me and seemed kinda mad at the world. She leaned over during the lunch and said to me: "I hope you know I'm gay. I hope that doesn't bother you" I said "oh, not at all, but I'm not and I hope that doesn't bother you".

Then in 1985 after a good friend was murdered, I attended the annual Take Back the Night March. I went with my sister and we had my daughter in a stroller while we marched along and chanted. That night as we watched the news looking to see ourselves we noticed that I was pushing the stroller and marching right behind a big banner that read: LESBIAN MOTHERS AGAINST VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN oooovey we got a giggle out of that.

Needless to say I've met plenty of gay people in my life and some I've liked and some I haven't. As far as the rights of gays and lesbians to be united officially in a ceremony before their friends and family, I have no problem with that at all. Why shouldn't they get the same benefits as anyone else if they are in a committed relationship? Some employers provide benefits to same sex couples, but it took a long time for that. In the meantime heterosexuals could switch 'spouses' annually and just put their latest girlfriend/boyfriend on their dental plans, etc. That drove costs up becauses the new 'spouse' would get thousands in dental work done, then the relationship fails and the next cavity ridden spouse comes along and sucks a few more thousand out of the plan....but I digress...

That's my $0.02, Trinity thank you for starting this thread.

-Hutch- said:
hey bud, since there has already been a warning for you i will not personally attack you, or what ever you believe in, i have more class than that.

1st point do not insult he pope. he does not stick his head out a window to say gays are sinners and will burn in heck. john Paul 2 was loved and respected by more than just the catholics. DON'T INSULT THE POPE.

2nd he does not tell 3rd world countries to not wear condoms. the catholic church believes that life is a sacride thing. the idea of sex is that you are giving yourself to the one you love, creating new life. in a 3rd world contry i don't think a rapist would put on a condom to rape a kid.

so just grow up

Are you by chance submitting an application for the Swiss Guards ?

thanks for stepping in there i may of said something that might get me in trouble. but like it was said, piper is 18 and in the reserves, i am 18 and in the cadets. since this topic has nothing to do with the military, why bring the fact that i am a cadet into it?
1st point do not insult he pope. he does not stick his head out a window to say gays are sinners and will burn in hell. john Paul 2 was loved and respected by more than just the catholics. DON'T INSULT THE POPE.

2nd he does not tell 3rd world countries to not wear condoms. the catholic church believes that life is a sacride thing. the idea of sex is that you are giving yourself to the one you love, creating new life. in a 3rd world contry i don't think a rapist would put on a condom to rape a kid.

Well, in John Paul's book Memory and Identity he refers to homosexuality as ideology of evil.  He's also made many many strong statements against homosexuality over the years, with his first coming in '86 in which he refereed to it as a moral evil and an objective disorder (Cline 2005). 

As for Condom use, just do a google search, you'll find a tonne of websites about it.

Cline, Austin. 2005.  Pope John Paul II and Homosexuality.  http://atheism.about.com/od/popejohnpaulii/a/homosexuality.htm

edited for spelling
Let's keep this on topic guys. So far this thread has generated some pretty good discussion. Flaming each other over religious beliefs will get us nowhere. If you want to start a thread on the Catholic Church and how it has impacted the 3rd World, be my guest, but please try and keep it out of this thread.
What exactly is the 'gay myth'?  There seems to be a great deal of presumption that being against same-sex marriage is necessarily anti-gay (though to be anti-gay is necessarily same-sex marriage, I suppose).

Honestly, I really don't have a horse in this race (for all I care, you can go right on ahead and marry your dog/horse/sheep/blowup doll), but the whole same-sex-marriage-thing will almost certainly have a direct impact on the Catholic Church (and others).  To contend otherwise {e.g., in an earlier thread Trinity said "No one is going to force churches to marry anyone. ... No one is going to do anything they don't have to do."} illustrates a misunderstanding of how the legal system works, rather than a weighing of the relative merits of the Rights involved.  The question is not necessarily the "morality" of the Church, but rather to what degree are we willing to allow the authority of the State intrude upon that of the Church?  Despite insinuation to the contrary, it IS possible to be against Same-Sex Marriage without being against homosexuality.

Of course what do I know, it's not like I'm the Minister of Justice or anything:
Ottawa can't ensure religious protection in all same-sex fights: Cotler

Sue Bailey
Canadian Press

June 9, 2005

Justice Minister Irwin Cotler.(CP/Tom Hanson)

OTTAWA -- Liberals will tweak their contentious same-sex marriage bill but can't guarantee ironclad religious protections, admits Justice Minister Irwin Cotler.

Churches won't be forced to perform gay weddings, he says.

But it's beyond his legal reach to protect provincial marriage commissioners or religious organizations who turn away same-sex couples, he conceded Wednesday.

"That's right," Cotler said, when asked if his hands are tied by jurisdictional limits.

Ottawa has the authority to define marriage, but provinces have the power to solemnize weddings.

A range of conflicts has already emerged.

Human rights challenges are underway in cases where religious groups refused to rent halls for gay celebrations.

Marriage commissioners in several provinces, including Manitoba and B.C., have stepped down after receiving provincial orders to perform same-sex unions against their beliefs.

A couple in Prince Edward Island shut down their bed-breakfast rather than rent a room to a gay couple.

"These are very significant issues," says Conservative justice critic Vic Toews, a vocal opponent of the bill.

"We are opening up a Pandora's box, and this minister has steadfastly refused (to concede) that there are any problems.

"Now, as the evidence is piling up, he's beginning to wake up."

The bill is expected to pass the Commons in a vote as early as next week. It must also clear the Senate which plans to sit into the summer to consider it along with two budget bills.

If it becomes law, Canada would be just the third country in the world after the Netherlands and Belgium to legalize gay marriage.

Toews and other critics say crucial details must be worked out before the bill is enshrined in law.

He says Cotler must "deal with each of the provinces in terms of enacting corresponding legislation that will protect religious organizations and those who object to same-sex marriage for reasons of conscience."

Derek Rogusky, spokesman for Focus on the Family Canada, says those who oppose gay weddings are uneasy.

"Faith-based groups are not all that confident if their rights are going to be left up to the courts," said the senior vice-president of the conservative family values group.

Equality protections tend to trump religious freedoms in legal fights over gay rights, he said.

The divisive debate continues to expose deep rifts among political parties and Canadians in general.

Nearly three dozen Liberals are against changing the definition of marriage to allow same-sex weddings.

Former Liberal Pat O'Brien's decision this week to bolt the party because of his concerns about the bill pushed the minority government to consider amendments.

Cotler says any changes must be consistent with the need to balance equality rights and religious freedom.

Still, he supports the bill as it is and suggested there will be little more than tinkering with language to calm fears over its impact.
© The Canadian Press 2005
I seem to recall that the Church of England took a radical split in the 16th cent in part because the pope refused to annual Henry 8th's marriage (divorce) thus bring about the new churh of England (Anglican).  I think it was because of this heritage in growing with the times that Anglican church's today accept woman priests.  I post this because it shows that at least in some Christian beliefs there is room for growth.
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