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Length of BSOC in Kingston


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Does anyone know the number of weeks the Basic Signals Officers' Course is in Kingston?  This would be the Phase III and Phase IV that I'm wondering about.  I am sorry, I have searched and didn't find it, even on the recruiting site so if it is out there, I apologize in advance!


According to the CFRC website the link to SigOP specifies within that the training in Kingston lasts for about 6 months.

Not sure of that is still the case, but it's what they have listed in the info tabs.


According to the CFRC website the length of your training depends on your path of entry DEO,ROTP and so on...

The officers tab can be viewed by clicking show all on the jobs page.

Thank you for trying to help, however, going in as any officer plan (DEO, ROTP, CEOTP, whatever) will not change the time spent on the Basic Signals Officers' Course.  This is the information I'm looking for (length specifically), also how intense it is possibly?  I have read there are field exercises, how much of the course is spent in the field?  This information is not given on the CFR site online.  Thanks
Here's a pdf on the officers info's


Snafu, have you read this PDF?  Again, I have been to the recruiting site, seen the info (PDF included).  Can anyone who has useful info please help?  THank you.
From the CFSCE website:

Qualification Code: AISD   (DP 1 Pri 2)

* This Qualification is taught in the following two courses: Basic Signal Officer Course - Phase III; and Basic Signal Officer Course - Phase IV.

Qualification Title: Basic Signal Officer Course - Mod 1

Intended Audience:

084 Reg
R084 Res
Outline Of Training:

The aim of this course is to prepare personnel to perform the duties of a Signal Troop Commander. This course can be completed in 5 modules by Reserve Personnel who cannot meet the training period commitments. The course provides instruction on the following POs:

PO 001 - Employ Communication Information Systems (CIS). This PO focuses on employing CIS and implementing signal safety.
PO 003 - Perform the Functions of a Duty Officer. This PO focuses on maintaining Situational Awareness (SA)/Common Operating Picture (COP); briefing SA/COP; maintaining Communication Status (COMMSTAT); analyzing/monitoring systems, trends and networks; analyzing/monitoring the operation/performance of IS; investigating and reporting failures/deficiencies of IS; and conducting signal coordination and liaison.
PO 004 - Conduct Signal Reconnaissance. This PO focuses on conducting tactical signal reconnaissance and conducting infrastructure signal reconnaissance.
PO 005 - Conduct troop level signal operations.
Length of Course: 56 Training days.

Prerequisites: The following critical prerequisites have been identified for this training:

Be physically fit IAW CF Physical Fitness Standard;
Sec clr: Lvl 2;
Successfully completed their Basic Officer Training or Officer Indoctrination Course; and
Successfully completed the Common Army Phase Training or equivalent.
Number of Serials Run Per Year: 3


Qualification Title: Basic Signal Officer Course - Mod2

Intended Audience:

084 Reg
R084 Res
Outline Of Training:

The aim of this course is to conduct troop level signal operations in any signal environment . This course can be completed in 2 modules by Reserve Personnel who cannot meet the training period commitments. The course provides instruction on the following POs:

PO 002 - Apply Information Management (IM) Policies and Procedures. This PO focuses on applying IM policies; conducting Information Protection (IP) activities; obtaining and maintaining Certification and Accreditation (C&A) for assigned CIS; investigating breaches of IS security; and educating subordinates on IP policies and procedures.
PO 006 - Participate in Signal Operations Within a Joint Task Force. This PO focuses on applying signal doctrine to planning JTF operations and participating in JTF signal operations.
PO 002 - Apply Project Management Techniques. This PO focuses on identifying a project; conducting an options analysis; conducting a project definition; and conducting project implementation.
Length of Course: 43 Training days.

Prerequisites: The following critical prerequisites have been identified for this training:

Basic Signal Officer Course - Mod1

Number of Serials Run Per Year: 3

I do know they have an exercise (possibly more) in there somewhere, but having not done either course, I am unsure of the field time required.
awesome!  Thanks!  would still like to know about field exercises too if anyone knows?  Does anyone know if its possible to live off base for the course (I know it has to be approved and all...but just wondering if it has been done in the past).
I had some Phase III BSOC students when I was staff for a SigOp QL5 course at CFSCE. They went to the field with us, and rotated into the troop from our HQ at an arena. When not being assessed (all rotations as a Troop Comd were assessed), the students ran C/S 0, and manned the gate. Our exercise lasted 6 days.

A small tip for your Ph3 exercise, don't replace the Troop "Sgt" with your driver as the 3iC in your orders group. OCdt in question failed his assessment and we all got a good chuckle as I handed my rank epaulet to the EWAT who was acting as the Troop Comd driver.
Mod 1 is 11 weeks long, comprised of 3 exercises of which 1 is in the field. That is the notorious Mercury Storm. As Puckchaser says, it is 6 days long.

Mod 2 is 9 weeks long, comprised of 2 exercises of which none involves being in the field. The final exercise is in a classroom. One of those shiftwork deals that goes for 5 days.

Yes, it is possible to live off base, as that is what the majority of the RMC candidates do. Also, most leave on the weekend. Be sure to inform you course staff as soon as possible WRT living arrangements as there is always a fire drill over who gets meal cards, room allotments and the like.
Hello everyone,

I am a French-speaking candidate of Quebec and I going on phase 3 next summer. I had some question about French-speaking candidates.  They can make their evaluation or exam in French or the instructors cannot evaluate candidate in french language ? In order to prepare me for this mod, what do you advise me to read to facilitate my phase 3 ? Do you have access to the material of course ? I looked on webtop and there almost nothing compared to the other courses...Neway, any information will help me.

thanks a lot.
Every effort is made to accommodate francophone candidates. Currently it is a bilingual course, however, the functional language is English. Exams can be taken in either language, and projects can also be completed in either language.

Language will not be a barrier, so don't expect it to be.

As far as preparation is concerned there will be a pre-reading list sent out in your joining instructions. It will have all the usual suspects (300 series), but those will be covered ad naseum during the course, so you can almost get by without looking at them if you are a quick reader. I would however, get into the new Signals in Land Operations (SILO) as well as the ACP-125 1B. Become intimately familiar with Military Symbols for Land Operations (B-GL-331-003) as it will help you on both Mod 1 and 2.

Next Summer will be the last time for training under the current trade structure, so there will be a bundle of fun to be had at CFSCE.
lugarou said:
Next Summer will be the last time for training under the current trade structure, so there will be a bundle of fun to be had at CFSCE.

What is it that is changing?
ada said:
What is it that is changing?

I should clarify. The Sig O trade isn't changing, yet, however the amalgamation of the Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS trades will alter the employment aspects with regards to personnel management.

Also, CFSCE itself will be in the throws of trying to get the new structure implemented. In true Jimmy fashion it will be a sprint to the finish with lots of blood loss. The courses run in the Summer will probably get to be guinea pigs for a mess of things.

To make things even more interesting the current Commandant of CFSCE moves on after the Summer. Make of that what you will.
lugarou said:
I should clarify. The Sig O trade isn't changing, yet, however the amalgamation of the Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS trades will alter the employment aspects with regards to personnel management.

Also, CFSCE itself will be in the throws of trying to get the new structure implemented. In true Jimmy fashion it will be a sprint to the finish with lots of blood loss. The courses run in the Summer will probably get to be guinea pigs for a mess of things.

To make things even more interesting the current Commandant of CFSCE moves on after the Summer. Make of that what you will.

Right ok, just wanted to make sure.  I had read the other thread about the civvy positions replacing static CF positions, but wanted to make sure I didn't miss something with regards to the officer positions.

Thanks for the great info!
Don't get wrapped up in the changes to the Sigs Trades just yet.  There is a lot of work that needs to be done prior to MES (the combing of the Sigs Trades) coming into effect. 
The information provided about BSOC is on the money, even the advice about not making your driver the part of the command team.