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Knife Question

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Okay I can't resist. Go watch some more TV. You have no idea what a Fairburn Sykes knife even looks like nor will you be smart enough to even purchase one. It is not a practicle throwing weapon and is only good for sticking into somebody. You can't cut BD with it. You can't do anything but stick it into somebody period. Not good for anything else except maybe tent pegging. Either get a life or go back to watching TV as you are obviously very good at it judging by your knowledge
.....thread spiral warning.........thread spiral warning.........thread spiral warning....

You remind me of a very young man I spent a great deal of time talking with a while back. So, I'm not gonna torment you much today, aside from suggesting perhaps you should be issued a plastic spork.

I can throw knives. I can throw them rather well, and quite accurately. But, not because I ever expected to do so in battle, but rather because it earned me beer as a young man. A much more sensible reason, no?
For that matter, I have spent a great deal of time in my mis-spent youth learning to use swords, while mastering the art of the Sukiyama Nose-Toss. But I ceased once I realized that:
1. I don't carry swords around regularly, and the skill was of no practical use.
2. Rock beats Scissors. Guns beat Swords.

Trust me, my spork-wielding berserker, once you are in the Infantry (subtle, eh?), you will be carrying enough heavy, awkward, uncomfortable, unwieldy, barely-functioning crap, that a big heavy knife will be the last thing you want added to your already overwhelmed pack-mule frame.

And nobody carries a knife or sword strapped to their back, outside of the movies. Because, you see, those guys aren't wearing 80 lb rucksacks on their back.
I like knives too.

I have some knives.  I named my knives as they are my friends.

There is Bertha, and Joe Joe.....


Gun does not beat sword, in the literal sense. A .50 cal on full auto will not destroy a sword for at least multiple shots. The sword I would choose is a Katana. The .50 cal bullets would be severed into multiple pieces after being shot directly at the swords sharpened edge. If you shot once the sword would not break.
Wow, how do you make sure your D&D Dungeon Master deploys with you?
CuttingOnions said:
Gun does not beat sword, in the literal sense. A .50 cal on full auto will not destroy a sword for at least multiple shots. The sword I would choose is a Katana. The .50 cal bullets would be severed into multiple pieces after being shot directly at the swords sharpened edge. If you shot once the sword would not break.


Who are you kid.

Have you tried this.. please can I see the pictures.

You're a retard.

And if I'm the one saying it, you know there's problems here.







In the future, provide links or proof..

Instead of making everyone else look it up...

Cool video..  you're right. It can withstand a few hits

NOW.. in light of me being wrong

You can stand there with a sword and I'll fire a 50 calibre at you
and we'll see if I can hit the sword as many time as in the video.

(Hence, my personal opinion of you)
CuttingOnions said:
I also googled .50 cal vs sword. First hit.

OK, please explain how you get the enemy to cooperate and then surrender based on that?
We were talking about a gun beating a sword. Nowhere did anyone talk about someone getting killed in the process.
Ah, then I reiterate, Google reality.

Did you forget about this:

I ask because I would want this knife to be very long and strapped to my back, the higher up the knife is strapped the better. I want to throw the knife if I found myself in a situation that it could be used effectively against the enemy because British troops used their knives this way in World War 2.
CuttingOnions said:
We were talking about a gun beating a sword. Nowhere did anyone talk about someone getting killed in the process.

I think somebody needs a visit from the purple-shirted eye stabber
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