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Keep JTF2 'killers' on military base


Army.ca Veteran
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Gordon O'Conner just made my "stupid people" list. Not that he was far from it to start.

What, the they suck the common sense form this man's body when he was elected to Parliment? I can not believe he was a Genral in our military.


Keep JTF2 'killers' on military base: Tory: Highly secretive unit trained to be 'anti-social:' ex-general O'Connor


Soldiers in Canada's special forces unit, JTF2, should move from their current Dwyer Hill location to a military base because they are highly trained in "anti-social" behaviours and need to be kept strictly disciplined, says Conservative defence critic Gordon O'Connor.

"They're very highly trained people who are trained in anti-social skills, I would call it -- they're trained to kill people in various ways," Mr. O'Connor, a former army general, told the Citizen's editorial board yesterday. "I would prefer them to be under iron-tight discipline inside a military base."

The top-secret Joint Task Force 2 is currently located at the corner of XXXXXXXXand XXXXXX roads, about XXXXXXXX of Ottawa's downtown core, in Mr. O'Connor's riding of Carleton-Mississippi Mills.

Relations between the top-secret unit and its neighbours have been less than harmonious in recent years. Neighbours have complained about low-flying military helicopters, gunfire and explosions and accused JTF2 officials of harassing them in an effort to force them to sell their land.

One landowner is suing the Defence Department for digging a trench across his property, an act defence officials have admitted. (The unit offered to purchase the land, but declined a counter-offer to buy him a similar-sized lot in the area.)

With the unit in the midst of an expansion from 300 to 600 soldiers, defence officials are contemplating moving it somewhere else in the region or expanding the current location. Mr. O'Connor has previously suggested moving the installation to the former airbase in Rockcliffe Park or to Petawawa.

"I want organizations like that in military bases," Mr. O'Connor said.

"(With) a force like that, you have to maintain very tight discipline."

The two challengers in Carleton-Mississippi Mills yesterday said the unit should stay where it is.

"I would be very proud to represent men and women of that calibre in the riding," Liberal hopeful Isabel Metcalfe said.

"It's got to go somewhere, so it might as well stay where it is," NDP candidate Tasha Bridgen echoed.

No need to let the whole world know where they work    ;)
Not only is it a very stupid statement, it also is deeply insulting to the members of the unit and their families. As someone who had the pleasure of working with the unit in my last posting before retirement, I can also state that it ignores the screening and selection process. It is unfortunate that Mr O'Conner once again demonstrated his remarkable ability to shove his size twelves into his tonsils.
He, and his staff, are batting ZERO.  They have to be asleep at the wheel.  Last month the Government, the City of Ottawa, and DND announce the sale of CFB Rockcliffe through Canada Lands Company to the City of Ottawa to be developed in the same fashion as Garrison Woods in Calgary.  ::)
Soldiers in Canada's special forces unit, JTF2 The Conservative Defence Critic,Gordon O'Connor, should move from their current Dwyer Hill his current Parliament hill location to a military base because they are he is highly trained proficient in "anti-social" behaviours and need(s) to be kept strictly disciplined, says Conservative defence critic Gordon O'Connor we!.
ack the edit, but that was direct copy and paste out of the newspaper article.
I shudder to think what would happen with O'Conner as MND... it's enought to make a conservative like me hope they don't get elected, except for the the Liberal handgun ban... no win situation!!  >:(
Imagine the destruction and Mayhem that the "ahem" General can get at once he's at the wheel.

General O'Connor is NOT on my Christmas wish list this year
what an ignorant article.   What does putting them on a base do in terms of maintaining their discipline?

Hell, that place has better security than any base I've seen in Canada.

As far as the location goes, no need to edit.   Its not sensitive information, its public knowledge.

not sure if this is in my lane, but here's his email if you wish to respond to his comments  gordon@electoconnor.ca
weel that makes one less volunteer for his campaign.

jeezus H cripes what a thing to say.
Let's see - O'Connor is now batting 0 for 5.  I hope the Liberals get elected in that riding.
Note to Carleton Place....do not vote for this imbecile.

Kinda wish I still lived in Merrickville so I could drive north a little and see what pure stupidity actually looks like.........
Note to Harper- rein this guy in Now!!!! Last time it was randy Whites big mouth that cost him votes out here in BC
With the unit in the midst of an expansion from 300 to 600 soldiers, defence officials are contemplating moving it somewhere else in the region or expanding the current location. Mr. O'Connor has previously suggested moving the installation to the former airbase in Rockcliffe Park or to Petawawa. -----The Liberals have just recently given away this large piece of real estate to one of their friends----.

Note to Carleton Place....do not vote for this imbecile... --- Carleton Place is not in the Carleton-Mississippi Mills riding, its part of Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington.---

"I would be very proud to represent men and women of that calibre in the riding," Liberal hopeful Isabel Metcalfe said.    ----Isabel does not live in our riding, she Resides in the Glebe and so far will not say if she intends to move in to the riding---

> September 10, 2005

Voice of Women on General Hillier's Abusive Language

As Co-Chairs for The Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW) we are 
writing to express our dismay and concern over the swaggering, 
offensive and militaristic language used by Chief of the Defence 
Staff, General Rick Hillier in reference to Canada's new mission in 
Afghanistan and more so over the Canadian government's swift 
sanctioning of his comments. To refer to the enemy as he did as 
"detestable murderers and scumbags" who detest our freedoms, society 
and liberties and to then aver that the job of the Canadian Forces is 
"to be able to kill people" is at odds with our sensibilities and 
cultural sensitivities as Canadians, with our core public policy 
values and with our foreign policy tradition. In this regard, we 
find General Hillier's remarks decidedly un-Canadian and 
uncharacteristically akin to the militaristic, gun - toting culture 
to the south, with its 'cowboy' rhetoric and belligerent and bullying 
unilateral approach to global politics and its unending 'war on 

Yours sincerely,
Janet M Eaton, PhD. Co-Chair 
Janis Alton, Co-Chair
Canadian Voice of Women for Peace

Janet M Eaton, PhD,
133 Main St., 
Wolfville, NS B4P 1C2

WSWS : News & Analysis : North America : Canada
Canada: top general spouts rhetoric of Bush administration
By David Adelaide
17 August 2005

General Hillier justified the expanded Canadian presence with the absurd assertion that the Afghan resistance to foreign occupation poses a threat to ordinary Canadians. The CAF, he vowed, was "not going to let those radical murderers and killers rob from others and certainly we're not going to let them rob from Canada."

Clearly not much insight will be gained from a careful parsing of the general's sentences. Politically, the most significant thing about Hillier's remarks is not the comments themselves, but rather the extent to which they have received a sympathetic response from the entire Canadian political establishment, including the social-democratic New Democratic Party (NDP).

Canada Goes To War

By D.L. McCracken
Jul 17, 2005, 11:20
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Canada's newest Chief of Defence, General Rick Hillier with only a few words has cast off Canada's global peacekeeping mantle and donned a new cape with a mere two sentences - "We're not the public service of Canada, we're not just another department. We are the Canadian Forces, and our job is to be able to kill people."

As described by General Hillier
Thank you for correcting my geography however I noticed you did nothing but skirt the issue with little coloured fishies........

What exactly has the JTF personall done to deserve this public kick to the groin?
The first I heard about this is when I logged on to Army.ca. I work for a private company and not for the Government or the party , but will be asking about this first thing tomorrow when I go down to the campaign office. Just as surprised as everybody else.
Mr Dorian,

I realize that you are a supporter, proponent and (I believe) a member of Mr O'Connor's election team, however, don't you find it surprising that members of the military are expressing concern over comments attributed to Mr O'Connor?  

You haven't address this at all in your posts and of bigger issue than Mr O'Connor, is a rejection of some of the defence policies being raised by the Conservative Party.  In the last six months, stationing a battalion in Goose Bay (pure pork barrelling), and recently, standing the airborne regiment back up, are suspect and don't reflect changes that have been initiated by the current government and CDS.  Military personnel, by their nature, usually support the Conservative Party however this election has raised concerns of currently serving members that see a clear direction being taken with the military.  A new leader (Gen Hillier), a new organization (ripping NDHQ apart that was created by the likes of Mr O'Connor), new equipment beginning to come on line, and promised money and personnel by the current Liberal government have certainly been a morale boost to those currently serving as well as those that remain interested in the CF.  

Now, concern over Mr O'Connor's comments and positions of the Conservative Party have CF members actually phoning in support to Mr O'Connor's Liberal opponent.  This should be of more importance to you rather than the rantings of the Canadian Voice of Women (VOW) who would probably criticise the CDS whether he said the CF should be able to kill people or whether the CF should be able to hand out teddy bears.  Give the Canadian Military and the public a clear policy direction that makes sense to us and drag the Canadian voter on line.  This election remains the Conservatives to loose.  


dorionhawk said:
With the unit in the midst of an expansion from 300 to 600 soldiers, defence officials are contemplating moving it somewhere else in the region or expanding the current location. Mr. O'Connor has previously suggested moving the installation to the former airbase in Rockcliffe Park or to Petawawa. -----The Liberals have just recently given away this large piece of real estate to one of their friends----.

Hmnmm.... didn't the 1st article talk about the Base going to the City of Ottawa ?