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Karla Homolka gives birth

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I am just putting my two cents in.  I said that I don't agree with what she did in the past.  She should never have been given a plea bargain to begin with and should be in jail for life.  But she was given that bargain and got out after doing her time. 
She is done her time. Let her be... but if she acts up again. The only person to point the finger at, is the judge. It is a chance our system let's us have. Now if we don't like the system, the people, "us" have to change it my raising our statements. Vote is a strong tool. I am not going to rant this one off. But I am sure you get the idea.
As Christie Blatchford said in her article, when more became known of the crime, there was enough to at least render null and void her plea bargain on the basis of non-disclosure of information (on her part).  In other words, she failed to keep her end of the "bargain".  Nobody had the cajohnes to do it.  This rotten person is free, has learned a new language and has a new life.  We pandered to her by taking her from Kingston and dropping her off in Quebec.  We pander and we pander, but heaven forbid if we punish.  Anyway, here's hoping she looks left when she steps out in traffic in Jamaica and gets hit by a tap-tap.
I think it's terrible that she was ever set free to begin with. I think that she belongs exactly where Bernardo is, locked up for life! What a slap in the face to the families of those that lost their children. The justice system has protected Karla for years, what did the justice system ever do to protect the families of these girls?

I would be concerned for the baby born to this woman also.


As unbelievable as it sounds there are worse things out there walking around raising kids doing who knows what to who knows who but no one seems to care because they weren't "media darlings".

Need more reasons to hug [ and watch] your children tonight?

Over there on the side of the highway.......A Car Wreck!

That is what this topic has turned into......A bunch of "Rubbernecking Voyeurs".

Get a life.....go back to Army.ca.

From Yrys

Thanks for the link, Baden Guy. I was looking for an article by Christie Blatchford that
the Globe had lock without luck. Now I have it.

And thank you very much for the link to the fine article and sentiment by Christie on Barbaro.
+1 Piper.

I was raised in the same town as where Karla took one of her victims from (in fact, I went through public school with her younger siblings), and being a small town, any news regarding Karla was felt far and wide in that town. Let me tell you, Karla is like she-who-shall-not-be-mentioned in that town... mentioning her name usually garners the attention of anyone within a 5 meter radius, and usually the reaction is negative (unless we're discussing reinstating the death penalty just for her).

Unlike the rest of people from where I was raised, I side with you Piper. She has served her time (regardless of how easy she was let off), and as such, she has the same rights as anyone else who has served their time. No doubt she and her child will be under intense scrutiny for the next couple years, but I think we can sleep at night with some comfort knowing that with all the attention on her, the child will be properly raised, be it by her, or by social services' delegated parents should the child be removed from her custody.

While I'm sure some members of Army.ca would like to perform a section attack upon her home, seize custody of her child and take her as POW whilist ignoring the Geneva Conventions regarding the treatment of POW's so that she may suffer, doing so would make us no better her during her crime spree some years ago. She's a Canadian citizen, and has every right to be free to live her life, regardless of what she did years ago.
As disgusted as many of you tend to be, Piper has hit the nail square on the head.

Be disgusted all you want.  In fact, you have the RIGHT to be.  You even have the RIGHT to post your disgust here even.  You have a RIGHT to think whatever you want.

...Just like Holmoka now has a RIGHT to raise a baby and have a family (among other vested rights and freedoms).  

What she did was horrible, atrocious and hideous and will forever remain so.

Whether it's right or not, the Canadian justice system has cleared her and deemed her to be fit to live free.

In my opinion, all the wolf criers should continue living their lives, just like she should be allowed to live hers.

[quote author=the 48th regulator l]
Legally yes, Morally never has she paid her time to society.

May she rot.



Ahhh Yes, We once again confuse The Law with Justice, which by the way, isn't synonymous.

I just wonder what kind of man, would wish to marry and Father children with a person of such a Infamous Background, he must be a SAINT or a cut from the same bolt of cloth as her ?????.

Oh ! by the way "George" is was my Job to stop at wrecks on the Highway, P.S. don,t forget the Church Dinner this Sunday.

[Edit to add "]" in code for quote.]
It does speak volumes to me about the kind of man that would get involved with, have children with and want to marry such a vile creature.  Served her time or not...she is a monster.
Piper said:
What about other released murderers and criminals who have kids? 48th, will you now post up the photos for every murder victim attached to their respective murderers? Should they all be prevented from having kids? What about the girls who beat Reena Virk to death? Should they be prevented from having kids later in life?

She has served her time. She now has every right in the world to have a kid. Morally, she is still a terrible person. And you know what, our justice system is flawed and she should have been put away for life. However, she wasn't and she is now free. So, she should be left alone to live her life. The justice system screwed the pooch, and has descecrated the memories of the dead girls and for that they should never be forgiven.

BUT, the point stands. Leave her alone, she's free to live her life. She is a free woman, she can do what she wants. Thats it, end of story. Justice has not been done, but it's over. She will not serve another day in prison. So, until she re-offends (if she does) she is free to do as she wishes.

Leave her alone.

That's right.

Let's leave her alone.

Sorry I tried to humanize the "Victims" much like your are humanizing that monster.  That's right those "victims" that she help to catpure, the "Victims" she aided in torturing, those same "victims"  she played a part in murdering.

Yes that is right, Karla is not the bad person, the justice system is for screwing the pooch.  Let us vent our anger on them, and let this poor girl alone.

I am glad you feel she has paid her debt to society, and deserves to be left alone and forgotten. Much like the way you would want us to forget her victims so it makes it easy to see Holmolka as a human.

May she rot, and not have one day of peace in her life.


Uhhh.... Big deal, whopdie doo..... so she's had a kid? So what?

The lady has been released after having done her time and that is that.

She's a sorry example of a human being and talking about her should be avoided.

Bye, bye

Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.........
I feel sorry for the poor kid, like he really has a chance, even if deranged past doesn't rub off on to him he is still sure to have a ruff time in school later on in life - "Yeah well your mom's a sicko freak and that makes you one looser" *Smack!* Beside unless he discovers a cure for cancer or something incredible he will go through life as "that sicko Homolka's kid"

I wish him luck as he is the only one in that "family" without a choice
Just one of the reasons she has chosen not to go back to Ontario.

I really don't think the kid will be able to escape it anywhere in Canada but like I said, I wish HIM the best of luck in his life
.... Carla isn't using Homolka, so he isn't going to be carrying the name Homolka either AND in Quebec, the child can use either (or both) parent's name.... so the child can have a name like Smith or Tremblay and no one will think anything of it.
    I heard about this story at work thought it was a sick joke .     She is not Fit to be a human being let alone be a parent I for once hop that children's aide will step in and save this child  .  
geo said:
.... Carla isn't using Homolka, so he isn't going to be carrying the name Homolka either AND in Quebec, the child can use either (or both) parent's name.... so the child can have a name like Smith or Tremblay and no one will think anything of it.
;D    Hijack Warning

Can you imagine what it'll be like in Quebec after ten generations, if everyone keeps both their parents surnames in the hyphenated form:  Marie Isabella Smyth-Jones-Levesques-Martin-Paquet-LeBlanc-Green-Trudeau-Smith-Guertin-O'Brien-Schnell-Obutto-Cartier-James-Carter-Belleau-Boudreau-Smith-Jones-Beaudin-Micheau-Dallaire-Cormier-Georges-Jules-Papineau-Krause..................................................   ::)

End Hijack
Locking this one up.

Time will tell how the child's life works out. No need for debates as to whether justice has/has not been done in this case. It's already been debated.

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