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still no one joining me on the 7th eh? i guess ill just go on the course alone haha.  If anyone is starting then, please let me know
When i talked to the recruiter he said that i go to St Jean on July 5th and BMQ starts on July 7th
As if your brithday is February 18, 1988 -18-18 !  That's the same day as mine.  So we'll be on the same BMQ. I'm comming from Northern Ontario, where are you headed in from?
Dolphado said:
As if your brithday is February 18, 1988 -18-18 !  That's the same day as mine.  So we'll be on the same BMQ. I'm comming from Northern Ontario, where are you headed in from?

That's kind of funny we have the same birthday. I'm coming from Campbell River, Vancouver Island, B.C. My name is Scott by the way. When do you fly out?
I also have been merit listed and hope to also join the rest of you in July or sooner maybe.  I was told last Wednesday that I will receive my call within a week as I had applied for an infantry position, and they get filled quicker usually.  Good luck and see you all soon at bmq.  By the way, I too am from southwestern Ontario.  Goderich to be exact.  Peace.
i thought i would be starting reserve bmq by latest july but by the looks of things it seems i will start in  september :-\
Hi.  My name is Pearl and I actually haven't been told which day I'd be flying out, but I am flying!  I guess I'll have to ask at my swear in ceremony on the 17th.  But really I'm figuring either the Friday or the Saturday before.
Dolphado said:
Hi.  My name is Pearl and I actually haven't been told which day I'd be flying out, but I am flying!  I guess I'll have to ask at my swear in ceremony on the 17th.  But really I'm figuring either the Friday or the Saturday before.

Awesome, see you there!
I start on the 7th as well....Flying out of Hali on the 5th. See you all there!!!
only one trade choice was made from the beginning. I chose AVN Tech and thats what I was offered. how about you?
quick question, are they still accepting people into the july courses?

Edit: or better yet when is the next infantry selection board.
I assume they are still accepting people into the July courses, being infantry etc.  Cause I only got my call on thursday last week and theres still quite a bit of time before my July BMQ starts.  O and im going in for combat engineer
ok cool dude, :P mabye we will run into each other there, the days seem to be ticking by so slow and I was only merit listed last friday!
yeah its definetly a nerv racking process, my buddy finshed his testing and interview etc. at the end of march, and began BMQ in the last week of April i believe it was.  So his process didnt take him long at all, he also went in for infantry
yeah, I do beleive infantry is a wanted trade  I was told to expect a call by mid june, but since it's in high demand I'm expecting it to take alot less longer, the captain of my CFRC was a really good guy and he waid he was going to speed it up as fast as possible, I'm even thinking i might get a call by the end of the week, I go to sleep with the phone on my headboard of my bed lol..

I'm Excited and the days right now seem to take weeks to go by.
I can do about 40 push ups and 40 sit ups, and I'm getting WAY better at running, not too concerned about the level 6 on the beep test, I'm more concerned about the 5k runs they will kill me, and from what i hear they get even jollier in my trade training course, BIQ and SQ, up to 20k :crybaby: