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Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

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Hey speaking of JTF, does anyone have a copy of that joke that was going around a while ago?

The JTF hand signals like

opps i think he was on our side, brought the wrong ammo again and help i cant reach that pouch etc..?


I think thats what you are looking for.
My favorite is "Im not going in there!"

Next time I hear "Take the trench!" im gonna give it a try and see what happens  ;)
"I brought the wrong ammo, again!"  and  "Oops, my fault!"  ;D

Uh-oh...laughing too hard...must...stop...laughing...getting stares from all the Afghans in the Ministry office I'm working in!  >:D

What a long read,  I don't know what JTF2 do now but I know what they did when I was in and worked as a special ops guy (Combat non JTF2), Which they were not!( then they were just SWAT) Today may be different but I will share a little laugh I got when I was doing a relief in place with an innocent naive air guy on a mountain top in YUGO (he was also special ops and not JTF2). As we did our handover he pointed out two guys that he referred to as tagging along with him and appeared to be really good campers and I should allow them to stay as they were "really good campers" I refused as they were not trained to do my deep battle special ops role and sent them packing with pouty faces. For the rest of my tour I had the distinct displeasure of having these two and others hovering around my veh just before a task asking (begging) me to take them to my operations, as usual I refused. I hope this sheds any light on how little they did and how the true special ops activities on tour were done by everday well trained soldiers all those rumours you heard could probably be confirmed by normal ever day soldiers who did uncommon actions as odered but were never part of JTF2 just looked like they were.
I for one am a little pissed at some rumours I have heard about my operations being credited to JTF2 or shall I say "Good Campers"
MikeM said:
I'm calling bullshit.
I'll second your call and raise it to the "extreme bullshit" level....

Anybody else out there aware of "his operations" which are now being credited to the JTF2? Going once, going twice....
3rd Horseman said:
What a long read,   I don't know what JTF2 do now but I know what they did when I was in and worked as a special ops guy (Combat non JTF2), Which they were not!( then they were just SWAT)

Bwaah, haah, haahhhh...   A self-styled ex-"special ops guy" (using civvie terminology to describe the HRT role, no less) purports to tell us all how it is/was.   At the same time, he dismisses those who do it for a living.   Oh, and according to his little self-aggrandizing diatribe, he did all of is own "special ops" out of a vehicle.  Yep, that sounds awfully "special" alright....  

Can you say " abject loser wannabe"?   I knew you could....   Thanks anyhow for the totally meaningless input.   I love people who waste my time.   "3rd Horseman" is right up there on my personal list of people to neck-punch should we ever cross paths.   What a total waste of oxygen.....

The words to describe this particular arse-clown truly escape me.   He we have a "poser extraordiare" who is is simply beyond contempt.  

What an abject f*cktard. 

And that is all I have to say about that....

Don't hold back, Mark, tell us what you REALLY think....
I guess you didnt see the humour in the "Good Campers" quote, like I said I dont know what they do now but 10 years ago my observations were just that my observations.  I am only trying to point out that back then alot of rumoured stuff was actually done but not by JTF2 but by everday soldiers who should have gotten the credit. It is not ment to be about me but all those soldiers who deserve the credit and have yet to get it as there good works are clouded by the mystery of JTF2.

 I still think the Good Campers sort of sums it up. I got a good laugh out of it.  
I am a new member tonight so I will defer to just read the posts for now not wanting to get people upset. By the way if my recolection is correct the original mandate was to take over SWAT duties for the anti terror role within Canada from th RCMP anti terror SWAT team. That is why I mixed civi short forms with Mil.

21 years of service
Combat arms
You're the only one laughing, because your self-serving sense of "humour" is sadly misplaced.  You must have served in a rather unique environment where you were " the man", because I've served in 3 locations overseas where the efforts of the DHTC contingent served all of us well.  We didn't pretend to do their job, and they didn't stamp on our appendages.  We shared information and it was to the benefit of all involved.

You have started off very poorly here.  Indeed, you have jumped very high and landed full-force with both feet firmly on your sexual appendage.

I highly recommend that if you plan to spend any time on this particular site, you suck back, reload, and do some reading before you post again.  Those who frequent this web-site are very tolerant.  By the same token, a quick read will confirm the fact that the folks who post here are not the sorts of fools who will accept blatant crap at face value.  Your previous post was utter tripe.  Your credibility therefore suffers.  My well-intentioned advice is to suck back and reload before you are considered to be a complete and utter numpty.

Keep it up, and one of two things will happen - either you will be banned outright, or (worse), someone will ask you for specifics and then proceed to shoot you down in flames.  Poseurs have no place here.  You wouldn't be the first to leave in utter shame.....  


Mark C

Dude - I'm sure who or what you where but until SOG stands up I dont think any unit in the CF has ever been called special operations.  Secondly I am aware of JTF ops that where credited to others, not the other way around.

I'm sorry your time in the CF left you with a bad taste in your mouth for the DHTC Ski Team but dont let the older I get, the better I was concept go to your head.

Yes originally there was not have much of a green side, the focus was where the Gov't at the time put it - into replacing the RCMP SERT for vital/national interest HRT.  However times change...

Oh and

What's does this mean "my deep battle special ops role "? While only a mere Reserve Inf Sgt, I have never heard this terminology used.

On the topic of terminology, it's not SWAT, in the RCMP it's ERT and JTF2 took over the role from SERT.

More tinfoil for your helmet.

noneck, at the fear of unleashing more scathing comments against me i will clarify my meaning of special ops

  Deep battle special ops is a term used to describe a deep recce activity beyond the brigade recce. Back when we had a Div all though mostly on paper it defined a specific deep Recce activity. Furthermore I never said a unit of the CF had a role or was referred to as special ops (not your issue but the other post). The term was used in the early 90s to describe non conventional activity that was better known as black ops(still a buzz word not truly in doctrine when I served), when the normal op was green or blue on UN duty the term special ops denoted black activity in a blue mission. None of it was doctrine just fly by the seat of your pants wording given to non conventional activity. And for the comment that I am somehow bitter...NOT, very pleased with my service and enjoyed ever day I spent with my soldiers(again not for you but other post).

For those that need an example,
During 95 when the blue UN mission was unraveling the French Foreign legion TFA and the Brits TFB arrived into YUGO with a green mandate they were given regular guys already in place working for NATO who had special training to conduct special ops these people were for all intense purposes black ops guys who worked for NATO and provided special activities to the UN Force commander and specifically to the TFA and B but mainly to NATO. There were SAS, SBS, Royal Marines Commandos, French Commandos and Royal Dutch marine commando last but not least the Canadians supplied two teams to this group, they were not JTF2. They were special ops trained regular Canadian soldiers, special ops has a different connotation then you are currently thinking.   

3rd Horseman said:
Deep battle special ops is a term used to describe a deep recce activity beyond the brigade recce.


Infanteer said:

Hold on now, I'm very familiar with Divisional Long Range Recce.  I believe it's found on page 162 of the now defunct GENFORCE publication.
For those that need an example,
During 95 when the blue UN mission was unraveling the French Foreign legion TFA and the Brits TFB arrived into YUGO with a green mandate they were given regular guys already in place working for NATO who had special training to conduct special ops these people were for all intense purposes black ops guys who worked for NATO and provided special activities to the UN Force commander and specifically to the TFA and B but mainly to NATO. There were SAS, SBS, Royal Marines Commandos, French Commandos and Royal Dutch marine commando last but not least the Canadians supplied two teams to this group, they were not JTF2. They were special ops trained regular Canadian soldiers, special ops has a different connotation then you are currently thinking. 

Oh, let's breach "OPSEC", shall we?  He's talking about the JCOs (Joint Commission Observers) - SF attached by the British to the personal command of Sir Michael Rose (not the UN).  They did indeed act as FACs and the "eyes and ears" of the UNPROFOR commander.  AFAIK, there were no Canadian JCOs until PALLADIUM Roto 7.  Hardly a secret anymore...

Lesson for all:  FACs do not equal "special forces"...

See here:

The article has some very interesting insights as to the activities of SF in Bosnia, including some Canadian connections.

WOW he I figured he had someone who had done one layback recce patrol too many as a Pathfinder -- nope we had a FOO lost in delusions of grandeur...  You know when I was a herbie I was in the OP's a few years -- switching to the Inf lead me understand exactly how clowinish the thoughts of some "Commando FOO's" where.

Try Short Bus Special.
