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Jack Layton through the bottom of a Guinness Glass


Army.ca Legend
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Guinness said:
I don't believe Jack Layton really believes in what he says, his statements are inflammatory and extreme in order to act as a counter-balance to the other extreme, the Conservatives. Similar to the women on "The View", where one is liberal thinking, the other is ultra-conservative and then Rosey, who is the extreme left, much like Layton. They all have their role, whether they believe in their paradigm or not. I think the parties in Canada are similar, putting on a front and playing their roles - don't hate poor old Jack, he just plays a jackass! Every government needs their pinkos, whether we like 'em or not.

I don't agree with your statements.  Firstly, the conservatives aren't "extremists".  The Bloc, the Liberals and the Conservatives are all fairly moderate in their views.  The only way that the NDP could be more extreme is for them to rename themselves the Green Party. 

von Scarlet said:
I don't agree with your statements.  Firstly, the conservatives aren't "extremists".  The Bloc, the Liberals and the Conservatives are all fairly moderate in their views.  The only way that the NDP could be more extreme is for them to rename themselves the Green Party. 

I don't think I said  the Conservatives extremists, I just said their views are extreme! Everything is relative, so to the Liberal they might be extreme. On the other hand, I would think the NDP IS very extreme, extremely stupid and impractical! I do not believe polititians necessarily believe in what they say or stand for, I think their views are egagerated for effect, as to give voters a stark contrast as most people are rather dull and see only in black and white.
Guinness said:
I don't think I said  the Conservatives extremists, I just said their views are extreme!

What does that mean?  That's like saying "I don't think he's a murderer, he just murders".  Saying that someone's views are extreme does make them extremists, by definition.

And to re-iterate, what is so extreme about their views?  Libs, bloc and Conservatives are all fairly well middle of the road.  NDP?  I think that in general, they are fighting for the extreme left vote right now, lest they lose what precious little they have to the Greens.
Captain (Army)  Scarlet said:
What does that mean?  That's like saying "I don't think he's a murderer, he just murders".  Saying that someone's views are extreme does make them extremists, by definition.

Your logic is faulty. You can have extreme views without being extreme, however you cannot murder and not be a murderer.
Do you really believe that the Conservative's view that women should not have control over their own bodies and not be able to have an abortion, even if raped, is not extreme? That is pretty much the same as the Taliban in my opinion.
Guinness said:
Your logic is faulty. You can have extreme views without being extreme, however you cannot murder and not be a murderer.
What is being extreme other than having extreme views or are you saying one has to act on those views to be extreme, or is it owning a skateboard?
Do you really believe that the Conservative's view that women should not have control over their own bodies and not be able to have an abortion, even if raped, is not extreme?
You got a policy resolution number for that ?
Guinness said:
Your logic is faulty. You can have extreme views without being extreme, however you cannot murder and not be a murderer.
Do you really believe that the Conservative's view that women should not have control over their own bodies and not be able to have an abortion, even if raped, is not extreme? That is pretty much the same as the Taliban in my opinion.

Dude your a maroon.
  Anyway I KNOW by that comment you have NO idea about the Taliban - what it's done or tries to continue to do. 
Guinness said:
Your logic is faulty. You can have extreme views without being extreme, however you cannot murder and not be a murderer.
Do you really believe that the Conservative's view that women should not have control over their own bodies and not be able to have an abortion, even if raped, is not extreme? That is pretty much the same as the Taliban in my opinion.
The conservatives do NOT believe that women should not be able to have abortions.  For you to link a political party, nay, a MAINSTREAM political party in Canada to the Taliban is inflammatory.
As for logic, you're stepping into my lane, pal.  And yes, I DO have a diploma on the wall to back me up on THAT one.
Allow me to illustrate.  You say that "you can have extreme views without being extreme, however you cannot murder and not be a murderer".  Fine.  Did you also know that you cannot be an unmarried male without being a bachelor?  There is no argument value in stating that you cannot murder without being a murderer, for that is the very definition of murderer: one who murders!  These are examples of tautologies.  Look it up.
Extremist, as a noun, means "One who holds extreme views or advocates extreme measures".  As an adjective, extremist means "Holding especially political views that deviate drastically and fundamentally from conventional or traditional beliefs".  So, extremism is all about belief, or thoughts, not just actions.  So, lad, your claim that my logic is faulty is a bit daft.
While I am not sure it was ment this way, extreme could be looked at from a different angle. For instance I am a fiscal conservative, I do not consider myself extreme nor would most people, yet someone who is on the far left political spectrum would call my views extreme and call me an extremist. Also compared to my conservative views (fiscal mostly) a Taliban's views would be extreme and he/she would be an extremist and I would not. It is all relative compared to where you yourself sit upon a broad range of issues.

I hope that makes sense. If not I will try again later after more pondering has been done. :D

I also dont like Jack, his personality and policies rub me the wronge way.
Infidel-6 said:
Dude your a maroon.
   Anyway I KNOW by that comment you have NO idea about the Taliban - what it's done or tries to continue to do. 

I am  maroon? Actually, I am kind of pink in tone! You meant that statement to be ironic right? By the way, I am not even talking about the Taliban, so read and think before you post insults, as that one fell right on your nose.
Guinness said:
I am  maroon? Actually, I am kind of pink in tone! You meant that statement to be ironic right? By the way, I am not even talking about the Taliban, so read and think before you post insults, as that one fell right on your nose.

your previous post

Your logic is faulty. You can have extreme views without being extreme, however you cannot murder and not be a murderer.
Do you really believe that the Conservative's view that women should not have control over their own bodies and not be able to have an abortion, even if raped, is not extreme? That is pretty much the same as the Taliban in my opinion.

I can't figure out why he'd think you were alluding to the Taliban... can anyone else?

It's odd that everyone has jumped down my throat (which I don't mind, its a friendly debate) and yet not one person finds it extremely ironic that some guy comes out of nowhere to let me know I am a moron, and cannot even spell the godamn word! Now that is funny!

While I do not pretend to put words in I-6's mouth, there is a world of difference between being called a moron and a maroon.  Both exist.  For proper usage of the word "maroon", I refer you to any of a half-dozen episodes of Bugs Bunny where the word is used very precisely and to great effect.

Guinness said:
It's odd that everyone has jumped down my throat (which I don't mind, its a friendly debate) and yet not one person finds it extremely ironic that some guy comes out of nowhere to let me know I am a moron, and cannot even spell the godamn word! Now that is funny!

actually  maroon is a take off of moron... but its a shot at the airborne...

it's all in how you say maroon (to sound like moron), being that the airborne wore a maroon beret

Hence, the reason I didn't correct him because I wasn't sure if it was a typo or he actually
meant to call insult you in the same way the airborne was taunted back in the day.

And I'm quite sure that's exactly what he was doing knowing I-6 and with my time in.

What's funny is it seems your basis for your argument now is that you think someone tried to
insult you and failed in the process and that seems to be your only valid point now.. which in
reality.. isn't valid at all. 

Now, it was a friendly argument until your last post which is very clearly a trolling post towards I-6
whether you realize it or not and I'm sure a mod will come by soon enough to deal with
all situations as appropriate.
Why would he refer to me as anything to do with the airborne? And why a jab at the airborne? Doesn't add up to me, just sounds like you are sticking up for your own. Never mind a pithy comeback. I'm tired of this banter and with that, I leave you in a cloud of a smelly fart.
Padre Trinity,

I'm quite sure that I-6s post didn't have a single thing to do with the Airborne. Too many round here would hurt him for that!! Think more along the lines of Bugs Bunny.

quite correct

i am definitely wrong on the airborne thing.. my apologies...

i read something sent to me incorrectly....  it said NOT airborne..  i missed the not
but the maroon part is quite correct...