I will touch on a couple things only, I am relaxing in bed
First thing, some thing you touched on is one 'toned down' sermon in english, for the masses and one far more radical for "devout" in a different language. One simple flaw in this, in many many Mosques is.. we all do not speak the same language

lets talk about Kelowna and Kamloops. We have Bosnian, Syrian, Somalian, Nigerian, Saudi, Pakistani, Bengali, Indian (native and east

), Canadian, Moroccan, South African Muslims in both of those Mosques.. and they do not all speak the same language.
So maybe, in some isolated instances (which is the main bone of my arguement) this is the case. But not in the rest of Canada. Heck sometimes you have a Pakistani guy leading the khutbah, reciting arabic so badly, because he does not understand it at all, that the arabs do not have a clue what he is saying. (It happens.. quite often

). So yea maybe a lot of people try to speak arabic in the khutbah, but that does not make it intelligible.
Second thing, you imply that Muslims do not self report. Anecdotally I can tell you that is not the case, but I will one up that too. So I like to say trump is
wrong, that Muslims do self report, because I dare say the FBI would know

. Also Muslims are become much more
aware of issues that pertain directly to Muslims. So if we can flag things as they come up we are ahead of the game.
Thirdly, this more eccentric? Idea you have that we are like a sleeper cell just waiting for the code word to rise up and take over... gosh darn it, you figured us out, the games over, you win

I wish you could understand how ludicrous this sounds man, it is darn near impossible to get all Muslims to agree on when Ramadan starts and end, when Eid is, wether to celebrate the Prophets birthday or heck even when to hold an open house to dispell myths about Islam.. if you could see the pettiness that goes on in Mosques around Canada regarding these issues, you would sleep like a baby at night. But this does not negate that, the 1% of lunatics may be doing some idiotic thing like this, but it does not mean we all are.
Fourthly, context. Sorry, but I do not trust anything, at all, unless I know the complete context. Just like a guy pointing and firing a firearm at another person, context matters. If a guy is robbing a bank and does it, he is a murderer and deserves the gallows. But if he is a soldier under fire, it is something completely different. So until we know who, when, why, where etc something was said or done, their is absolutely no point in making any judgements on it. Especially with Islam you need to understand, who, were, when, why and how it was traditionally or classically, implemented and contrast that to this day and age and compare it to the legal framework of the sharia, before passing judgement.
Fifthly, you asked about my opinion on something to do with Islamic sharia. Well my opinion is worth mud on these matters, I am in now way, shape or form eligible to pass an opinion on them. But
here is a read up on taqqiya, but I swear I have covered it before already.. or maybe not, a lot of Islamophobes scream taqqiya and it is quite annoying, to be honest. Tawriya was it? God, they are getting creative these days, heck I honestly did not know what the word meant and when I went to look it up.. all it showed was anti-Islam sites for the first little while. Any rate, I would just say review the link I used for taqqiya. Tawriya, ommitting facts or creative interpretations of the truth is haram in almost every single case. Another
link that is weak from a scholarly perspective but short and lists the only three times a Muslim can lie and kind of out lines limitations so taking these two links together, i think you will get the picture.
I am sticking to my guns that Muslims do self report as the FBI said, mass surveillance is futile as my multiple links early showed and we should zero in on other things. Btw I have been trying to down an extremist page on facebook for a while and it will not come down, they hold Anwar awlaki and others like him as martyrs.. lets just say I am up to 3 or 4 death threats now

. Next step since Facebook is not shutting it down is the RCMP. Also I did not ignore your bmq example on purpose, i just forget about it and do not feel it is apples to apples here and it is now 29 minutes past when i wanted to be asleep so I am going to crash.
Ps ForesterAb, I am honestly amazed at this conversation myself. Do not tell anyone, but I had to learn some stuff to supply answers on here too. But please remember I am not a scholar, I try to only quote legitimate scholars.. but if I slip up, please forgive me and do not hold it against me. I am extremely fearful, that while i try to clear up these misconceptions, i accidentally give out incorrect info due to being lazy and someone believes something that I never meant to convey. Any rate thank you

35 minutes past bedtime now

night guys.