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Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

I recieved the offer in the first week of april and my acceptance went back to Borden the next day, my unit appointed me on the 13th without the posting nistruction from Ottawa and on the 16th I started ewat at an Arty reserve unit in my new MOC (clean break type thing), the actual posting instruction came in on the 19th of April, and here we are waiting for a course (next CEOTP/DEO iap to run is 27 Aug (4 Plattoons), you should have heard by now I would think. The commission although not one of your units priorities in thier mind should be, seeing as it is now past the effective date of promotion and such. maybe time for a sitdown with your Troop Commander or BK, whatever the hell that is in the infantry.  Best of luck
I received my offer on 4 April ish, and on my message it said Appointment to OCDT April 30th. So today was my first official day as an OCDT, you don't get your commission until after your BOTP, because you are a MCpl you should bypass IAP, I was a Sgt and I all I got out of was IAP, and as I mentioned before, one MCpl that I know from 1Vp starts his course may 7th, and he too is an OCDT. I would try to track down the message and see what it says and get out of that Coy ASAP, as they do not have your best intentions (at least that's what it sounds like by what you wrote) Oh by the way there wasn't any big ceremony, I just went to the clothing stores, got some new OCDT slip ons and a new beret and put them on myself this morning.
That's not cool, this is a big step. My former unit took care of us. A big deal with pictures and new rank slipped on by CO and Coxn. There were three of us and when all was said and done to the break room for coffee and doughnuts with the big wigs. Was quite the welcome in my mind.
I guess it all depends on if you are staying the same trade, or like me going to a diffeent branch all together. I did have doughnuts with the SNCO's but thats just our usual Friday morning routine. To me it's no big deal, as getting OCDT is not a promotion, it's an appointment, so I don't need all that pomp and circumstance. Now when I get my scroll and my 2LT's, there better be a band, flyby, lots of doughnuts, and a couple of Generals!  LOL
We had a 5 minute gathering in front of one of the Squadron Twin Otter's and my SWO and CO presented me with my new OCdt epaulettes (forgive me if I spelled that incorrectly) and they took my photo. Then a few days later we celebrated the appointment at one of the local pubs.
Well after making a couple of phone calls last week things began to happen. I recieved a posting message a day later and was appointed OCdt. within three days. I am now part of the BTL and off to work at the local recruiting centre as I await BOTP this summer. Finally!
Patrolman, try not to scare off the youngsters off eh!

Chilly ;D
are you guys sure about october, I've been keeping an eye on the Calander and I'm sure the next CEOTP BOTP doesn't start until after the next round of IAP's (27 Aug) which would make the start date Early November, or I guess you're right very late october.
I have seen the courses and know the dates, the CEOTP and DEO are slated for BOTP's (after IAP's) starting 5 Nov 07 but with a report date of 25 or 29 Oct (just can't remember which one off the top of my head), and going to the 14 of Dec. There is one starting I believe on the 22 of Oct and going to the 4th of Dec. Us CEOTP and DEO are usually slated for the fall courses because we are already done or not going to a school, so we are deemed not as important to get it done before the school year starts! Makes sense! The school kids have to be at school!!
exactly - half my buddies are there now, but they get 3 years of school to do before they get to the field, they rest of us, well lets face about a year
at least I found a decent place to work (not Venture - really who sends combat arms to Navy School . . . Really) and of course a part time french course to bring my skills up and maybe on the outside get the functional level required so I can get on to phase trg right away
Arty, sounds liek you and I are doing the same thing! I am also doing my basic level (can't remember the term) French, I do 2 hours in the morning. I am lucky, I also get to do do pt on my own at 14:00hrs.
I'm doing the Army crossfit (with the infantry types downstairs) in the AM and the SLT at 1300-1500 easier to blue boat home after work
I was doing crossfit with the Snr NCO's for 3 months, we did it Mon, tues, Wed, sports on Thursdays and ruck march of Fridays. I found that my cardio was shite (for running) I have since been on my own doing crossfit Tues Thurs and running 6-10 km Mon, Wed, Fri. A couple of the other Sgt's have said (the other day over a few beers) that they too have started running on there own,as just the crossfit was killing there running cardio.
I like doing pt in the morning to, as it helps me kickstart my day! I diidn't have a choice on when SLT was though! I wish I had the same type of schedule as you!
I got lucky, having a Div O who went back Arty last year sometime I had a contact to find myself a job, otherwise I'd have ended up at the Naval Offr Trg Centre with the rest of the guys.
I recieved my course dates last week, 6 July to 31st Aug. I am facing a new dilemma now however, people are encouraging me to challenge the BOTP since I have instructed on higher level leadership courses. Others are saying it is a must. People automatically think when they hear Basic Officer that it means all kinds of etiquette and sword drill which isn't the case. There is another course for that called the Officer Indoctrination Course or something along those lines. Has anyone heard of someone getting a by on BOTP?
If you have an ISCC (and lots of experience) or an ILQ, you MAY get exempt. Just a PLQ (for example, cause I don't know your background in detail) and one operational tour, chances are slim.

Currently, CFRG makes almost everyone up to and including WO/PO 2's go on BOTP (but not all, there are always exceptions). Keep in mind, all PLAR's are done on a case-by-case basis. If you think you have a shot at it and you have the UER and course reports to back it up, go for it. You've got absolutely nothing to loose.

The BOTP I did last year was virtually a carbon copy of PLQ (but, I know that some of it has changed this year. In part due to the large amount of complaints about the duplication of the two courses). If you can get granted an exemption or equivalency, then I say go for it.
