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Is anyone else applying for a support trade?

FarmerD said:
Most of the times Pay isn't handled by you at all unless you are in Fin. As an RMS Clerk the majority of your daily job is going to be paperwork. Data entry into HRMS, Leave passes, drafting and proofing memos and letters, sorting incoming mail and initiating and finalizing claims.

RMS Clks at the Unit/Orderly Room Level are responsible for the day to day management of CCPS (Central Computation Pay System) and all payroll and benefit related functions.  If you happen to be assigned to a Comptroller related position, then you are looking at processing Account Payable/Receivable, budget and business planning functions/support.
Anyone hear anything yet?
Last I heard I had passed my medical, don't know about the back ground check yet, so I don't think I made this round of selections.
All good things to know. I do currently work in an office environment where I do a lot of various sorting, filing, spreadsheets and some accounting functions within A/P and A/R. I also have my payroll certification so it would be nice to be in a financial position where I can use those skills.
I wouldn't mind working back in the finance part of things.  I used to work payroll, a/r, and a/p but it's been a few years now.  Let's face it, I'll just be happy to be selected!  ;)
I figure the way things work, I do not imagine I'll be hearing back on things until late summer.  So for the time being, I've got to kick my running into gear (I'm only running a slow 5k, about 30-35 minutes; I need to pick up the pace) and my early morning circuit training begins on July 3rd.  How is everyone else preparing?
Pacing around in circles staring at my phone and willing it to ring!  LOL  Just kidding.  I go to the gym daily, unless life interferes, like my daughter's gr8 grad. yesterday.  However, even a grad. ceremony offers up the chance to stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down.  Now, stretch your arms way over your head and crane your neck to get the right angle for your phone camera and HOLD position while 47 kids parade across the stage for you to video tape ;).

Next up, my brother's wedding, offering up more unconventional exercises.

Still waiting on THE call.
I'm working out as well, had been running for a while but decided I wasn't seeing enough of an improvement so I got a personal trainer. Luckily one that already works with military members is able to help me where I'll really need it for life in the military. Still struggling with pushups but my squats, burpees, sandbag lifts (weight ball) And other stuff are really coming along. 
It seems like you're definitely preparing well!  I haven't been as devoted to my workouts lately, I've been working nearly 60 house a week plus I'm a mom with 2 young kids.  It's been hard to find the time but I'm just gonna have to suck it up.  My pushups are pretty good, I'm in decent shape but I wonder if it's good enough.  I'm an older applicant so while I'm in pretty good shape for my age, am I good enough shape for BMQ?  I guess I'll have to keep pushing.  My fitness instructor used to do the fitness tests and training for the Navy base in Halifax and she told me that I'd be considered in the top percentile for fitness there.  But that doesn't really mean much, BMQ is a very different ballgame.

I can't imagine how nerve-wracking it is for you deskjockey.  I hope the call cones soon!!
Mellauren, you're a bit ahead of me, I still have to send my medical paperwork in, I hope you get merit listed quickly!
I am going a wee bit crazy with the waiting, but I try to keep my mind occupied with other things.  Thanks for asking Pushpin ;)
I just got word that my background check is finally done! So now I'm waiting for the reliability screening to be signed off and then merit listed. Hopefully that doesn't take too long! I'm getting so anxious to get going. :P

Hopefully you won't be waiting too much longer deskjockey
I am really really really hoping to hear today.  Congrats on the finished background check, you are almost there!!!

Sigh....today please, today..........dangitall phone....RING!!!!!!!
I had originally applied for the infantry but I didn't get the position because my eyesight didn't meet the requirements. All three of my trade choices were combat trades and I couldn't get into any of them because of my glasses. So I had to change it last minute to vehicle tech. Hopefully after my five year contract is done I can get LASIK done and try for infantry again. I got my job offer sometime during the end of May and I'm starting BMQ on the 27th of July.
theOfficialRJ said:
I had originally applied for the infantry but I didn't get the position because my eyesight didn't meet the requirements. All three of my trade choices were combat trades and I couldn't get into any of them because of my glasses. So I had to change it last minute to vehicle tech. Hopefully after my five year contract is done I can get LASIK done and try for infantry again. I got my job offer sometime during the end of May and I'm starting BMQ on the 27th of July.

If you really really wanted a Combat Arms occupations, you should have done the Lasik right from the start.

But congrats on getting an offer and you just never know!  The impulse to go combat arms, might go away.  Good luck!
DAA said:
If you really really wanted a Combat Arms occupations, you should have done the Lasik right from the start.

But congrats on getting an offer and you just never know!  The impulse to go combat arms, might go away.  Good luck!

I didn't have enough money OR time to get LASIK done. I was given a month to make up my mind and let them know if I wanted to close my file or select a support trade that I do qualify for. Besides, I didn't select the vehicle tech trade just to get in. Working on cars is a hobby of mine and being a mechanic had always been my backup plan in case the military didn't really work out. This way I can get my education paid for, get five years of experience and then switch to infantry and do what I've always wanted to do. it's a win win!
theOfficialRJ said:
I didn't have enough money OR time to get LASIK done. I was given a month to make up my mind and let them know if I wanted to close my file or select a support trade that I do qualify for. Besides, I didn't select the vehicle tech trade just to get in. Working on cars is a hobby of mine and being a mechanic had always been my backup plan in case the military didn't really work out. This way I can get my education paid for, get five years of experience and then switch to infantry and do what I've always wanted to do. it's a win win!

If you are happy with the occupation you were offered, then that's all that counts.

Good luck on your new career as a member of the CF!    :salute:
theOfficialRJ said:
being a mechanic had always been my backup plan in case the military didn't really work out.

Congratulations and Good Luck.

I want to show you this,

Certificates of Military Achievement Recognized in Ontario and Alberta.
So if people are getting offers for the Aug 3 BMQ does that mean all the spots for the July 27th are full?  Or are at least spoken for?
Probably.  And now I get to wait through another weekend before I might get a call...

Happy Friday everyone and may the odds be ever in your favour ☺
The wait must be driving you crazy!

So I noticed that they are no longer hiring RMS Clerks, what happens to applications like ours that are currently in process?  Mine is actually on hold until my medical gets completed, I'm not gonna lie, it definitely makes me nervous.  I'd hate to have to wait a year, I'm already a much older applicant.
I think it depends on how many were on the merit list vs how many positions they need to fill.  There may be more than one selection per year as well...depends on the need.  If there were enough on the merit list for this round then those people will get called.  If there were more than enough....they will only call from the top of the list down until they fill the need, the rest will be waiting for the next round.

And yes...going crazy.
So I guess I have to hope they open up for another round later this year then as I am not yet merit listed.  How disappointing!  Especially after my RC telling me how competitive I would be.  I'm so bummed out right now.
Good luck to those who are merit listed though!