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Introducing Myself

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I've been on this board ever since the idea of joining the Canadian Forces came into my mind. It has certainly been a big help in regards to getting information, calming nerves, and helping with the application process in general. So I figured I would first off say thank you to everyone who posts on this board, and special thanks to those who run it. (I know everyone starts off by saying this, but its just so appropriate.)

I applied Jan 2nd 2008; my choices were (in order of 1st to 3rd) Intelligence Officer, Public Affairs Officer, Armoured Officer. I've applied as a DEO having completed my history degree in April of 07. I completed my CFAT on Jan 24 and qualified for all three of my job choices (that's all they told me, I don't know what percentile I was in.) My Interview and Medical is scheduled for Feb 22nd and I'm pretty excited about it. The earliest I will receive an offer is April because that is when the new numbers will come in, so will anxiously wait for awhile. Their are a couple of things which I still need to deal with when it comes to application process. I've decided to change my third choice to Military Police Officer instead of Armoured Officer. Reason being is that I was never completely sure about Armoured, and I would really have to think about it if that was the offer i received. With Military Police Officer, after researching it more, I would accept the offer right away. The second thing is that I separated my shoulder in early DEC playing ice hockey. Their is a large bump on my shoulder, and its still sore at times, but it hasn't slowed down my training at all. I'm hoping my Doctor is right when he says it will be no problem at all when it comes to April.

Anyways that's pretty much my story. Also, I know that big discussions have happened on this board about who should become officers and who shouldn't. I don't know the answer to that in any way, all i know is that I am not applying for Officer simply because I have a degree. I am doing so because I really want to become an Officer and I have confidence in myself as a leader. I hope I can give all that I have and more to that position in order to better the Canadian Forces and all those around me.

Thanks for reading, I believe I will start posting more on this board, it really is great.
If you want to make changes now is the time. There are some DEO spots left from this year so get a hold of your CFRC to book an new interview and if MPO is one of your choices there is another selection process Military Police Officer Assessment Course (MPOAC) that you have to pass before you get an offer. They only run every couple of months so if you want to changes then do it now.

Good Luck.
Best of luck to you.

I can't help you with the recruiting process - that's WAY out of my lane.  But there are others here (such as CFR FCS) who are current with the system and will provide you good advice (as CFR FCS just did).
I called them this morning and we both came to the conclusion that we would put my third choice on hold. So as it stands I am applying for Intel O and PAO. I really hope I get one of those positions, but will explore my other options within the CF if it does not work out. Thanks for the replies.
I just applied on January 25th 2008 and the recruiter faxed my application on Monday. I put Intelligence Officer as my first choice as well (I applied under the ROTP to attend University of Alberta to finish my degree). Good luck to you and maybe one day we will be in Kingston Training together ;)
You might see me as well, I applied as an Int O, ROTP wanting to finish my studies at UBC. You know this means we are in competition for the limited number of Int spots right? Assuming we all do well though it would be nice to meet you for the BIOC.
Chalk up another INT O applicant over here.  I'm starting to get a bit nervous about the number of applicants for the positions.  I know there are 10 this year, and I've only counted 5 max on here - but what about all the poor souls who aren't fortunate enough to know about army.ca?

I keep telling myself to just roll with it, but its been 3 days since being told I'm on the merit list, and its starting to invade every waking thought I have!

The end of February can't come soon enough!
Hey come on guys, your now making me nervous as well! IntlBr you are already merit listed so you are definitly ahead of the game. Anyways, hopefully we all get what were going for and I see you guys in the near future. Although I'm not sure if we would be in the same course. Do the res. and reg. do the courses together? I have absolutely no idea.
I'm applying for the Regular Force with what is called a "Component Transfer", and I am seeking to accomplish this via the Regular Officer Training Plan (if they'll have me!).

I believe that the BIOQ is the same for both Regular and Reserve Force officers - but I may be mistaken there.
I got told there were 12 spots for ROTP Int Os this year. I wouldn't worry about it. Well, I'm not sweating it because I have a back up plan (In that I'm not opposed to going as an enlisted trade if I don't get an officer one) just wait for the results and we can hope that everyone gets the career they are hoping for. :)