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Installation of Tampon Dispensers in all Washrooms

Is taking tampons to keep in my truck in case someone I'm with has an emergency stealing?
Is taking some toilet paper from the bathroom to blow your nose later or paper towels to clean up a mess stealing?

My guess is no.
Yet the Federal Government has stepped into the provincial health care domain providing diabetes medicine and birth control with a plan to expand so guess they could have included something like Tylenol for seniors while they were at it.

As for the "mandated" - kind of tired of that argument as a defence as it was the government that mandated it. They are the ones that decided to say such a stupid thing as:
  • This initiative is inclusive of all employees who menstruate, including cisgender women, non-binary individuals, transgender men and intersex individuals
cisgender? Really? Thought this government stood up for women? If you stand for women then call them what they are - women. Cisgender is a term used by the fake trans as an insult to women in an attempt to lower their meaning in the world.

Transgender men? I have known transgender male to female and female to male and guess what - neither of them needed to worry about menstruating. This is an issue that only women with certain parts have and that a male regardless of what action has been done will have. Female to male involves removal of the parts so they no longer have that issue either. When I talked to the female to male trans he mentioned that periods had not been an issue in a long time as the meds involved had stopped them before his surgery took place.

So what we really have is a government mandate that we will put menstrual products in male bathrooms for people that have no need for them.

They should have stopped while they were ahead and left it mandated that women bathrooms would have them.

For the idiots that are acting childish, throwing them away and destroying things - stop wasting our money, the government already has that covered and does a great job of it.
The drive was directed by a ruling from a Human Rights Commmision, complian
Dimsum, you made a comment about civilian control of the military.

What is the philosophical reasoning for that structure, to you? Is it because it's critically important for civilians to manage our restrooms? Or is it in fact to prevent domestic insurgencies, mutinies, coups?

If the former, I suggest you should refrain from attempting to give lessons on military organization. If the latter, then apologize for your apparent dishonesty or elaborate on why you would bring up such a feature of said organization in this conversation.


Wrecking a box does not put anyone's life in danger, nor does it materially damage Canada's strategic infrastructure or economic capacity.

I don't disagree that it may well be a fool's errand, as civil disobedience often is.

But between a government forcing a deceitful and diabolical ideology down the throats of its employees and some of those employees wrecking a box... There is a greater evil and a lesser evil.
civilian control of the military is a feature any and all democracies. If the military is not subject to lawful civil authority you have a military dictatorship.
Unlike you, I think I understand that humans are not robots.

Ever heard of the Mainguy report?

Think the preceding soft mutinies should never have occurred? That troops should just accept nonsensical mistreatment?

Sometimes, the road to progress is bumpy. Sometimes, the government needs to shake its head, or have it shaken.
Yes I have. I wasn’t always in the RCAF.

But, if you’re going to use the Mainguy Report as an example, the mutinies were not against the GoC. It was against the RCN (or in some cases specific COs) which yeah, it raised the issues and led to changes. In those situations, the action of mutiny led to something that the organization being mutinied against could direct change.

DND/CAF didn’t order this particular requirement. The GoC did. If you don’t agree with it then bring it up with a Member of Parliament.

To return to my original point, what @Remius says is correct. If someone smashes a box in the mens’ washroom and doesn’t tell anyone about it, it’s not civil disobedience - it’s vandalism. If they do that while broadcasting their grievance in some way, then sure - I’ll call it civil disobedience. Has anyone done that yet?
I'd do my job. Doesn't mean I don't understand it. And they too will understand why I must do my job.

Civil disobedience has a cost. To be courageous in the absence of danger is not to be courageous at all. Same applies to disobedience.
As others have pointed out, civil disobedience entails facing the consequences of your actions. Smashing a tampon machine and running away falls into what I categorized earlier as ‘soft as baby shit’. If Cpl Bloggins wants to “I’m Spartacus!” and eat a 129 because the menstrual machine makes him feel like less of a man, fine, at least he’ll put skin in the game. But anonymous vandalism is just petty cowardice.

It also doesn't mean that you'll find me on internet forums salivating at the idea of punishing my troops for the grave crime of... wrecking a box.

Who’s salivating? It’s just stupid, unprofessional, petty crime. None of us are getting any more riled up than that would call for.
But let's push it further. For a certain someone who apparently can't see further than his nose. Say that same ideology leads to the government ordering me to hold male and female prisoners in the same cell because the former - a sex offender - claims to be female. No, I am not going to obey that order. I'll take the charge if I have to.

Such a scenario is precedented and has led to precisely what anyone with a brain would predict.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
In my facility, the dispensers have been wall mounted and each toilet stall in both styles of washroom now has a used product receptacle. Anyone who willfully damages those will also be causing infrastructure damage. I expect, given the type of business we are in, that, at a minimum, there will be disciplinary if not criminal consequences.

I'm okay with that.

We are still roughly 17 months from the next election. I can't help but wonder what else this government will come up with to set people off.
Also if you steal the 1.5 ply fine grit shit tickets CAF stocks to blow your nose, you will get a nosebleed.
Which should be sufficient non-judicial punishment for a theft of that magnitude.
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Illustrative on the civil disobedience thing- these three dinguses (dingi?) jammed up a highway in downtown Ottawa today resulting in a minor collision. Also criminal, also stupid, but they had the courage of convictions (however misguided) to stick around, get arrested, and are criminally charged.

Still very stupid, but nonetheless an example of actually standing on their principles.

Now I’ll wait for @dapaterson to arrive and close the loop on this thread with the obligatory Monty Python treatment of vandalism.
Who the fuck wants GoC TP, we covered the fact it’s useless pages ago.

Honestly can we all agree that there is:
1) probably no reason for Tampons in a male
2) it’s also not killing anyone to have them there.

I mean I personally think it’s a dumb waste of taxpayers money, but it was mandated (again I don’t understand why but…).

If you really don’t like it — write your MP, and vote for someone who will listen to you.
That’s how democracy works -

If no one is listening to your point of view, then maybe you are the one out of step, and you can either change step and suck it up, or find another country to live in.

Illustrative on the civil disobedience thing- these three dinguses (dingi?) jammed up a highway in downtown Ottawa today resulting in a minor collision. Also criminal, also stupid, but they had the courage of convictions (however misguided) to stick around, get arrested, and are criminally charged.

Still very stupid, but nonetheless an example of actually standing on their principles.

Now I’ll wait for @dapaterson to arrive and close the loop on this thread with the obligatory Monty Python treatment of vandalism.
That would explain why my boss was late today - said there was a lot of emergency vehicles, but the crash didn't seem too bad.
As others have pointed out, civil disobedience entails facing the consequences of your actions. Smashing a tampon machine and running away falls into what I categorized earlier as ‘soft as baby shit’. If Cpl Bloggins wants to “I’m Spartacus!” and eat a 129 because the menstrual machine makes him feel like less of a man, fine, at least he’ll put skin in the game. But anonymous vandalism is just petty cowardice.

If these tough guys were doing civil disobedience through destruction of government property, they’d walk into the OC’s office, put the offending box on their desk, demand the OC charge their ass.

But they won’t. So they’re snowflakes whose widdle feewings were huht.
The point just sails way over some of your heads. And some just want to label people as bigots for not embracing every stupid thing.
That’s how you avoid being accused of wrongdoing in a military that has Commissars to superintend language and behaviours deemed anti social, against party ideology or perhaps just Canada pre-2015. It’s like a weird prison camp chapter from The Centurians after the surrender at Dien Bien Phu.
Who the fuck wants GoC TP, we covered the fact it’s useless pages ago.

Honestly can we all agree that there is:
1) probably no reason for Tampons in a male

2) it’s also not killing anyone to have them there.

I mean I personally think it’s a dumb waste of taxpayers money, but it was mandated (again I don’t understand why but…).

If you really don’t like it — write your MP, and vote for someone who will listen to you.
That’s how democracy works -

If no one is listening to your point of view, then maybe you are the one out of step, and you can either change step and suck it up, or find another country to live in.


Sure. But it's just another example in a long list of misplaced effort to improve things. That is why some of the troops bitch.
Who the fuck wants GoC TP, we covered the fact it’s useless pages ago.

Honestly can we all agree that there is:
1) probably no reason for Tampons in a male
There is probably no reason to put them in 95% of male washrooms. But, this is an example of implementing a direction to the letter, so as not to have to face the backlash of non-compliance. The direction was females individuals who menstruate would have access to free menstrual supplies. The logical decision was to place them in the places where they would be most needed, ie washrooms. But, certain individuals who still menstruate may identify and live their lives as males, and would use male washrooms. But to be compliant with the direction, they needed to be given access as well. And because we don't know which washrooms were being used by menstruating transgendered individuals, we end up with tampons in all men's washrooms.

My greater concern is what would these troops do to an trans individual they found in the men's washroom, if they are willing to take out their fears on a poor metal box.
My greater concern is what would these troops do to an trans individual they found in the men's washroom, if they are willing to take out their fears on a poor metal box.
Likely say "Hello" or "Hey", and carry on.

Your fear mongering is just as unhelpful as the vandals. Just because someone is dumb enough to vandalize a metal box or menstrual supplies does not mean they are a transphobe looking for the first trans person they can assault/harass. Attitudes like this contribute to the backlash that happens.
I think a lot of the anger and frustration is that we spend our resources on this stuff and not on things to do the job that you are given. When you don't have ammunition, enough clothing, no AD, no ATGM's, no spare parts, not enough radios, etc, etc. Then magically these machines appear in the washroom in case a unicorn comes along with a need of them. You will then question the priorities of your leaders and government.
My greater concern is what would these troops do to an trans individual they found in the men's washroom, if they are willing to take out their fears on a poor metal box.


It's all starting to make sense. Canada's twist on mustache man's triadic slogan:

"Unserious people, unserious country, unserious leader."