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I'm a Canadian... hey

Ok first of all ... dont try copy us canadian because trust me you wont be able to, especially by listening to Yanks.  They dont have our lingo down and cant even begin to get it right.  Second as a proud canadian, I dont feel its right that your copying us either.  You should be proud of your own nationality. 

But since I am a nice canadian I guess I'll live up to the stereotype and help you out ... first of all, say Hey whenever u think its good too and follow with a hows it going eh
Grommet said:
Ok first of all ... dont try copy us canadian because trust me you wont be able to, especially by listening to Yanks.  They dont have our lingo down and cant even begin to get it right.  Second as a proud canadian, I dont feel its right that your copying us either.  You should be proud of your own nationality. 

But since I am a nice canadian I guess I'll live up to the stereotype and help you out ... first of all, say Hey whenever u think its good too and follow with a hows it going eh

Trust me Grommet... I'm very proud to be English and wouldn't dream of being anything else... (and my daughter is Danish and that's that) I'm just trying to wog a free bus ride (and not have to break a conversation as they all hop on the bus and I jump in a taxi behind)... It's a bit banal, but I represent Denmark at the meetings... the Danes are oddly incredulous that I won't take a Danish passport... you are who you are and that's the end of it... being a Nationality is just like being born left or right handed... it's nothing you can change with a piece of paper. That said... a little improvisation for an hour or so won't hurt anyone, eh?

PS... does Cannuck... mean Canadian... or is it deeper than that?
Basic answer, yep.

It's etymology is debatable, but all generally refer to they typical Canadian.
OK...a little clarification required. First of all, it is the Montreal Canadiens not Canadians.  And as an ex-montrealer now living in The Big Smoke (that would be Toronto), you should cheer for your city's team, I am therefore now sporting a Leafs jersey even though I'm hanging on to the old Habs (that is how the Canadiens are usually referred to) jersey just in case.  Big game tonight...Leafs vs. Habs!  GO LEAFS GO!

PS  Yes, a Tims mug is a must!  Although we are currently rolling up the rim to win (won a doughnut this morning!)...and Rick Mercer ROCKS!
Imbeault said:
Study the works of Bob and Doug McKenzie and you will go far.

Agreed.... but still baffled:... why there aren't enough parking spaces at take-out doughnut shops?

(PS... in return please see General Melchard, Captain Darling and Lt George... to see why the British empire is now the size of a dried walnut.)

That's not a parking lot.  That's the drive through.
With all the advice I would hope you would have a chance at infiltration.
directors please lock after such a display.
how to be Canadian 101... an OPSEC lession
rossco said:
how to be Canadian 101... an OPSEC lession
A lesson he obviously needed too. Any Canuk would have outted him as a Canuk-A-Bus-Passenger-Poser with the first "hey."  ;)
Vern, did I miss the memo on the eastcoast spelling of canuck? Or is that some indigenious PEI phrase?  ;D
niner domestic said:
Vern, did I miss the memo on the eastcoast spelling of canuck? Or is that some indigenious PEI phrase?  ;D
Kind of like frosting vs icing (had to slide this one in for the Trawna 'cake-boy'  ;) )
Kitchen Party vs Kitchen Party
nearly vs pridnear

and the list goes on!! 

Next lesson....Canuk dialects (which he really should be aware of if he's ever questioned about which part of this fine Country he hails from).

PS 9er...I'm a Miramichier (thus a herring-choker); I'm only posted to the Island. You should hear my accent!!
The Librarian said:
PS 9er...I'm a Miramichier (thus a herring-choker); I'm only posted to the Island.

Yeah, but taking up PEI citizenship!!!  ;D
Well, at least you have an accent, I lost mine somewhere in the Mid-atlantic...(although I do still point with my chin instead of saying over d'er).

Yeah, but you don't give north/south directions to someone by telling them to come up....go down to....never could figure out what the starting direction was.
The first time I drove down to New Brunswick from Wpg, I did quite well, until I got five miles from my wife's parents place.

I got to the traffic circle just out side Port Elgin, drove into town for a pay phone. I phone the house and said, "Well, I'm here at Port Elgin, where do I go now?"

I was promptly told to go back to the traffic circle and "come up" 5 miles. Being an idiot, I drove back to the traffic circle, got in, started going around and around in circles trying to figure out which way was "UP".
Baldrick will appreciate this...when I first went to get my licence in the UK I was living in London. My driving test was was in and around Marble Arch during the morning rush hour.  After successfully getting into the Marble Arch roundabout, going around it 3 times and exiting it without being in an accident or causing an accident the examiner declared I was fit to drive anywhere in the world and gave me a pass as apparently the chances of negotiating the roundabout without a winging oneself is a mark of driving excellence...however, in the excitement of getting my licence, I managed to back into a jam car while trying to park to go celebrate with a well deserved lunch at the local pub...in the space of 10 minutes, there were 5 other jam cars and 2 blue street sedans in attendance and the Met's finest wanted to take my passport away, lock me up and endorse my new licence all over a 5 mm scratch on the jam car.  When the Inspector showed up, sanity returned and after discovering my canuckness, and seemingly having a number of relatives in Canada of which I promptly claimed to know all of them intimately (who cared if they lived in Toronto and I came from the Yukon - who was I to tell him that he actually was closer to them geographically than I ever was), he let me go home with passport and no licence endorsement. 
GAP said:
I was promptly told to go back to the traffic circle and "come up" 5 miles. Being an idiot, I drove back to the traffic circle, got in, started going around and around in circles trying to figure out which way was "UP".

See now to get to my cottage from that gas station in Port Elgin you come out left, go over right, cross into other province, come over left, over bridge, next left and stop at end of lane. That was easy!!  It's about a 10 mile trip from the station, but over this way!! ;D

So, you should have known "come up." It's pretty simple. She's pridnear a Murray Corner person if you're coming up 5 miles.