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I got my offer - what to do!!??


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Ok so I got my offer today (YAY!) but as a Navy cook.. (my preference would be Army or Air)  My question is, I guess - has anyone else joined as Navy (or Air or Army) and then been posted to a different base?  I know chances are likely I would be posted to Halifax or BC since I'm "Navy" and I should prepare myself for that, but seeing as how the military will put you where they need you ~ is there still a glimmer of hope I could get an Army or Air base?
Thanks for any help!
You're in a "Purple" trade so you can be employed any where that there is a need.
So just because I am signing up as "Navy" doesn't necessarily mean my fate is sealed on a ship?  They would take into consideration my three base choices first, correct?
HansonSherren said:
Ok so I got my offer today (YAY!) but as a Navy cook..

No.You got an offer for cook, wearing a Navy uniform. Where you end up being posted is not indicated by your uniform.

HansonSherren said:
So just because I am signing up as "Navy" doesn't necessarily mean my fate is sealed on a ship? 

Even if you end up working for the Navy, not every sailor works on a ship.
Thanks very much for the information.  Let me clarify, I have no qualms with being on a ship - I would just rather be on land :o)  Thanks again!
As its been said, You are NOT bound to a Coast.  I had one buddy who was in Borden, and is now in Edmonton.  Its where ever they need you with your preferences Considered.
Let me just say that what job you have been offered is very very important. Other trades are very appreciative of what you will be able to offer and are very very thankful for what you guys do. We always appreciate a good meal instead of an IMP. Wherever you are posted you will be needed and appreciated so my opinion is go wherever they tell you and you could always switch over to land after a bit.
Wow - thanks so much for your thoughtfulness and very kind words!

I'm already a trained chef and have been waiting for the final verdict on my PLAR for a few months now.. I'm hoping to hear before I go away on the 26th..

Anyway - thanks again, that was very nice of you!
After you get in, you could always write a memo requesting the army or airforce uniform if your daily outfit mattered that much to you.  I beleive as far as purple trades go, cook and log are some of the easier ones to swap uniforms with. 

If you chose to do this, I would recomend requesting it long before you take the NETP (Naval Environmental Training Plan) course.
So quick question - when I'm at Basic and they ask me my top 3 choices for posting, should I just pick three actual bases or would it be better to  write "anything but a ship" or something along those lines?  Sorry if that's a stupid question....
HansonSherren said:
So quick question - when I'm at Basic and they ask me my top 3 choices for posting, should I just pick three actual bases or would it be better to  write "anything but a ship" or something along those lines?  Sorry if that's a stupid question....

you could put anything but a ship, but it might be construed as having an attitude problem.  better off to give 3 places you'd like to go.  Halifax is nice and you wouldn't necessarily be bound to a ship if you were to get posted there.
Lil_T said:
you could put anything but a ship, but it might be construed as having an attitude problem.  better off to give 3 places you'd like to go.  Halifax is nice and you wouldn't necessarily be bound to a ship if you were to get posted there.

Yeah that's what I was thinking (could come off as an attitude problem) ~ I'll just put my three choices and if I don't get that then I'll just hope I get an Army or Air base.  True, I wouldn't mind Halifax in the least, but knowing my luck, I WOULD be posted to a ship :p
HansonSherren said:
So quick question - when I'm at Basic and they ask me my top 3 choices for posting,

They wont care at basic training what your posting preferences are. When you get to your trade training, thats when the CF will start to care.

BTW...if you realy dont like the idea of going on ships, you shouldnt have joined a trade that goes on them.
Ships aren't a bad thing, I almost can't wait to go to sea.  I just hope we don't get posted to Esquimalt, it's too expensive.
Lil_T said:
Ships aren't a bad thing, I almost can't wait to go to sea.  I just hope we don't get posted to Esquimalt, it's too expensive.

No, ships aren't bad at all.. if I were single, I'd have no problem, but I am married with 2 small children so for THEIR sakes, I hope I can get an Air base or Army base posting.  I know you still have to go away even if you have a land posting, but at least it would be less time away from home than if I were posted to a ship.
So by the sounds of it, you're just starting out too?  Have you done Basic yet?
CDN Aviator said:
and you get a good chunk of PLD because of that.

yeah, but is it enough?  I doubt we'd be able to afford a house at all - and we don't want to go back to Q's if we can help it.  Not that there's anything wrong with living in the Q's, but if we're on the road to homeownership, I'd rather not have that get derailed.

Also, I've got two kids too, and will be half of a service couple once I get in.  I guess there are perks and downfalls to each branch.  But if I was going for low chance of deployability or being away from my family (not to offend anyone) I'd be going airforce and not in a purple trade.  Don't fool yourself into thinking you won't be gone on an army base.  There are field exercises, predeployment training, various other times you'll be away.  With the navy, yeah, you'll be on the ship everyday and they can be long days as a cook.  But that doesn't mean you'll be at sea all the time either.  I'd say Army or Navy, you'd be away equal amounts of time. 

I have a vision form to take in tomorrow morning and then I have to wait for my offer. I "should" be in St Jean mid/end May, just waiting on my husband to get back from Afghanistan.  Other than that, all systems are go.
Lil_T said:
  Also, I've got two kids too, and will be half of a service couple once I get in.  I guess there are perks and downfalls to each branch.  But if I was going for low chance of deployability or being away from my family (not to offend anyone) I'd be going airforce and not in a purple trade.  Don't fool yourself into thinking you won't be gone on an army base.  There are field exercises, predeployment training, various other times you'll be away.  With the navy, yeah, you'll be on the ship everyday and they can be long days as a cook.  But that doesn't mean you'll be at sea all the time either.  I'd say Army or Navy, you'd be away equal amounts of time. 

I have a vision form to take in tomorrow morning and then I have to wait for my offer. I "should" be in St Jean mid/end May, just waiting on my husband to get back from Afghanistan.  Other than that, all systems are go.

My #1 choice is Greenwood :O)  *Fingers crossed!*

Good luck with getting your offer - and I think that's so great that you and your husband will both be in the military .. here's to his safe return!  :salute: