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I got a job offer!! I have a few questions though.


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Oh man I'm soo happy and excited. I got a job offer 30 minutes ago for the top job that I wanted  ;D. He woke me up with the call but awesome news to start your day. I get to leave on January 18th and I didn't know which section of the forum to ask these questions.

1. How long after I leave for Basic Training until I have a chance to come see my friends and family again?
2. Is it possible to bring my motorcycle? Or is there no point at Basic training and I should get it shipped to me when I am in Ontario for schooling.
3. What kind of stuff did other people bring? Clothes, and essentials obviously. A computer?

I am going to start mentally and physically preparing myself for Basic Training. I am very excited "
kolkim said:
Oh man I'm soo happy and excited. I got a job offer 30 minutes ago for the top job that I wanted  ;D. He woke me up with the call but awesome news to start your day. I get to leave on January 18th and I didn't know which section of the forum to ask these questions.

1. How long after I leave for Basic Training until I have a chance to come see my friends and family again?

2. Is it possible to bring my motorcycle? Or is there no point at Basic training and I should get it shipped to me when I am in Ontario for schooling.

3. What kind of stuff did other people bring? Clothes, and essentials obviously. A computer?

I am going to start mentally and physically preparing myself for Basic Training. I am very excited "

1. You will not be allowed to leave for the first 5 weekends, and after that, your weekend privileges will be determined by your CO.
2. You can park your personal vehicle at St. Jean, but will only have access to it if determined by your CO. I'm not sure if there are any special regulations for motorcycles.
3. These links should be helpful:

In your moments of excitement, make sure you take a breath and use the search functions. You can find out A LOT of information on your own.

Cheers and good luck at basic.
flatlander13 said:
2. You can park your personal vehicle at St. Jean, but will only have access to it if determined by your CO. I'm not sure if there are any special regulations for motorcycles.
Cheers and good luck at basic.

I don't think it really matters.  He wants to bring his "motorcycle".  BMQ starting in Jan and ending in Apr, in St Jean, Quebec.  I don't think you'd get any use out of it, unless you put snow tires on it.........
Can anybody verify if this list is still accurate?  or if there have been any changes to it recently?  They were pulled from another thread about the items that you're allowed to bring/buy upon arrival

The way back machine is your friend.

Link to the site

Link to the document
EME Hopeful said:
Can anybody verify if this list is still accurate?  or if there have been any changes to it recently?  They were pulled from another thread about the items that you're allowed to bring/buy upon arrival
The way back machine is your friend.
Link to the site
Link to the document

I wouldn't trust any of that to be 100% accurate.  But your CFRC should be providing you with the most "current" information available and they should be able to do that via email if you ask them to.
DAA said:
I wouldn't trust any of that to be 100% accurate.  But your CFRC should be providing you with the most "current" information available and they should be able to do that via email if you ask them to.

Ya, that didn't go so well when I tried emailing them.  I figured they were in a bit of a rush to get out the remaining calls they had to make so I was hoping that I might have just over looked something and could find it here
CbtDvr13 said:
Hey Congratulations! What trade did you get an offer for?

Air Weapons Systems Technician in the Royal Canadian Air Force!!
DAA said:
I don't think it really matters.  He wants to bring his "motorcycle".  BMQ starting in Jan and ending in Apr, in St Jean, Quebec.  I don't think you'd get any use out of it, unless you put snow tires on it.........

Haha point taken! I wonder how much snow Borden Ontario has.
kolkim said:
Haha point taken! I wonder how much snow Borden Ontario has.

Just as much, if not more, seeing as they are in a "snow belt".  You can store your bike at Government Expense but be careful.  If you want to get access to it at a later date and you don't have authority to relocate your storage items, you might have to pay out of pocket for access.  If you want to have it with you after BMQ, then you would probably have to do that on your own.
Kolkim, there's a ton of threads and advice all over the forum but just to throw some at you right now- the less shit you bring to BMQ the better.

One of the first slaps in the face is carrying your stuff up a half dozen flights of stairs.
Then it's trying to find room for all your stuff.
Then you have limited access to it for a while.
Then you have to worry whether or not it gets stolen.
Then you run the risk of your laptop, for example, getting crushed when you leave it on your bunk and some guys are playing grab dick and end breaking it.

If you do away with material distractions you'll enjoy your course better.

Couldn't say it any better, other than to say, "At this point in time, it's best to travel light".....
If you are single, you can look into having it stored via the Forces. I am single, and will be storing mine, already got my 3 quotes most guys looked at me with a screwball expression, :lol hoping to drop it off at the RC on Friday.
ObedientiaZelum said:
Kolkim, there's a ton of threads and advice all over the forum but just to throw some at you right now- the less crap you bring to BMQ the better.

One of the first slaps in the face is carrying your stuff up a half dozen flights of stairs.
Then it's trying to find room for all your stuff.
Then you have limited access to it for a while.
Then you have to worry whether or not it gets stolen.
Then you run the risk of your laptop, for example, getting crushed when you leave it on your bunk and some guys are playing grab dick and end breaking it.

If you do away with material distractions you'll enjoy your course better.

Ok I can travel light. I read everywhere to bring enough stuff for 3-4 days. Is that because I will get new military items in 3-4 days, or I will be washing my clothes often?

I'm not going to bring 2 suitcases of clothes but if basic training is 13 weeks and I am going to Borden afterwards shouldn't I bring more than 3-4 days worth?
4 days is: 

- underwear forwards,
- underwear backwards,
- underwear inside-out forwards, and
- underwear inside-out backwards. 

Wash.  Repeat.

Seriously, though, you will be given enough stuff that you will be glad you didn't bring too much stuff.

Good2Golf said:
4 days is: 

- underwear forwards,
- underwear backwards,
- underwear inside-out forwards, and
- underwear inside-out backwards. 
Day 2 and 4 is something to keep in mind if you're a male, prone to wearing thongs.  :nod:

Sure, it's funny now.  :'(
Journeyman said:
Day 2 and 4 is something to keep in mind if you're a male, prone to wearing thongs.  :nod:

Sure, it's funny now.  :'(

Even more complicated if you go commando.
Laughing so hard over here  :rofl: :rofl:

(Almost helps me forget that I'm waiting for my call ever so nervously (and patiently))  :cdnsalute:
You guys think it's funny now...wait til you can actually vouch for how fresh the change from Day 2 to 3 feels....  :nod:
Good2Golf said:
You guys think it's funny now...wait til you can actually vouch for how fresh the change from Day 2 to 3 feels....  :nod:

Alright there, Air Force.  ;D

You want to talk crusty gitch? Sit down kids, put your helmets on and let the Infantry sergeant tell you about how once underwear's been worn long enough, it can double as a washbasin...