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I found how Inifidal6 and the Boys in Bagdad aford their toys

3rd Herd

Army.ca Veteran
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Has anyone been following the story about the disappearance of 30 metric tons of US 100.00 dollar bills in Bagdad ? MikeB I think you may have a new site sponsor. Infidal6 feel free to take a jab at me in return.
3rd Herd said:
Infidal6 feel free to take a jab at me in return.

He can't.................the booze and hookers have rendered him speechless.

30 tons?.......lets see, yup, he'll be back in about 4 days. ;D
What?! I thought Infidal 6 was just mass counterfitting those PX Pogs to buy all that stuff!  ???
3rd Herd said:
Has anyone been following the story about the disappearance of 30 metric tons of US 100.00 dollar bills in Bagdad ? MikeB I think you may have a new site sponsor. Infidal6 feel free to take a jab at me in return.

Hmmmm.  Are the "Three Kings" wearing toques? ;D
Ho man! What I would do with 30 metric tons of 100 dollar bills.....

Edit: Anyone got a figure as to roughly how much that is?
JesseWZ said:
Ho man! What I would do with 30 metric tons of 100 dollar bills.....

Edit: Anyone got a figure as to roughly how much that is?

According to the U.S. Treasury, "In $100 bills, the weight of $1
million is about 22 pounds." [that's 10 kg.]

According to my rough calculations, that's $3,000,000,000ish.
thanks for the calculations...

What was the intended use of that ?
As there was no electronic banking system in the country, every local involved in running the country had to be paid in cash..........................[ĥeard this on CNN from a very nervous looking guy on some kind of question hotseat]
If 1 million dollars is 10 kg (in 100s), then 3 million is NOT 30 tons.

3 million is a mere 30 kg.
30 tons is 30,000 kg.  
So, 30 tons would be 3,000,000,000 dollars.
Infidel, Wes, and others... for a "modest fee" you can ship me large packages and I will ensure they reach your home...
Edit: He did say 3 billion...
edit: there are three kinds of people in the army: those who can count, and those who cannot.  Guess which type I am? ;)
Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
edit: there are three kinds of people in the army: those who can count, and those who cannot.  Guess which type I am? ;)
John Stewart had a pretty good time with this piece last night on the Daily Show.
I'd buy an island in the Carribean and start my own country.
Anyone wish to join me? I call prez.

Note: very cliche wish to have, I know, but its my island and the first rule on my island is that there will be no mocking of cliche
coming in a close second; all women will have the right to go topless after 18 yrs of age... and will be encouraged to do so with free education.

Note: all social program funds will be put towards the production of alcohol. aka cheap beer (not cheaply made  ;) )
I vote that they buy themselves a seat in Canadian Parliament and just have random outbursts during question period....just for something to do. Then Rick Mercer could visit them and do a special on the whole thing.....

Or just buy a small island somewhere with no telephones for those relatives and long lost cousins that will come out of the wood work ....though run yourself an OC48 (big fat internet pipe) so you can hit Army.ca from the comfort of your cabana 8)
JesseWZ said:
Infidel, Wes, and others... for a "modest fee" you can ship me large packages and I will ensure they reach your home...
Edit: He did say 3 billion...

Hey, I just got an e-mail from an African dude asking if I'd do the same sorta thing for him! ;)
Apparently, they have caught some of those involved but it is a hard story to follow. I thought Tom6 would be all over this too as well as a few of our other south of the boarder members.

Found this:

"The carefully planned theft has so weakened the army that it cannot hold Baghdad against insurgent attack without American military support, Iraqi officials say, making it difficult for the US to withdraw its 135,000- strong army from Iraq, as Washington says it wishes to do."

Full story at: http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/article313538.ece

career_radio-checker said:
I'd buy an island in the Carribean and start my own country.
Anyone wish to join me? I call prez.

I think I know a place that might be for sale. Saw it last week and the price is right. Some of the locals ( President etc.) may object but the we put I6 and some of the others here with their toys on the first flight in and should be no problem >:D

BTW I call Minister of Fun and Sin. ;D
Dibs VP and ministry of scantily clad women....