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how was YOUR summer experience?


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for anyone who did reserve training in the summer on a full time basis, RATHER than part-time on weekends, im curious as to how training differentiates between units, and your general experiences. did you have fun? like it/not like it? feel free to speak your mind.
Are you from the GGHG??? I recognize my unit crest. Nice to see fellow horse guards using the internet.  If you wanna hear about my experience; I spent 5 months in Quebec relearning everything from scratch, orders, ranks, how to ask for food.. you name it i had to learn it.  I'll sum up my summer experience in one sentence : A rewarding yet demorlizing experience, and my ego is out the window now. By the way,  from what I heard since everything got switch upside down for our now none exisiting armored reserve force; very little employments are available to us. Well other than courses which are just about the only thing the army is allowing us to do for some weird reason.