mariomike said:
This may also help.
"There are many different reasons why your loved one may want to join the Canadian Forces."
So my mother called the Caporal there. I had given him a call first asking if it was okay for me to give his number so my mother could be a bit reassured. He was really nice about it, and well, like I expected, said it's a common thing that happen and it's part of his job. Rest assured, it did help! Though she still doesn't understand why I want to do it (well, she understands part of the reasons), at least she knows I'm not selling my soul to the devil ;D
Anyway, I explained to her again why I wanted to do it and how it would give me another experience and new perspective on work. She just doesn't like the idea of me being in a uniform, but otherwise she did say she'd respect my decisions anyway.
As of my dad, well he just took some time to think about it and he did admit it could be a nice experience to have. He just thought I should wait off to see if I have enough time to give to the reserve, but that's all.
Maybe something helped too: one of my references, a scout leader from when I was younger, said he served 20 years in the reserve in Quebec City (where I applied). They knew him well, so I guess it made them rethink their opinion about the Forces.
I think it's just the initial shock that makes them really upset. With reason and more informations (mostly talking to a human being), they will accept your decision.
Thanks for all the advices, it was very much appreciated!