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How intense is DP1?


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Hey, I understand infantry DP1 must be pretty intense, for those who completed their course already, what stood out according to you? Is it the physical aspect, weapons training etc? Thanks in advance!
haha the course is a fair bit more intense then bmq :P  You can be in the best shape in the world and still struggle, it is really a mental course, everyone can walk all day.  The first couple weeks i was working about 18 hour days then essays at night, your working with a small group of people with everyone super stressed so it helps you deal with teamwork.  Just show up FIT it will make it way easier on everyone, if your out of shape no one will respect you any way. On the average course when I was there ~1/3 people pass first try, just do not quit or you will regret it.  Good luck!
I would'nt stress too much over it. Your course will bring out the worst and best in those around you. Work as a team, make the best of friends, and later, you'll laugh about the hard times when you reflect about it. In the company of good mates, you'll pull through like we all did. The weak individuals will fall to the side.

A course can be a real bastard, but those on it make it worth while. The old saying 'the poeple make the place' comes to mind.

Good luck.

The course must be difficult in order to ensure people are at a standard they must be to lead men into life and death.

The only way to test people (short of actually putting their life in danger) is to put them under stress and remove as many of their comforts as you can.

Anyone can be in a great mood and do a good job on a full stomach, full night's sleep, no body parts hurting, lots of time to solve the problem, and no bugs.  You have to take those things away in order to see who can still not only pick themselves up off the ground to get the job done, but have enough left over to motivate others to do it.

Long story short, it will be hell and you will probably want to quit sometimes, but if you stick it through and pass you will be more proud of yourself than you ever could have been if the course were easy.
I just recently came off of a DP1 Course due to injuries and I can tell you its as hard as you and your course makes it. It also really depends on your staff. I had an amazing course where the staff would only cock you when you deserved it rather than the usual courses where cock is on the schedule. Unless your on your way to a course NOW I wouldnt worry about it. There are no more courses going on in Meaford after the one going on now. Shilo is doing one mix with RCR and PPCLI then their done and there is a course going on in Gagetown for some reason then after that there are no more course until Infantry is open again.
I have been a course officer in Meaford, Petawawa, and Gagetown.

I can say hand-on-heart that if you are not doing the course in Gagetown you are getting off easy.
There are no more courses going on in Meaford until Infantry opens again. I am on what was supposed to be the next platoon and it is canceled. The next courses are Gagetown and Shilo than thats it. Were all waiting to goto Gagetown, some are waiting to join the one in Shilo in later weeks to start where they finished ie week 3 or 4 from the last course and others have OTs and VRs in.
danteh said:
There are no more courses going on in Meaford until Infantry opens again. I am on what was supposed to be the next platoon and it is canceled. The next courses are Gagetown and Shilo than thats it. Were all waiting to goto Gagetown, some are waiting to join the one in Shilo in later weeks to start where they finished ie week 3 or 4 from the last course and others have OTs and VRs in.

Hmm, weird.  My buddy up there who would have most likely been one of your DP1 instructors said his next batch was starting in August.  Meh.
All of my instructors have hinted to us thats its not going to happen and our course 2LT has said its not for sure
Hey Petamocto have they always ran courses in Gagetown? Cause this is the first time I've heard of it.
danteh said:
Hey Petamocto have they always ran courses in Gagetown? Cause this is the first time I've heard of it.

You are right that Gagetown is typically associated with officer training.

Sorry my post was not meant to be DP1 NCM-specific so much as just the mentality of the schools there (in the last decade). 