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Here's my story....

kincanucks said:
Well there may not be any officers in your trade but I can guarantee there are some in your Chain of Command.

HH and DA

Oh yeah, there definately is Officer's in my Chain of Command, not that it is a big deal.  I just thought it strange that there are no Officer Met Tech's.  So, if I decide to Commision up at any point I will never be able to be a Met Tech Officer.  I'll have to pick a completely different trade, which is fine too.  It will be awhile before I think about going that route.
Isn't the MP Officer trade the same med standars as the Met Tech (Did my research here is reference : Reference A-MD-154-000/FP-000 Appendix 1, Annex E 11 July 2005 and I am talking about the MP Officer and not MP NCM)?

Link to med standards : http://www.forces.gc.ca/health/policies/med_standards/pdf/engraph/cfp154_annexEappen1-2_e.pdf

Don't mean to get your ideas running, just thought I would make sure you knew.

BTW I am sure Met Tech will be interesting. Like they said about officer, I am sure you will have an officer in your chain of command but he probably won't be overlooking your every move and making sure you do it right since he probably won't know more then you.
Klinkaroo said:
BTW I am sure Met Tech will be interesting. Like they said about officer, I am sure you will have an officer in your chain of command but he probably won't be overlooking your every move and making sure you do it right since he probably won't know more then you.

Actually Met Techs are very often briefing officers.  They are the first to brief during INT Briefings, especially if it involves flights of any kind.  They are not the guys on the Six O'clock News (actually sometimes they do appear on a local station) who only give you a five day forcast in 'general civie' terms.  They have to be able to brief crews as to what their flight conditions will be.  They have to brief Army commanders as to what WX they may experience in an Operation.  They have to brief Naval commanders on what WX to expect, which will have a bearing on Sea States.  It is not as easy a job as you may think.
Isn't the MP Officer trade the same med standars as the Met Tech (Did my research here is reference : Reference A-MD-154-000/FP-000 Appendix 1, Annex E 11 July 2005 and I am talking about the MP Officer and not MP NCM)?

Link to med standards : http://www.forces.gc.ca/health/policies/med_standards/pdf/engraph/cfp154_annexEappen1-2_e.pdf

WTF does that have to do with anything?
kincanucks said:
Isn't the MP Officer trade the same med standars as the Met Tech (Did my research here is reference : Reference A-MD-154-000/FP-000 Appendix 1, Annex E 11 July 2005 and I am talking about the MP Officer and not MP NCM)?

Link to med standards : http://www.forces.gc.ca/health/policies/med_standards/pdf/engraph/cfp154_annexEappen1-2_e.pdf

WTF does that have to do with anything?

Read the topic and you would know. She said that originally she wanted to got MP but couldn't because of poor vision.
Meterological Technician

Military Police

Seen but you are wrong because she meant MP not MPO.

I was not wrong which is the reason I wrote in parentheses I am talking about the MP Officer and not MP NCM and she mentioned that she had a law degree, to me this means that she probably qualified for the officer position and to me an MPO and an MP are both Military Police (now don't tell me they are not the same... I know, but they both in the policing field, doing law and police work).

Now can we put the little technicalities to side and get back to the original subject?
newmet said:
  I just thought it strange that there are no Officer Met Tech's. 

There are no officers in trades like AES Op, SAR Tech, Flt Eng ( and others i'm sure) so its not strange at all.
George Wallace said:
Actually Met Techs are very often briefing officers.  They are the first to brief during INT Briefings, especially if it involves flights of any kind.  They are not the guys on the Six O'clock News (actually sometimes they do appear on a local station) who only give you a five day forcast in 'general civie' terms.  They have to be able to brief crews as to what their flight conditions will be.  They have to brief Army commanders as to what WX they may experience in an Operation.  They have to brief Naval commanders on what WX to expect, which will have a bearing on Sea States.  It is not as easy a job as you may think.

Met Tech serve a critical role onboard ship as well in briefing of the air crew on what weather to expect. very crucial for flight ops.

My favourite role they do is when on deployment they are the ones who give us our mail and packages from home. These folks are awesome for morale on a 6 month trip. :)
Klinkaroo said:
I was not wrong which is the reason I wrote in parentheses I am talking about the MP Officer and not MP NCM and she mentioned that she had a law degree, to me this means that she probably qualified for the officer position and to me an MPO and an MP are both Military Police (now don't tell me they are not the same... I know, but they both in the policing field, doing law and police work).

Now can we put the little technicalities to side and get back to the original subject?

Well until she comes on here and tells us actually what she was trying for and actually what her education is, all is moot.  Suggest you do a little reading on what MPs and MPO do and the VERY BIG differences in their jobs before gracing us with your wisdom again. Out.

HH and DA
Thanks for sharing your story/journey with us!!  It's been very insightful and helpful.  I wish you all the best on the next leg of your journey and trust you'll keep us posted on how things are!  Enjoy the final week of your leave and then before you know it, you'll be home sweet home and doing your job!  Congratulations on your progress thus far!  :salute:
Well, go on leave to prepare for course and look what happens :)

I have a College Diploma in Law and Security, qualifies me for MP, not MPO.  I have considered continuing my BA in Criminology but have put that on hold for a bit. 
I decided on Met Tech as, my vision qualified :)  Also, it does look like an interesting job and the trade is changing and becoming more demanding right now.  I am going on a 3's course that is called the BOb course, Briefer Observer course, this will, technically, qualify me to the 6A level.  The old level, as these will be changing as everyone gets trained to the same level.  We will then have new 5's and 6's courses, I am sure.  I have been informally briefed as to where the trade could be in the future and it sounds like a very cool place to be.
Met techs do have a very important role in the military, in relation to ship operations, flights and even artillery usage.  I am not overly looking forward to giving briefings, as I am quite shy; however, I am sure my wacky sense of humour will land me on charge parade at some point  >:D  All those Officers in one room, scary :)  I have been following along some of the Met techs on my base and they have been full of wonderful information and very helpful, I look forward to completing my training and starting the rest of my career.
As for other trades without Officer's, I hadn't run across other trades without them; however, I am new to being "in" the military, opposed to just being an Army brat or Army wife, I am sure I will continue to learn more every day and appreciate any info people can give me  ;D

Thank you everyone for your interest :)  Have a great day all!
Go GURL!  :salute: You sound like you are going to do just fine - you certainly have a winning spirit.

I did grin when I read your last post about briefing all those officers and so on... just remember that everyone, even the pilots, look pretty darned similar to you and me when they are sitting on the throne in the bathroom!  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: No-one is so special you need to panic. (Now if that doesn't give you something else to think about before you panic about briefing them then nothing will!)

Seriously though - you will be fine - they will practice your briefing skills lots on your 3's and when you do brief for real, you will be the SME with information they need. They will be paying attention - believe me!


Thanks Neon, for the kind words.  Right now we are working on theory, LOTS of theory :)  We have already gotten up in front of our group talking and reading met products and it has been alright, I just woulhate for someone to ask me a questionthat I don't know the answer to  ;D  As for thinking about them on the can I may have to use that; however, if I start laughing hysterically as I start my brief I'll blame you! :rofl: :rofl:  Have a good day all, I am off to learn more about the clouds and to colour, sorry "enhance"  ;D
Hey - broad shoulders here - it usually is my fault so feel free to blame me :D Now if you don't know the answer just say so - "I am not sure on that, can I get back to you with teh answer later?" or something like that usually works well.
Dont you just watch the weather channel before going to the office in the morning....hehehe

I do like the response of getting back to someone later, definately have used that in the past and I am sure I will again. 

As for watching the weather network, yeah, realized can't really trust them  ;D  Besides, we used a lot of different information than they do.  Oh, crap, I am starting to understand all this  :crybaby:  Hopefully enough to pass the test  :-\  Have a great day all!
Just a guess but you guys (and gals) also deal with current weather and short term forecast often, not like you have to brief a pilot 14 days in advance :P