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Helmet upgrades ? MICH / ACH style pads in CAF style kevlar, any one done one?

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If you want you can use the CF suspension and chin strap -- a friend of mine in the US mil uses one that way (He's a Col so he can...) as he had to turn in his MICH when he left SOCOM.  Someone  ;) acquired him a CF helmet (from the Soldier Shop in Calgary) and he modded it - Dave was the first to do so AFAIK, then Cass for his Military Moron Site.

Al you still in Strat land or are you in Gag?

If your Edmonton local - I am sure some can show you theirs -- if you in Gagetown - sorry.

Secondly CTS I believe is interested in this setup - just consider it a field trial if others ask... (I've bsed my career on the theory "its easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission..." - of course look where its got me  ;D )

Kevin, I'm still stuck in Gagtown, but should hopefully (knock on wood) be out in Edmonton next year.

I'm glad to hear that CTS is looking at alternatives, particularly ones that are already in field use, and ones that guys are willing to fork out their own money for (which is almost always a good indicator).

I'm just wishing I had heard of this rig 2 years ago (or even longer), as I was wearing a helmet a fair bit while teaching on tactics courses. I'm a carpet commando now, but it will prove useful when I get back to the Regt and get back to field ops and overseas. The current suspension system gives me a headache..... and even if/when CTS procures it, I will probably be retired, so no point in waiting for Uncle Paul to provide for me.....

Question for those that have purchased a kit:  how much did you pay for duty?? Or brokerage fees?

I am sure Allan will be posting soon, but let me stea a little of his thunder... We got our kits today.. I bought the full meal deal (BLSS) while he bought the BLU kit.   I have just finished installing it into my helmet, to make up for the missing front screw I simply used three small tie wraps to hold the front plastic band together (pics to follow).   Once I positioned the pads and put the helmet on my head, all I had to say was "WOW!!!"   I find the chin strap fits a little off center, but apart from that, the comfort is incredible.   The pads squeeze ever so lightly on my head and make the helmet snug.   I have been wearing my crew helmet for the last two days (instructing tank driving) and I am looking forward to try this out on Monday!   I will be taking comparison pics with the one Kev posted earlier in the thread, hopefully Allan will too!

Edit: pictures!



Since Bzz beat me to the punch (I have 3 kids and I'm stupid enough to bring work home with me, I am just know settling down to do "fun" stuff (at 2215hrs)), I will weigh in with my initial view.

After taking my helmet apart (to remove issue suspension system) and cleaning it (to aid in sticky sided Velcro to actually adhere), I did a "dry" run to try out the fit/comfort. It seems very comfy on first impression, and I will be wearing it on Tuesday for a ruck-march, so I will be able to give a more thorough review then.

One issue that I MUST mention is the cost: it ain't cheap, brutha!!! Just for the pads (I bought the lesser version, as I am content with issue chin-strap, and also concerned with fashion-police, err, people who notice when things kit-wise are amiss (WO's, SSM's, etc)) it came to well over $100 Cdn (I haven't totalled the damage done to my Visa yet (Bzz and I combined our order to save on shipping costs), but it's up there. One of the costs that kind of burned my ass was the fact that the CCRA (customs) people charged us for GST, and Canada Post charges $8 for "handling priority courier" parcels. Those two things totalled $45.80.

I'm sure if I were to live with my helmet on, like the fellas overseas do, I would complain less about the price, and I'm just wishing that I had this riggin's 2 years ago when I started teaching tactics courses and I wore a helmet 10 - 14 hrs a day, 5 days a week for 5 week stints (3 or 4 courses per year). Oh well, it won't go bad in the next year while I sit in my comfy chair, playing computer games for a living (one of my new jobs is to evaluate existing computer games for use in instruction (tactics, situational awareness, etc)..... life is rough  8)

How do you secure the helmet cover or is it a non issue.  I am also wondering the exact placement of the fourth hole if I drill one.

I had no need to put the fourth hole in.. so I will wait until I have to.  As for the cover, I simply slid it in after the suspension was put in.
Just a quick testimonial for the pads, as I did the 13km the other day: they are very comfy, and easy (due to the velcro system) to move around to get the "right" fit. They do get fairly hard in the cold, but soften up pretty quick to conform to yer pumpkin. I don't think I'd want to be putting this thing on after it sat outside in -40 conditions after sweating like a pig the day before, but seeing as they come out super-easy, keeping them warm (i.e inside tent/building/inside sleeping bag (after drying them out, of course)) etc) shouldn't be a problem. It would probably only take one occasion of forgetfullness to hammer the point home.

Anyway, for the potential "kit whore", this is definitely something to think about, especially if you wear your helmet a lot (i.e overseas).

Hi, just a couple questions. First off, I have the BLU kit in my helmet currently, however the pads are slightly to small, i.e. the helmet is a lil to big. A am considering buying one size larger pads, however I am also considering the chin straps. So, background over 2 questions:
1) Does having the Oregon Aero chinstrap add any size to the helmet, does it make it smaller than with just the pads in?
2) Just to clarify the install of the chinstrap, three of the holes on the chinstrap line up with the three pre drilled holes on the helmet. The fourth hole, is just attached with zap straps? Is this all correct?

Thanks for the help. Also if there is anyone that is in Edmonton that would'nt mind showing me their helmet with the chinstrap setup maybe we can set something up? Im sure theres a beer in it for you, if so pm me. Thanks guys
philB:    i ordered the BLSS kit and have not installed the chinstrap.  i have just used the pads because I'm afraid of the fashion police.  if you want to try out the chin strap or buy it then PM me and we can set something up,  as i live in Edmonton.

Phil -- you move the pads up and down to create a better fit -- to align with my Peltors, Big Red gave me some pointers and we angled the pads.  -- Add in you will at least have a PRR headset overseas...
The main issue is that is sits to low on my head, id like the helmet to sit about half an inch higher
PhilB said:
The main issue is that is sits to low on my head, id like the helmet to sit about half an inch higher

Get promoted: it makes your head swell-up!!!!

Seriously though, I think that you may have to play with the pads, and if that doesn't work, you may have to order the thicker pads from Aero, assuming you got the thinner ones. If that doesn't rub you the right way (i.e you don't want to spend any more money, and personally, I wouldn't blame you as it is already a significant amount of cabbage that you have put out), I would think about building up the areas that you are going to place the velcro with some type of tape (gun tape?) or a spacer type of thing (gasket material, maybe). I would make it considerably wider than the velcro, for stability reasons.

Let me know how you make out.

How low is too low -- can you see?

By adjusting my pads - I have easily a 1/2" degree in fit up and down...

Failing that by some thin foam and put it in the helmet first velco to both sides and you have a removeable spacer...

OR go to a unit that allows you to grow hockey hair  ;)
I have been using mine for a lil while, wow... so much nicer then the older kevlar suspensions, lets not even bring up the old steel pots....

Oregon Aero treated me great, I sent them my helmet, they did some testing, and sent it back with a kit installed... free of charge.  Can't beat that.
They installed a more prototype universial style chin strap, I think I'll order up the standard one that comes with the BLSS kit.  The prototype is a three point mouning system but still a four-point stap.  Rear two straps mount into a mounting peice that attaches with only one screw.  Still works with the standard CDN chin strap system.

Oh so much more comfy... hell I'm planing on buying a spare standard BLSS, might as well since this first one was free
We are now stocking the Oregon Aero  BLSS kits    ;D

Farmboy.. I am heading to the field this week, but if you want I can get you some "real life" pictures of the system installed on a CDN helmet...
Hey that would be great!

They can be sent to info@oneshottactical.com

I am still trying to get a photo page up on my site for stuff like this!