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Helicopter Crash Kills 31 U.S. Soldiers & 7 ANA - Aug/06/2011

Bruce Monkhouse

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Helicopter crash kills 31 U.S. soldiers:

Sat Aug 6, 2011 5:43am EDT  Print This Article[-] Text [+] KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai said on Saturday 31 U.S. soldiers and 7 Afghan troops had been killed in a helicopter crash overnight, one of the worst incidents of its kind in the 10-year-old war in Afghanistan.

The statement from the presidential palace said the helicopter had crashed in central Maidan Wardak province, just to the west of the capital, Kabul. The Taliban claimed to have shot down the troop-carrying helicopter.

The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force confirmed a helicopter had crashed but gave no further details.

(Reporting by Michelle Nichols; Editing by Paul Tait)


NATO helicopter crashes in Afghanistan

Afghan president says 31 U.S. troops, 7 Afghans killed

CBC News
Posted: Aug 6, 2011 5:42 AM ET

Afghan President Hamid Karzai says 31 U.S. troops and seven Afghan soldiers were killed in the crash of a NATO helicopter in eastern Afghanistan overnight.

NATO says it's investigating a helicopter incident in the Savd Abad district of Wardak province but has not confirmed a crash or released details.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid says insurgents downed a U.S. military helicopter in the area after the aircraft fired on a house where Taliban fighers were gathering Friday night.

Mujahid says eight insurgents died in the incident.
Holy f@#$%^&*K - condolences to the families, colleagues and friends of the fallen....  :salute:

An International Security Assistance Force helicopter crashed in eastern Afghanistan today, and recovery operations are underway.

ISAF is still in the process of assessing the circumstances to determine the facts of the incident, reporting indicates there was enemy activity in the area.

Additional details will be released as appropriate.
Source:  Initial ISAF statement, 6 Aug 11

President Hamid Karzai was grieved by the deaths of 31 American Special Force troops after a helicopter they were on board crashed in a province.

The chopper was reportedly crashed in Maidan Wardak province, killing 31 US Special Forces including its crew members.

Whiled saddened by the accident and loss of lives, President Karzai expresses his deep sympathies and condolences to President Barack Obama and the families and relatives of the victims.

Also on board this chopper were seven members of the Afghan Forces who too were all killed in the crash. The President extended condolences to the families of the victims.
Source:  AFG presidential statement, 6 Aug 11

New reports from Wardag province indicate that a heavy clash unfolded last night at about 11:00 pm local time in Syedabad district of the province between Mujahideen and the invaders resulting from the enemy’s raid on the civilians which was faced with sterner resistances by Mujahideen who fought back the enemy and shot one of the invaders’ helicopters with rockets during the fighting.

Mujahideen officials said the enemy helicopter fell down Syedabad district killing 38 enemy troops including 31 US-NATO invading troops and 7 of their puppets.

The reports add the dead and wounded were evacuated by 8 ambulance helicopters, while 8 Mujahideen became martyred in the enemy airstrikes during the fighting.

The wreckage of the struck helicopter is said to still exist in the area the debris of which is lying scattered at the scene.

Source:  Taliban's Voice of Jihad English-language web page, 6 Aug 11 (screen capture of statement also attached as PDF if you don't want to link to a terrorist web site)

- edited to add Karzai statement -
CTV is quoting a "Senior U.S Official" saying that the aircraft was shot down by hostile fire.
Condolences to the families and friends. This is a sad day.

31 spec ops troops dead in Afghan helo crash
By Solomon Moore - The Associated Press
Posted : Saturday Aug 6, 2011 7:52:27 EDT

KABUL, Afghanistan — A helicopter crash in Afghanistan’s eastern Wardak province killed 31 U.S. special operation troops and seven Afghan soldiers, the country’s president said Saturday. It was the highest number of American casualties recorded in a single incident in the decade-long war.

President Hamid Karzai sent his condolences to President Obama, according to a statement issued by his office.

“A NATO helicopter crashed last night in Wardak province,” Karzai said in the statement, adding that 31 American special operations troops were killed. “President Karzai expressed his deep condolences because of this incident and expressed his sympathy to Barack Obama.”

The Taliban claimed to have brought the helicopter down with a rocket attack, but they have been known to make exaggerated claims in the past.

NATO confirmed the overnight crash and said there “was enemy activity in the area.” But it said it was still investigating the cause. The alliance was conducting a recovery operation at the site, it said, without releasing details or a casualty figure.

“We are aware of an incident involving a helicopter in eastern Afghanistan,” said Air Force Capt. Justin Brockhoff, a NATO spokesman. “We are in the process of accessing the facts.” The helicopter was a twin-rotor Chinook, which are used for transport, said an official at NATO headquarters in Brussels, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the press.

The helicopter crashed in the Sayd Abad district of Wardak province, said a provincial government spokesman, Shahidullah Shahid. The volatile region borders the province of Kabul where the Afghan capital is located and is known for its strong Taliban presence.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said in a statement that NATO had attacked a house in Sayd Abad where insurgents were gathering Friday night, killing eight fighters. The Taliban then downed the helicopter. he said.

In June 2005, 16 American troops were killed when a U.S. helicopter crashed in eastern Kunar province after apparently being hit by a rocket-propelled grenade.

Aircraft crashes are relatively frequent in Afghanistan, where insecurity and difficult terrain make air travel essential for coalition forces transporting troops and equipment.

There have been at least 17 coalition and Afghan aircraft crashes in Afghanistan this year. Most of the crashes are attributed to pilot errors, weather conditions or mechanical failures. However, the coalition has confirmed that at least one CH-47F Chinook helicopter was hit by a rocket propelled grenade on July 25, injuring two crewmembers.

Meanwhile, NATO troops attacked a house and inadvertently killed eight members of a family, including women and children, in Helmand province, an Afghan government official said Saturday.

NATO said Taliban fighters fired rocket propelled grenades and small arms at coalition troops during a patrol Friday in the Nad Ali district. The troops fired back, and as the fight escalated an airstrike was called in against the Taliban position, said Brockhoff, the NATO spokesman. He said NATO sent a delegation to meet with local leaders and investigate the incident.

Nad Ali district police chief Shadi Khan said civilians died in the bombardment but that it was unknown how many insurgents were killed.

NATO has come under harsh criticism in the past for accidentally killing civilians during operations against suspected insurgents. However, civilian death tallies by the United Nations show the insurgency is responsible for most war casualties involving non-combatants.

Also in the south, NATO said two coalition service member were killed, one on Friday and another on Saturday. The international alliance did not release further details.

The deaths bring to 334 the number of coalition troops killed this year in Afghanistan, and 11 this month.
ABC News' breakdown of the casualties highlighted, via White House bureau:
A helicopter crash in Afghanistan killed 31 Americans, including as many as 25 Navy SEALs in one of the worst single-day U.S. losses of life since the war began, a senior military official told ABC News early this morning.

A total of 38 people were on board the Chinook helicopter when it crashed overnight in the eastern Afghan province of Wardak.

Initial reports indicate up to 25 Navy SEALs were on the aircraft at the time.

It was also carrying seven Afghan Special Forces troops, one interpreter, five member helicopter crew and one dog
SEALS or not, a huge hit ....
Thoughts and prayers to the families, friends and colleagues of the SEALs, Nightstalkers and Afghan SF soldiers on board.  :salute:
Not what I want to hear at any time.  My deepest condolences to the families, comrades and friends of the fallen.    :salute:
Senior U.S. officials have extended condolences to the families of American and Afghan forces lost in an International Security Assistance Force helicopter crash in eastern Afghanistan earlier today.

Recovery operations are under way, ISAF Joint Command officials said in a statement today, noting that reports indicate there was enemy activity in the area.

The crash reportedly involved numerous casualties, but ISAF officials have yet to release further information.

“My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of the Americans who were lost earlier today in Afghanistan,” President Barack Obama said today in a statement.

“Their deaths are a reminder of the extraordinary sacrifices made by the men and women of our military and their families,” the president continued, “including all who have served in Afghanistan.

“We also mourn the Afghans who died alongside our troops in pursuit of a more peaceful and hopeful future for their country,” the president added.

Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta also offered his condolences in a statement today.

"I am deeply saddened by the loss of many outstanding Americans in uniform and of their Afghan counterparts earlier today in Afghanistan,” he said. “Their courage was exemplary, as was their determination to make this a safer world for their countries and for their fellow citizens.

“We will stay the course to complete that mission, for which they and all who have served and lost their lives in Afghanistan have made the ultimate sacrifice,” he continued.

“They and their families are in my thoughts, in my prayers and in my heart." ....
Source:  American Forces Press Service, 6 Aug 11
It is a sad day, regardless of your views.

Condolences to the friends and family's of everyone involved. :salute:  Regardless of nationality or race its a sad day for us all.
“On behalf of all Canadians, I offer my deepest condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of the brave U.S. service members and Afghan soldiers who lost their lives today in this terrible incident.

“This tragedy is a stark reminder of the extraordinary sacrifices that men and women in uniform continue to make in Afghanistan.

“Canada will not waiver in its efforts to see Afghanistan emerge as a peaceful, secure and stable country that will never again be a safe haven for terrorists.

“As we mourn this loss, let us be inspired by the values and courage of all those who work tirelessly to make the world a safer place.“
Source:  PM web site, 6 Aug 11
More info on the crash:

US probes Afghanistan special forces helicopter crash


:salute: To the brave US and Afghan soldiers who have paid the ultimate price.
A tragic blow to our allies. My condolences to the families of the fallen, their friends, and comrades. Ubique :salute: :yellow:
Thirty eight coalition members were killed on August 6th when a coalition CH-47 crashed while on a mission that targeted a Taliban leader in the Tangi Valley, Sayyidabad district, Wardak province.

The helicopter was reportedly fired on by an insurgent rocket-propelled grenade while transporting the U.S. service members and commandos to the scene of an on-going engagement between ISAF and insurgents forces.

The U.S. service members on board included five aircrew and 25 personnel from the U.S. Special Operations Command.

The operation began as a security search for a Taliban leader responsible for insurgent operations in the nearby Tangi Valley. After commencing the search, the initial security force on the ground observed several insurgents, armed with rocket propelled grenade launchers and AK-47 assault rifles, moving through the area.

The security force and insurgents exchanged small arms fire, resulting in several enemies killed.

As the insurgents continued to fire, the combined force on the ground requested additional forces to assist the operation. Those additional personnel were in-bound to the scene when the CH-47 carrying them crashed, killing all on board.

Immediately following the crash, the forces already on the ground broke contact with the insurgents and moved to the crash site to secure the scene and search for survivors. Additional security elements deployed from a nearby forward operating base to augment the search and security efforts.

An investigation is underway to determine the exact cause of the crash.
Source:  ISAF news release, 8 Aug 11
Taliban's take:  see, we're not slowing down.
Yesterday, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate has caused serious casualties to the enemy in a few hour battle taken place in Tangi Dara of Saed abad district, Maidan Wardak province. According to American military sources they have faced huge life loses in the incident in a single day as compare to the past ten years. According to other report a Chinook CH-47 helicopter of American Special Forces has been fallen down, as a result thirty one US and seven domestic soldiers were killed.

As before the acceptance of huge casualties by spokesmen of Washington’s defense and interior ministries, White House, Bagram and Kabul administration, the administrators of presidential palace accepted the incident at once and submitted their condolence, it is a surprise and matchless happening in itself. If this attempt is taken place through American consultation so it is clear that a change is occurred in American policy regarding to hide such incidents from world community and especially from Americans. Such incidents have taken place a number of times in the past ten years but Americans military officials have not accepted it. What kind of idea and new message they want to convey to the American people by this acknowledgment, that certainty will be later identified. But the conclusion yet become known is that from one hand the reality of emergency landing of their helicopters has been manifested and in the same way it has shown the discipline, heroism and power of Mujahideen that how they can prey the sophisticated helicopters of enemy in an instant attack with out any hesitation in mid night, and that simply convey a message to American people that something is really going on in Afghanistan,

The fact is that through an organized plan Americans are trying to hide their casualties now and in this way they try to show their self as fake champions. A number of helicopters had been drop down by Mujahideen attacks across the country in past few years. Especially after the beginning of Badar operation the fall down of helicopters by Mujahideen has significantly been increased but the enemy frequently refused to accept the incident and if they accept the incident then they call it technical problems or emergency landing. Now the question arise that how it can be possible that technical problems of helicopter just occurs in Afghanistan and have continuous emergency landing here while the emergency landing cases has not generally happened on global level. The surprising is that when the helicopters gets fire or destroys in pieces then they add with emergency landing that the troops aboard has not received any casualties.

As a whole the Saed Abad incident has shown that despite of enemy’s propaganda the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate has not obtain any military capabilities weakness but they are yet capable of carrying out more organized and effective attacks by the blessings of Almighty Allah. In the same way the enemy despite of following the bamboozle policies they should observe the ground realities. They should clearly admit the coming defeat in battlefield. They have to take hands from offensive politics so that they save their self from such kind of shocking casualties.
Source:  Voice of Jihad web page, 8 Aug 11 (usual caveat re:  clicking on a jihadi web site link - full screen capture also downloadable as PDF here)
I would like to caution about naming the fallen.DoD has not released the casualty list.Some of the families have gone public but until its published on defenselink its not official. I know I am splitting hairs.NOK is ongoing.Their remains will arrive Tuesday at Dover AFB.
McClatchy coverage caveats notwithstanding, am I the only one seeing this (if it is, indeed, being considered) as over-reaction?
Two Pentagon officials told McClatchy on Monday that an investigation into the helicopter crash that killed 30 American troops would probe whether it's a mistake to send the large, lumbering Chinook helicopter into a Taliban firefight, where it's a target for insurgents.

As the remains of the 30 troops killed in the military's deadliest incident of the Afghan war were being flown back to the United States, U.S. commanders confirmed that the servicemen were flying to the aid of American troops embroiled in a firefight when an insurgent shot down their helicopter with a rocket-propelled grenade.


Separately, two Defense Department officials told McClatchy that a military investigation into the crash would ask whether dropping a Chinook into the middle of a battle is too dangerous now. Before the incident, the Taliban rarely had shot down a Chinook, bolstering commanders' confidence that the military could use the aircraft, which can carry more people than the Black Hawk helicopter, under such circumstances ....
Source:  Stars & Stripes, 8 Aug 11