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Hearing damage

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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I just got some DVA paperwork back, and I have a meeting with my Legion rep tomorrow about my case.   Ears, back, knees.   I have a hearing aide in my left ear, and Tinnitus.

Will get back to you tomorow as to my next step.

The new policy for 105mm guns is foam earplugs _and_ ear defenders .

LOL, you mean to say, it isn't selective

When my Dad (27 years on the Guns) first got his 2 hearing aids, my Mother mentioned one day that "she didn't understand why he turned his hearing aids off, when he got home from work"

I said "Do I really need to explain that to you??"  >:D
No pension, not eligible. Dropped like a hat. It appears by the sounds of this thread that there are many others such as myself that have lost hearing while working or performing duties related to their respective trade. In reality the "system" doesn't discriminate, it simply treats everyone unfairly. As for those of you still serving,or are about to embark on a career in the forces I can only offer the advice to protect yourselves as best you can. If you think you "look funny" in defenders or plugs or "it's not cool" or "I can handle it", think again.... all too often the damage catches up and the next thing you realize, your're doing your out-routine and the career mangler can't help you.
1 live fire Ex without ear plugs is all it took for me. All my civi friends swear my hearing has gone down hill..
I was only in the Militia for 5 years ('76-'81) (spent close to a year in Shilo and/or Lahr fulltime), but by the end of my time my nickname was H4!

I have tremendous hearing loss in both ears, with the constant ringing (Tinnitus).  Salutes were the worst... I too recall after a few rounds the tears rolling down my cheeks.  Unfortunately in my day, at least one of the NCOs in charge would rip us a new one if we even hinted at wanting to wear ear plugs.  I too also spent a fair amount of time in the CP with a headset on and though I don't think that contributed as much to the hearing loss, it probably didn't help.

I asked around a bit about any kind of coverage but was told that as I didn't have a medical at my time of leaving that I'd be unable to prove cause.

Lance Wiebe said:
But I think the one thing that bugs me the most is the constant ringing in my ears.   It does get annoying.
They tested my eyes (possible laser damage) and ears when I released after 15 years as a gunner (1/2 on the guns, 1/2 in the FOO hence the laser), and the MO informed I me I could 'probably' apply for disability, but there was nothing on my file in relation to hearing tests or rounds fired and it would be arduous.  Ostensibly, I was informed, the TSM/GPO were to record how many rounds occurred in an exercise and place that on your file, but that is sporadic at best.  I would guess that serving gunners should check their personnell files?



I remember once on exercise, we were firing White Bag charge 7 and I was by the side of the M109 fixing the cam net.  Next thing I hear, as if it were slow motion, "FIRE"...  I just say to myself "sh*t"...face full of smoke...then just ringing for about five minutes.  Damn loud!
bearded1 said:
I would guess that serving gunners should check their personnell files?

The Record of Rounds fired was always kept on the UER and included exposure to arty, tank, mortar and .50 cal.  Unfortunately not in use as much as it once was.

Your med file including the CF 2088s should show a decline in Hearing and Vision categories which could be matched against MPRR or UER for employment during those periods.

Hearing damage can also result from travel in armoured vehicles.  Many folks who should wear hearing aids due to service-related damage refuse and that prevents them from successfully deomnstrating the deficit.

The original question back in 2003 was
geofftheref said:
Just how loud is it to be inside an M109 SP howitzer when firing ? 
  Not much to worry about with M109s anymore!
Reviving this one. Has some new protocol or equipment been adopted to reduce the risk during training exercises? I'm Interested in becoming a reserve gunner but not too keen on it if it involves a high risk of damage. I have already lost some hearing working with loud machinery in my field.