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Have anyone ever come across this one

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Hi, everyone

and here is the story...

Naturalized citizen, live in Canada for 8 years first choice DOE infantry second MARS.
Applied in 2006, test, enhance reliability check, medical, interview in 2008 and job offer one month later for infantry.
I decided to go for MARS and has been informed that I have to wait longer as MARS requires higher clearance, was fine by me back then.
  April 2009, having unknown time frame for this clearance to be completed and time passing by (I'm turning 36 this year) plus good conversation with recruiter and We agreed that I'll take whatever is open and so was artillery(good choice too and absolutely acceptable).
So there were second interview and medical and another  enhance reliability check. Then a job offer and phone call in October that I'm getting sworn in December and taking off for the boot camp in January 2010.
Then another call two weeks latter that  they have open spot and if I want then it's mine, but I have to be ready in 10 days.  Heck YES!
Then just 4 days before THE DAY one more phone call and I have been informed that they're going to do security pre-assessment and that going to take 3 to 6 months, but in reality only God knows how long.

So....the question:
What the heck changed during those 7 days, and have anyone heard about anything like that?

PS: and I did read most of whatever available on this board.

Something similar happened to me.  I have an application for regular infantry.

I am a naturalized Canadian.  I have been in Canada for 17 years now, since I was 3.  I've had my Citizenship since I was 7 or so.  All my immediate family is here in Canada.  I haven't been out of the country for the past 10 years.

I started my application in late '08, took a long time because I had to clear up medical stuff (doctor appointments here take a month!)  Did my CFAT, ERC, interview, and was medically accepted back in Nov. 09, but process was halted due to the budget.

2 Days ago, I get a phone call telling me to come in to do a background check.  At the time on the phone, I thought it was just a criminal background and credit check, but when I arrived at the recruiting center, they informed me I had to fill out the long security clearance form!  I was surprised and asked why they didn't inform me to do this a lot sooner to save time.  They couldn't give me an answer.  Only answer was that I was born in an scheduled country!

Any input would be appreciated.
Well, Charlee

in your situation everything locks normal, to my opinion, except for the fact that Ottawa decided to do pre-assessment on you. But at least procedures in order.
In my case it's not, as I was given a job offer first(twice) and scheduled for departure and only then they decided to go for pre-assessment.
I am Naturalized Canadian too.
After 6 months  I was not invited for CFAT yet.
I am waiting for security check.
I had a similar problem, except I was born a citizen and didn't live in a scheduled country. It took four years to finish the screening. I guess this is a problem for a lot more than people than myself.
Wow, just to get an idea, I have a couple questions.

Did you have any immediate family outside Canada at that time?

Did you visit countries outside Canada around that time?
Yes. Charlly

I do have family outside, and I do understand the purpose of the whole procedure, but before a job offer even before interview, not after.    So, that was sort of surprise.
That is a suprise AlexMDN.

My question was directed towards Long Sword though, since his clearance took four years.
Ok, everyone

judging by amount of input such situation highly unusual.

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

AlexMDN said:
Ok, everyone

judging by amount of input such situation highly unusual.

Happy St. Patrick's Day.


No, it's not unusual at all. The likely reason for such few responses is that it's been stated here, time and again, that the CF does not control the security clearances. They are done by another agency. We have no control on how long they take or what questions may arise. Some get done quickly, some require extra leg work and take extra long. Who you are or what you did is immaterial to the people doing the checks. If you don't fit neatly in the box, one missing checkmark, you get extra attention. It's just one of the little exasperation's that will plague you throughout your career. Might as well get used to it.

People are just tired of answering the same question every day.

Milnet.ca Staff
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