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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

Looks like Israel managed to free 4 hostages alive.... While massacring 80 Palestinians on their way!

And here you are 250 days later, and you’ve yet to utter a word condemning the kidnappings, the hostage takings, the sexual assaults, the mistreatment of prisoners, or the other crimes against humanity the leadership of Hamas stand accused of. You won’t even acknowledge being asked the questions.

I expect these four rescued hostages will have a lot to say in evidence of this.
Thanks for proving the point of Collective Punishment (ie. if Hamas doesn't surrender then the IDF is to continue mass killing and beheading Palestinian children).
Ah well, it's Quirky!
More bullsh!t. The only such story I've heard so far featured Hamas militants beheading Israeli children while they went about the mass killing that initiated hostilities. Whatever you might think, I can guess your status here is somewhere between "political agitator" and "troll" in the minds of regular contributors and readers.

There's usually an age cutoff for "child" and unscrupulous combatants are prone to allowing under-age people to participate in hostilities. Any such deaths under Hamas's control are on Hamas, not Israel, and I doubt the scorekeepers have information that allows them to separate the counts into different bins.

The death of a 20 year old is not really more tolerable than that of a 16 year old. The fixation on children I suppose plays well on most peoples' emotions, but it doesn't really make any sense. You can try and situate the debate to compare infants to doddering elders, but no-one should accept the premise.
Looks like Israel managed to free 4 hostages alive.... While massacring 80 Palestinians on their way!

Habibi, if this statement wasn’t so pathetic, I’d almost laugh…

So you’re trying to make us feel guilty that 80 Hamasians were killed because Israel had the temerity to try to rescue hostages kidnapped by terrorists?

The only *thing that will indicate change in Gaza’s being 100% with how Hamas is doing things, is to vote them out in the next election…

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So you’re trying to make us feel guilty that 80 Hamasians were killed because Israel had the temerity to try to rescue hostages kidnapped by terrorists?
Imagine the moral highground Hamas would have captured if instead of murdering civilians they raided Israeli prisons and took as many Palestinian prisoners they could back to Gaza.
Abduly has already discounted first hand witness accounts of sexual assault.
I don't deny that Hamas committed atrocities on Oct 7.
But speaking of the systematic rape hoax that Israel has spread (to dehuminize the Palestinians), in yet another blow the Times of London released their investigation yesterday and concluded that the claim of Hamas sanctioned sexual assault “does not stand up to scrutiny".
After reviewing months of claims and publicly available media, the team hired an Israeli “dark web researcher” to look for any footage depicting acts of sexual violence and came up completely empty!

They reported Israel’s continued refusal to allow a full legal investigation with international assistance!

Also, 10 of 900 survivors talked to an NGO called SafeHeart but none reported being assaulted themselves leading the senior psychologist there to conclude, “I don’t think there were a lot of sexual assaults"

Article link:

Archived link in case of a paywall:

Meanwhile, evidence of rape and sexual violence in Israeli detention centers continues to mount. The New York Times released their investigative report this week with horrowing details:
“Mr. al-Hamlawi, senior nurse, said female officer ordered 2 soldiers to lift him & press his rectum against metal stick…Another detainee “died after they put the electric stick up” his anus."
Article link:

Another summarizing link in case of an NYT paywall:

And who could forget what the first generation of Zionist terrorists committed during the Nakba?
Here are two terrorists from 1948 who still find rape and ethnic cleansing horrendously.
They were members of the Lehi terrorist group whose members went onto form the IDF.
Fun fact: The Lehi actually sought an alliance with Nazi Germany against Britain!
Abduly are you saying the women who reported being sexually assaulted, and witnessing sexual assault on October 7th were lying?

Or in saying hamas committed atrocities are you agreeing women were raped by Hamas?
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The hostages were being held in ‘civilian’ apartments. There is very little differentiating a Hamas terrorist and your average gazan. Gazans are complicit in the hostage situation, this becomes clearer everyday. Palestinians are cowards.
Without knowing what kind of pressure might be applied to get the civilians to comply with whatever Hamas wants, it's difficult to criticize the civilians.

What this does is illustrate how LOAC has been perverted to be used as a political cudgel and an info ops weapon. Nations that teach it and enforce it get the "practically Hitler" rhetorical treatment when an incident (inevitably) occurs, while nations that flaunt it basically don't seem to suffer much in the way of consequences. LOAC can't be a tool in the info ops toolbox if it is to achieve its purpose. When it is exploited this way, the only reasonable response to the agitators is going to have to be the international-speak equivalent of "f*ck off". Repeat "X is not a suicide pact" as many times as necessary if you think it helps.

Extrapolating to an obvious possibility, what happens when a faction simply carries out whatever outrages it desires and then grabs the civilian population by the belt and dares anyone to try to come after them?

There have to be repercussions for the manifestly unlawful, and relying on evidence-based trials won't do. Some kind of new doctrine is needed. How exactly to go after the perpetrators with something less than trials is problematical. Making life tough for their nations, and any nation that provides any kind of assistance to them, anywhere, so that they are approximately as welcome as Ebola carriers, should be a lot easier.
That would mean that HAMAS leadership cared about their people, as opposed to just trying to kill Israelis.
HAMAS is a death cult. It and others like it need to be wiped out.

The children are brainwashed from the time they are born to hate Jews, gentiles, infidels and apostates. THAT has to stop as well. And HAMAS isn't the only bunch to do it.
The hostages were being held in ‘civilian’ apartments. There is very little differentiating a Hamas terrorist and your average gazan. Gazans are complicit in the hostage situation, this becomes clearer everyday. Palestinians are cowards.
Wow, so much anger and hate!
Even in times like these, when my people are being besieged and massacred by the thousands, I have to maintain my grace and pray for your guidance.
Wow, so much anger and hate!
Even in times like these, when my people are being besieged and massacred by the thousands, I have to maintain my grace and pray for your guidance.
Maybe pray for them to not vote for Hamas next time, so they won’t support a terrorist organization that deliberately broke an 18-year old ceasefire, and resulted in the directed and targeted murder, rape and hostage taking of civilians and triggering a nation to respond to such actions. And while you’re at it, pray for your fellow Arab Muslim brothers in the region to support you and innocent Gazans instead of sharing in the actual conduct of the blockade of Gaza. Perhaps you could do more to help your fellow Gazans than just sitting behind a keyboard typing away to conduct ineffective information operations…perhaps you might be more effective helping to fight the evil of Zionism more directly in Gaza?