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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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Trudeau is successfully striding the middle. He’s pissing off pro Israel supporters and pro Palestine supporters which is ending up having both sides upset with him.

He is bleeding support on both sides of the issue.
Successfully, in a "task failed successfully" kind of way.
Depends on his task. If he wants to stay in the middle on this which pisses off everyone he is succeeding spectacularly. He’s been physically attacked and criticized by left wing pro Palestinian protestors and he’s been rebuked by pro Israel talking heads and even the Israeli PM.
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Trudeau aside, there are plenty of people online who view these videos from Oct 7th as staged by the IDF, along with the latest videos from the tunnels and hospitals. Trudeau and his supporters who march for a 'Free Palestine' won't change their tone much.

I don't mind the skeptics so much, everything should be viewed with skepticism.

It's the people who are not denying it but still supporting the actions. Those are the people who are a real danger to our society.
It's the people who are not denying it but still supporting the actions. Those are the people who are a real danger to our society.

With social media and their need to voice their opinion to the world, keeping track of these people isn't very hard. It's going to be hard to find any sort of employment or keep yourself employed if your support of terrorism is known. Choices have consequences.
I don't mind the skeptics so much, everything should be viewed with skepticism.
Skeptics are fine, but the fact is a lot of the “skeptics” are just anti-Israel and use the “allegations” as a deflection.
It's the people who are not denying it but still supporting the actions. Those are the people who are a real danger to our society.
It’s not that cut and dried. There are a lot of people who are a danger to a free and open society who are also denying it.
Standing in the middle of the road is a good way to get run over.
You're not wrong, but I think the PM is playing from the standard Canadian politician playbook.

What seems to be going wrong for the PM this time is that the Oct 7th attack was so brutal that it is far more polarizing.
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The standard needs to change. Take a hard line once in a while. Have some intestinal fortitude FFS.
I can’t remember where I heard this, but there was some anecdote about a military person dealing with a govt counterpart.

The military person wanted definitive action on something, but the govt counterpart wouldn’t commit. The military person later asked the govt person why they wouldn’t definitively commit, and their answer was something like “if we do, it closes off options”.

Setting aside the whole “they just want to be re-elected” viewpoint, I can sort of see the PM/govt’s stance. It’s polarizing but it doesn’t seem to me like all of our allies are leaning one way and we aren’t - several are also balancing that tightrope. So, there’s not as much political advantage to put all the chips in on one side.

In this day and age of soundbites and media, even saying “we were working with the best info we had” doesn’t really sway many people - this situation is simply too polarizing that as a politician, either one side hates you, the other side hates you, or both sides hate you. But, if you straddle the middle and both sides hate you, you have options to go one way or the other. If you side with one side already, it’s a lot harder to flip (if needed).
Depends on his task. If he wants to stay in the middle on this which pisses off everyone he is succeeding spectacularly. He’s been physically attacked and criticized by left wing pro Palestinian protestors and he’s been rebuked by pro Israel talking heads and even the Israeli PM.
When he gets back to acting, he could reprise this role:

Trudeau aside, there are plenty of people online who view these videos from Oct 7th as staged by the IDF, along with the latest videos from the tunnels and hospitals. Trudeau and his supporters who march for a 'Free Palestine' won't change their tone much.
And there's more than zero number of Trudeau haters I know who also talk of false flag ops by the Israelis :(
What seems to be going wrong for the PM this time is that the Oct 7th attack was so brutal that it is far more polarizing.
Isn't it a sad comment on society that Oct 7th is "polarizing". It should be an absolute mad scramble by the totality of society to one unanimous position.

It’s not that cut and dried. There are a lot of people who are a danger to a free and open society who are also denying it.
Kinda my view about the tens of millions down south who are still favouring Trump. Some people will put up with anything, regardless of how dangerous it is, just so that the other side doesn't win.

"We" and "them" is getting out of hand.

Isn't it a sad comment on society that Oct 7th is "polarizing". It should be an absolute mad scramble by the totality of society to one unanimous position.

Kinda my view about the tens of millions down south who are still favouring Trump. Some people will put up with anything, regardless of how dangerous it is, just so that the other side doesn't win.

"We" and "them" is getting out of hand.

Agree with you on the first point FJAG. How is this not an obvious position to take? Sad indeed.

Disagree on the second. The question is: why do tens of millions still favor Trump despite his warts? Answer: gross malfeasance by the state, which a significant portion of the voters believe is a bigger threat than Trump himself. The world has already had a preview of a Trump presidency, and many would state things were much better then than now.
I can’t remember where I heard this, but there was some anecdote about a military person dealing with a govt counterpart.

The military person wanted definitive action on something, but the govt counterpart wouldn’t commit. The military person later asked the govt person why they wouldn’t definitively commit, and their answer was something like “if we do, it closes off options”.

Setting aside the whole “they just want to be re-elected” viewpoint, I can sort of see the PM/govt’s stance. It’s polarizing but it doesn’t seem to me like all of our allies are leaning one way and we aren’t - several are also balancing that tightrope. So, there’s not as much political advantage to put all the chips in on one side.

In this day and age of soundbites and media, even saying “we were working with the best info we had” doesn’t really sway many people - this situation is simply too polarizing that as a politician, either one side hates you, the other side hates you, or both sides hate you. But, if you straddle the middle and both sides hate you, you have options to go one way or the other. If you side with one side already, it’s a lot harder to flip (if needed).
Would you buy a used car from the guy based upon his word? For the most part if Harper had offered me something, I would have certainly thought things through but I probably would have taken him at his word. Trudeau has told so many lies that people will no longer accept that he is just keeping his options open and trying not to piss either side off. They just plain don't believe him. He is a mugwump. (a bird that sits on a fence with its mug on one side and...) That doesn't work when the sh** hits the fan. People want no people need to know exactly what their leaders stand for and Trudeau just plain didn't deliver. I expect to see the polls drop even further.
Disagree on the second. The question is: why do tens of millions still favor Trump despite his warts? Answer: gross malfeasance by the state, which a significant portion of the voters believe is a bigger threat than Trump himself. The world has already had a preview of a Trump presidency, and many would state things were much better then than now.
Even if I were agree that there is "gross malfeasance" by the state, why support someone who is an absolute menace to the freedoms that it provides? There are literally tens of thousands of very competent and democratically minded Republican politicians in that country, yet the electorate cleaves to charlatans and buffoons whose only expertise seems to be rabble-rousing.

Sorry mate. We've been down this road before. I fully understand conservatism and bend that way myself. I simply can't understand how a group could fawn over him anymore than I can understand how supposedly educated people can be apologists for blatant genocide.

The pressure is ramping up... as it should

Victoria city councillor Susan Kim is facing calls to resign, after she signed an open letter that casts doubt on sexual violence during the October 7 Hamas attacks. Richard Zussman reports.

The pressure is ramping up... as it should

Victoria city councillor Susan Kim is facing calls to resign, after she signed an open letter that casts doubt on sexual violence during the October 7 Hamas attacks. Richard Zussman reports.

Deep waffling their, combining antisemitism and Islamophobia into a single statement.