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Haitian leaders must all agree before Canada would lead a potential military intervention, Trudeau says

U.S. has suggested Canada could lead a multinational force in Haiti

Dylan Robertson · The Canadian Press · Posted: Nov 20, 2022 1:27 PM ET

A potential Canadian military intervention in Haiti can't happen unless all political parties in the troubled nation agree to it, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Sunday.

Speaking from Tunisia on the final day of the two-day Francophonie summit, Trudeau announced $16.5 million to help stabilize Haiti, where gangs are strangling access to fuel and critical supplies amid a worsening cholera outbreak.

About half the money is going toward humanitarian aid, and some of the rest is intended to help weed out corruption and prosecute gender-based violence.

But Haiti's government has asked for an international military intervention to combat gangs who have strangled access to fuel and critical supplies in the middle of the outbreak.

The United States wants Canada to lead any military intervention.

Trudeau said Sunday that Canada is working with CARICOM, the organization of Caribbean governments, along with "various actors in Haiti from all different political parties" to get a consensus on how the international community can help.

"It is not enough for Haiti's government to ask for it," he said. "There needs to be a consensus across political parties in Haiti before we can move forward on more significant steps."

He did not rule out eventually establishing a Canadian military mission on the ground in Haiti.

"Canada is very open to playing an important role, but we must have a Haitian consensus," Trudeau said in French.

New sanctions on prominent former officials
A Global Affairs Canada assessment team sent to Haiti to establish some understanding of what is happening and what could help has already returned and provided a report at meetings Trudeau said he attended.

He said the response is complicated because many "political elites" and "oligarchs" in Haiti have used the country's humanitarian crises "to enrich themselves on the backs of the Haitian people."

"So that is why our approach now is not about doing what one political party or the government wants," Trudeau said. "It's calling for a level of consensus and coherence from all actors in Haiti to call for solutions that we can actually get behind and lead on as an international community."

On Saturday Canada expanded its economic sanctions freezing the Canadian assets of Haitian political elites to now include former president Michel Martelly and former prime ministers Laurent Lamothe and Jean-Henry Ceant.

Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly accused the trio of helping gangs undermine Haiti's current government and called on international partners to follow Canada's lead.

"Our goal is to make sure that these people that are profiting from the violence, that are part of a corrupted system, are facing accountability," she said.

Haitian Foreign Affairs Minister Jean Victor Geneus said the new sanctions put real consequences on those causing a "nightmare" in his country.

"These sanctions will have a dissuasive impact," he said in French, while seated between Trudeau and Joly.

Geneus said gangs are raping women and girls, preventing children from attending school and not letting sick people through roadblocks when they seek medical treatment. That means refugees are leaving for neighbouring islands.

"If the necessary conditions for safety are not re-established in a fast and urgent manner, a humanitarian catastrophe is possible in Haiti," he said in French.

Or until the photos/video comes home of white fully kitted out soldiers standing over the bloody body of a skinny half naked black guy next to a rusty Kalashnikov.
And despite social media policies you know very well it will leak out. Let the beheadings begin…
If by that you mean we're ranked #8 in the world by GDP then yes, we are in shape .... to do alot more ;)

No. I mean the increase in violent crime, the revolving door justice system, the increase in homelessness, the illegal immigration, the increase in food bank usage. Of course with our great wealth, as you state, we can just throw more money at it from here and never expect it to return. I mean, instead of throwing it at ourselves, of course. Over the last ten years we've thrown billions at third world countries with nothing to show for it and no return. How much more of our taxes do you want trudeau to spend, offshore, on your behalf, while ignoring things here? The largest debt in history, increasing daily, with the burden on the middle class to pay more for his follies. But yeah, by all means, let's give a few more billion to Haiti so it can be pissed away just like every other time we've interfered there, with absolutely zero positive effects. Billions that the needy homeless people in Haiti will never see, once the NGOs, Foundations and whoever we install to run the country, take their cut. Perhaps trudeau can fund it himself with the money the ChiComs put into his foundation. Isn't that what it's supposed to do? Maybe he can get the Clinton's to join in again. I'm sure there's another gold mine they can steal.

I won't believe a single financial statement from this government. A government that has literally lost millions, if not billions, of our tax dollars and doesn't know where it is or went. Maybe we could get freeland to give up the billions she earmarked for an organization that doesn't even exist.
No. I mean the increase in violent crime, the revolving door justice system, the increase in homelessness, the illegal immigration, the increase in food bank usage. Of course with our great wealth, as you state, we can just throw more money at it from here and never expect it to return. I mean, instead of throwing it at ourselves, of course. Over the last ten years we've thrown billions at third world countries with nothing to show for it and no return. How much more of our taxes do you want trudeau to spend, offshore, on your behalf, while ignoring things here? The largest debt in history, increasing daily, with the burden on the middle class to pay more for his follies. But yeah, by all means, let's give a few more billion to Haiti so it can be pissed away just like every other time we've interfered there, with absolutely zero positive effects. Billions that the needy homeless people in Haiti will never see, once the NGOs, Foundations and whoever we install to run the country, take their cut. Perhaps trudeau can fund it himself with the money the ChiComs put into his foundation. Isn't that what it's supposed to do? Maybe he can get the Clinton's to join in again. I'm sure there's another gold mine they can steal.

I won't believe a single financial statement from this government. A government that has literally lost millions, if not billions, of our tax dollars and doesn't know where it is or went. Maybe we could get freeland to give up the billions she earmarked for an organization that doesn't even exist.
Speaking of which…did you know that Canada still gives foreign aid to…wait for it…China?

And despite social media policies you know very well it will leak out. Let the beheadings begin…
I was thinking more like a CBC or Toronto Star camera.

If we want refugees to stop pouring across borders on the continent, it’s in our interest to help stabilize the country. However, I am not convinced that we have the ability to lead and conduct such a mission, and the Canadian public need to be prepared that things will get a lot uglier before it gets better.
Canada can propose to the UN a mission where it's boldly stated, that we plan on doing 10 public executions a day for the first 6 months. Bodies of Gang leaders will be left hung up for a month each. The ROE will have shooting high up the list. Plus a whole other bunch of things that look like a Colonial takeover and building a new prison to house all the expected gang types. At which point the UN won't ask Canada to lead anything for quite some time.
Canada can propose to the UN a mission where it's boldly stated, that we plan on doing 10 public executions a day for the first 6 months. Bodies of Gang leaders will be left hung up for a month each. The ROE will have shooting high up the list. Plus a whole other bunch of things that look like a Colonial takeover and building a new prison to house all the expected gang types. At which point the UN won't ask Canada to lead anything for quite some time.
I see you've worked with the French Foreign Legion before 😆
Canada can propose to the UN a mission where it's boldly stated, that we plan on doing 10 public executions a day for the first 6 months. Bodies of Gang leaders will be left hung up for a month each. The ROE will have shooting high up the list. Plus a whole other bunch of things that look like a Colonial takeover and building a new prison to house all the expected gang types. At which point the UN won't ask Canada to lead anything for quite some time.
I honestly thought that was what was going to happen when I left there in 2004 with the Brazilians, Para and Uruguayans and Argentinians ramrodding a lot of the boots on the ground...as well as PRC police there to teach riot control to the HNP.
Well we're safe then.

We won't be fully kitted out.
By kitted out, I meant body armour, full battle-rattle, helmets, uniforms, etc., as opposed to the average Haitian gang-banger wearing jeans and an old pair of Nikes.

But point taken. ;)
While angry and disappointed, I am absolutely not surprised in the least that this government is doing so. Disgust doesn't start to describe my feelings.
The aid money may just make it back to Canada in the way of political contributions. Do we have any proof it actually makes it to those in need?
Its possible the whole thing is just a way for politicians to fund their own campaign with public dollars.
If by that you mean we're ranked #8 in the world by GDP then yes, we are in shape .... to do alot more ;)

By much more you mean what? Tried police, NGOs etc still a sh**t hole with no one easily definable leader in sight. Need some one with a Castro complex to arrive ready to kick ass and take names regardless of wobbly world opinions.