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Got into a car accident, need to go on BMQ/SQ crse in the summer.

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I need to go on crse in the summer, but I got into a car accident recently. The doctor recommends for me to go back in the fall, and I don't want to go on ED&T.

Can I go on the crse with modified work, just a bit? Or would that not be possible?
I'm pretty sure what you have here is a "Talk with your recruiter/C/O if you alreay have a posting"
No one here is your doctor, so we don't know about your condition and can't second-guess what you were told.

Inform your chain of command of your injuries, along with any limitations that your doctor may have dictated.  They can then determine whether you would be able to complete the courses or not.

Note that concealing an injury is an offense under the NDA.  The CF does not want to break you, and needs to know if you are injured to avoid makign it worse or causing long term damage.
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