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Good Stories from summer courses

well since my troop wo started this little topic I felt obliged to write one.  So during my SQ course we are on the last day of our 5 day field ex.  soaking wet from beautiful bc rain and totaly intoxicated from lack of sleep.  After 3 weeks of belt fed cock the change was nice.  So we go to ground for 15 min thinking we might actually get some sleep when we hear all our DS shouting STAND TO! so we jump up and run like we stole something for the trench when one of our MCPL's decides to throw an arty sim. at my fireteam partner and myself.  Being how tired we kind of stare at it for a second contemplating what to do.  We finally clue into running but we stare right at the arty sim and as it goes off the flash disorients us so bad he just misses falling into a trench and I close line myself on the only tree in the middle of the wide open field.  Anyways,
Forgotten_Hero said:
CFB Kinston, summer of 2005, 2 Platoon, am I right?
no, something similar happened though. i have too many stories from that summer. good times good times, maybe i will post some when i have the time and feel like it, haha
ShaBoing said:
no, something similar happened though. i have too many stories from that summer. good times good times, maybe i will post some when i have the time and feel like it, haha

Man, I miss my summer.

Were you there when that one guy was sleeping in his room before the BIQ FTX with his C9 in the open? We took the C9 into another room, woke him up and told him that your WO wanted to see him with his C9. We caught it all on film too  ;D
Well, I've got a crazy story but I wouldn't call it "good". I was sitting on the mess balcony in St. Jean one friday, having a beer with some buddies on my BOTC course. We were sitting around, looking forward to the weekend and dreading the upcoming field ex, doing our best to get reasonably drunk and not slobber over the smell of the steaks being cooked on the balcony's BBQ by some junior officers on SLT. From where I was sitting, I could see down the length of the building and as we're shooting the sh--, I hear a loud "WOOOOOOOOOO!!!" like you'd hear from someone riding a roller coaster or something. I look over towards where the noise came from (down the Mega a ways) and I see what looks like a person in combats plumetting down the face of the Mega and landing with a loud "THUMP" on the 2nd story roof that juts out along the eastern face. I couldn't see the landing spot since the edge of the roof was over my line of sight but I was sure he'd landed pretty badly given that he'd been falling face-down.

Well, needless to say I was a little shocked. At first I thought "no way that was a person"; I was hoping maybe it was a set of combats stuffed with someone's stuff (like instructors like to do when you leave your crap unsecure) but then one of the JO's says "what the hell was that?" and another answers "I think that was a person". So we tear-a-- out of the mess and I bump into a few buddies, tell them what happened, and one goes down to report it to the duty desk while the rest of us book it up towards where the guy landed. After a minute or two of frantically trying to find a pod in the area with an open door (so that we can see down to where the guy landed), we find one of our sister platoon's common room doors open. One of my buddies opened a window, looked out, and saw that we were right above the jumper. He punched out the screen (I remember thinking "Dude!!! You're gonna get in so much shi-!!!" but then it kind of clicked that a screen didn't matter much now) and started calling down to the guy, trying to get him to respond. He wasn't responsive in the slightest and you could see the pits his head and feet had made on impact with the gravel roof.

After about 5 or 10 minutes, my buddy who went down to the duty desk appears on the roof with a guy from our sister platoon who's a nurse. They get to the guy and the nurse starts looking him over while we try to find first aid kit to throw down to him. At this point, there are people watching from probably 5 or 6 different floors so when the nurse yells up that he needs rubber gloves, about 20 pairs flew down. My friend on the roof made the mistake of asking for a Gerber but realized it in time and countered the request before 20 Gerbers came streaking down at him. Finally the MP's show up and tell the NURSE not to touch the guy, at which point he kindly informs the MPs that he's a nurse and that if he doesn't help the guy, he's probably going to die. Then he tells the MPs to go get proper first aid supplies, bring help, etc. which they do. Anyways, after doing a cursory examination, my buddy and the nurse got the guy rolled over onto his back and covered with a wool blanket (it was drizzling rain at the time) and started CPR while they waited for the paramedics, which took about 20 minutes to show up and about 40 more to get the guy down off the roof.

Needless to say, the guy died (I think he probably died on impact or shortly thereafter - his internal and external injuries were quite extensive). I'd gone back to the mess to finish my beer by the time they got him off the roof (I can recall worrying about my beer being thrown out/taken while we were watching the guys on the roof check over the jumper - and yes, I felt guilty about it). It turns out he was an Ocdt. in his first or second week of training and that he'd been behaving very strangely that day. There was mention of him loudly announcing, in the dining mess, his devotion to God or Jesus or some such thing. Apparently the window he'd jumped from wasn't his own but that of someone else in his platoon. Supposedly he had gone upstairs after dinner and had one or two altercations with other members of his platoon (allegedly resultant from him trying to get in the shower with one or two of them, but I've never heard this confirmed), then proceeded to run into someone else's room, kick them out, lock the door, and jump out the window (on the 10th floor), thus falling 8 stories before he hit the 2nd story roof.

Just before our departure for our field ex on that Monday, our platoon commander asked if there was anyone that needed counselling and felt they couldn't do the exercise. Of course, none of us said yes. The fact of the matter is that the whole thing was largely over with and forgotten by the time Monday rolled around, what with us frantically trying to get everything prepared for the field.

That was probably my craziest story from summer '05.

Gasmonkey said:
Heres what i learned about SHARP training: sharp is a program designed to give bums off the street a job. furthermore, A good solider never feels harrassed.

I guess the Lt(N) that gave me my sharp training the summer before last was a bum off the street. As for the latter assertion - bullsh-t. A good soldier never feels harassed when he/she isn't being harassed. I'd wager a good soldier isn't any less of a soldier for feeling harassed when his CO fondles his package on a daily basis.  ::)

Forgotten_Hero said:
Man, I miss my summer.

Were you there when that one guy was sleeping in his room before the BIQ FTX with his C9 in the open? We took the C9 into another room, woke him up and told him that your WO wanted to see him with his C9. We caught it all on film too   ;D

LOL i forgot about that one, i actually was the one that got the c9, they dropped it off to me and said hold on to this for a few mins, i said sure, hahaha, good times, he was paranoid, hahahhaa, he thought it was morning, he thought he was in shit, meanwhile its like 30 mins after he fell asleep at like 6 pm and he doesn't see the camera and all of us laughing cause he is running around tryin to find his stuff
LOL i forgot about that one, i actually was the one that got the c9, they dropped it off to me and said hold on to this for a few mins, i said sure, hahaha, good times, he was paranoid, hahahhaa, he thought it was morning, he thought he was in crap, meanwhile its like 30 mins after he fell asleep at like 6 pm and he doesn't see the camera and all of us laughing cause he is running around tryin to find his stuff

Lol, I was the one who went in and got the C9 from the table and put it in your room! I couldnt believe he didnt wake up.
OK, I must tell my epic story from this past summer.

I was an admin NCO for an armd recce course in Meaford.  At the end of the course they ran a Milcot conversion, since I didn't have milcot I requested to join the course as a half candidate half staff member for 2 days to get the qualification.

Anyways, one thing led to another and I was to be inspected in my room by a Mcpl whos a buddy of mine, in my room (I got to stay in the shacks).

Well, since it was rumored to be a ****-fest inspection I decided to have some fun.

At this point in the story I need to sidetrack to explain something that is criticle.  My last name is Gayson and my best buddy in my unit's last name is Mason.  He was my bunk mate this past summer.  Him and I have formed a joke team called Team Ason (mason and gayson form team Ason), a little joke team known well in my unit and among a few soldiers in 32bde.

So. . . That morning at 7:45 the Mcpl showed up to my room to inspect me.  To his surprise there was:

A pair of gitch hanging off the rotating ceiling fan

My buddy and I were standing at attention yelling the timings for attention COMPLETELY naked minus our helmets and boots which were worn.

We had painted Team Ason on our chests with black cam paint, one guy had the word Team, the other Ason.

Another buddy was pretending to sleep naked on Masons bunk above the sheets, behind us naked.

We had a blow-up sheep on my bunk (I was not the one who brought this) with a condom hanging out of its ***.

Our kit was all over the floor.

The look on the Mcpl's face was epic and was witnessed by many on my floor.  For the rest of the summer the entire first floor south dorm knew what Team Ason was.

Also it must be noted that the Mcpl was so shocked I did not get the ****, he was quite impressed with the show I arranged.
Glorified Ape said:
Well, I've got a crazy story but I wouldn't call it "good". I was sitting on the mess balcony in St. Jean one friday, having a beer with some buddies on my BOTC course. We were sitting around, looking forward to the weekend and dreading the upcoming field ex, doing our best to get reasonably drunk and not slobber over the smell of the steaks being cooked on the balcony's BBQ by some junior officers on SLT. From where I was sitting, I could see down the length of the building and as we're shooting the sh--, I hear a loud "WOOOOOOOOOO!!!" like you'd hear from someone riding a roller coaster or something. I look over towards where the noise came from (down the Mega a ways) and I see what looks like a person in combats plumetting down the face of the Mega and landing with a loud "THUMP" on the 2nd story roof that juts out along the eastern face. I couldn't see the landing spot since the edge of the roof was over my line of sight but I was sure he'd landed pretty badly given that he'd been falling face-down.

Well, needless to say I was a little shocked. At first I thought "no way that was a person"; I was hoping maybe it was a set of combats stuffed with someone's stuff (like instructors like to do when you leave your crap unsecure) but then one of the JO's says "what the heck was that?" and another answers "I think that was a person". So we tear-a-- out of the mess and I bump into a few buddies, tell them what happened, and one goes down to report it to the duty desk while the rest of us book it up towards where the guy landed. After a minute or two of frantically trying to find a pod in the area with an open door (so that we can see down to where the guy landed), we find one of our sister platoon's common room doors open. One of my buddies opened a window, looked out, and saw that we were right above the jumper. He punched out the screen (I remember thinking "Dude!!! You're gonna get in so much shi-!!!" but then it kind of clicked that a screen didn't matter much now) and started calling down to the guy, trying to get him to respond. He wasn't responsive in the slightest and you could see the pits his head and feet had made on impact with the gravel roof.

After about 5 or 10 minutes, my buddy who went down to the duty desk appears on the roof with a guy from our sister platoon who's a nurse. They get to the guy and the nurse starts looking him over while we try to find first aid kit to throw down to him. At this point, there are people watching from probably 5 or 6 different floors so when the nurse yells up that he needs rubber gloves, about 20 pairs flew down. My friend on the roof made the mistake of asking for a Gerber but realized it in time and countered the request before 20 Gerbers came streaking down at him. Finally the MP's show up and tell the NURSE not to touch the guy, at which point he kindly informs the MPs that he's a nurse and that if he doesn't help the guy, he's probably going to die. Then he tells the MPs to go get proper first aid supplies, bring help, etc. which they do. Anyways, after doing a cursory examination, my buddy and the nurse got the guy rolled over onto his back and covered with a wool blanket (it was drizzling rain at the time) and started CPR while they waited for the paramedics, which took about 20 minutes to show up and about 40 more to get the guy down off the roof.

Needless to say, the guy died (I think he probably died on impact or shortly thereafter - his internal and external injuries were quite extensive). I'd gone back to the mess to finish my beer by the time they got him off the roof (I can recall worrying about my beer being thrown out/taken while we were watching the guys on the roof check over the jumper - and yes, I felt guilty about it). It turns out he was an Ocdt. in his first or second week of training and that he'd been behaving very strangely that day. There was mention of him loudly announcing, in the dining mess, his devotion to God or Jesus or some such thing. Apparently the window he'd jumped from wasn't his own but that of someone else in his platoon. Supposedly he had gone upstairs after dinner and had one or two altercations with other members of his platoon (allegedly resultant from him trying to get in the shower with one or two of them, but I've never heard this confirmed), then proceeded to run into someone else's room, kick them out, lock the door, and jump out the window (on the 10th floor), thus falling 8 stories before he hit the 2nd story roof.

Just before our departure for our field ex on that Monday, our platoon commander asked if there was anyone that needed counselling and felt they couldn't do the exercise. Of course, none of us said yes. The fact of the matter is that the whole thing was largely over with and forgotten by the time Monday rolled around, what with us frantically trying to get everything prepared for the field.

I was there with my buddy who is an officer cadet.

He used to be my WO1 in air cadets and I happened Upon him close to my grad from BMQ... we were in the officers mess for a beer and we heard about it.  I dont know which was you but i saw that the window that must have been yours.  That was the seccond jumper that summer.

NOT TO MENTION the cerial rapist....  you OCDTS are messd up man.
2332Piper said:
Oh god help those Cheerios from the SERIAL rapist (we got told about that too). Seems that was quite the summer at St Jean. Although to the comment about OCdts being messed up and all, I'd agree but then I look into the recruit mess when all the BMQ folks get off for the weekend....watch the slagging buddy. Keep in mind IAP/BOTC can be awefully stressfull, far more so then BMQ (you don't have to worry about something a silly as twenty different interpretations of the task procedure being the one thing standing between you passing or failing IAP). Stress does odd things to people.

Hey i didnt say it was easy.  I just youre messed.  ;D :p
Cereal Rapist:


God bless tshirthell