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Goggles with a fan? Anybody used these?


Army.ca Veteran
Fallen Comrade
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OK, So I'm a guy that sweats - lots, especially when I'm wearing silly amounts of kit and running around yelling and shooting, and my goggles/ballistic eyewear always fog up, even in the summer, especially in the winter, so I usually end up taking them off.

I came accross these though, with a small AA battery powered fan that defogs with air in the summer and has a heated lens for winter use.

ESS makes great goggles, has anyone used this model? Is it worth 130 USD?
Bought them, used them, love them......this should be standard on all goggles. If they ofg, turn on the fan and bam fog's gone. If the fan is on high mode, then you can hear the whirring, that's about the only thing.

Good luck.
Much cheaper solution, I use it for my motorcycle helmet but it's perfect for ballistic goggles as well, it's called Fog Tech, and unlike many of the coatings this stuff works, 110%

$16, you can order it online from the maker

Had a squizz on the web. I see nothing of ballistic level of protection, only high impact is mentioned.


"ESS eyewear features high-impact polycarbonate lenses, which can stop a shotgun blast from 35 feet."

Sounds like enough protection to me.... although the rest of your face would be a leaky piece of meat....

Bassman said:
Much cheaper solution, I use it for my motorcycle helmet but it's perfect for ballistic goggles as well, it's called Fog Tech, and unlike many of the coatings this stuff works, 110%

$16, you can order it online from the maker


I've also used this stuff inside motorcycle helmets, but have found it ineffectual for tactical goggles, especially combined with dirt and copious amounts of persperation!
Dog said:
"ESS eyewear features high-impact polycarbonate lenses, which can stop a shotgun blast from 35 feet."

Sounds like enough protection to me.... although the rest of your face would be a leaky piece of meat....

Humm, sounds robust, but even with this effectiveness, does it meet or exceed current milspec levels accepted by the Army.


What is the Milspec levels of protection exactly? Like what numbers and letters should I be seeing on the package to indicate that I'm not going to be enduring a blast of hot metal to the eye balls in case of an unpleasant situation?
We use the Israeli made EPS 21 goggles here. I don't know the level they have, but its ballistic level is milspec. We are only authorised to use this type here, as its been adopted by the ADF, and if anything else is used, there is problems, especially if someone is hurt.

I'd stick to the issued stuff personally.

Google ESP 21 and see what you can find.

I have no idea what the CF has adopted.


We get issued the Revision Sawfly eyewear system, which im not all that happy with. ive broken two pairs, and it wasnt during hard use or the like. the frames snapped in the hard case. this causes me to have some issues with them. They also fog easliy, however they do offer good wraparound coverage and a wide field of vision.
The EPS 21's are durable, robust and are well recieved, and even have a detachable over cover of grey, and yellow. We wear these out in the LAVs, but around the camp we have to have the Wiley X's around our necks all the time, if you don't got them the CSM will not be happy, and after all we have them for our own protection.

I do find the Wiley X's quite fragile, and over rated and over priced that is if you have to buy them.


All of the ESS goggles are made to the same ballistic specs, which are standard issue to the USMC, and a few other units.

This seems to me, to be a moot point, as the ballistic glasses we currently have issued won't stop a vigorous sneeze. Since they are basically just industrial safety glasses with a green frame, I would expect the ESS ones to be a significant improvement, considering that they are mil-spec tactical eyewear.

I agree that there should be some sort of standard set for kit, so guys don't mistakenly buy unsafe gear, but I think wearing these goggles would be a "step up" of the same magnitude as switching from the TV to an Arktis vest with double the capacity.

As per our conversation, you've got a package inbound that should arrive in the next while.  Let me know how they work out for you.


my room mate has the ones without the fan. he's told me that he loves em. they don't have the bunched up feeling when he's got them wrapped on the helmet while he's wearing the goggles. just remember to get a sock, apparently they scratch easily.
I realy like these As stated has anyone tried them with the helmet?