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Gloves - Under Armor


Jr. Member
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Hello all,

The last couple of weeks I've been looking into buying some after-market gloves. Searching the site I have come up with a good list of companies to look at. However, I was wondering if anyone has any experience with Underarmor gloves, specifically the ones designed for football. It seems to me that they would provide maximum dexerity, possibly above that of the commonly mentioned military gloves.

I'd appreciate any input on this topic. BTW, I have never played football, so am not acquainted with these gloves, but am a big fan of UA products, so if anyone has actually used these gloves that would be great.

Link to site selling gloves,


I've used them for football.  They have great grip, and In the summer they kept my hands alot cooler then other gloves.

After two or three weeks of use (three practices and one game per week) they lost their grip and started to fall apart. 

They do have great dexterity, becuase they are quite thin, but that also means they aren't very durable, and wouldn't last very long for what you would be using them for.
There is always a trade off when it comes to gloves...dexterity vice durability.

It all depends on how you use them and if your willing to drop the coin for a pair every few months.

Personally I've found issued gloves just fine....and I don't have to pay a red cent when I wear them out.

You know what gloves are great?  The new mortar glove.. lots of traction and dexterity.  I was suprised but I used them the whole time I was on my crew commander's course, even on the -30 days!
Thanks for the replies gents,

I like the issue cadpat leathers, but find they don't provide the high level of dexterity I'm looking for. So, I've opted to go with the half-finger gloves. They should keep my mitts cool during the summer while enabling me to get at those little tac vest clips . I just hope they'll last.


NEVER go with a half finger glove -- they do not provide adequate protection.

gloves are a disposable item -- ideally the CF flight or Mortar glove works for you, and as such you can excgnagetehm.
Half finger gloves are retarded. You need to protect the part of your fingers that pulls the trigger...

If you're operating around vehicles get something thats made of nomex, not baseball/MEC/golfing/whatever gloves.  You can also buy a CarbonX flight glove now if you really want to keep your hands from getting burned.  I saw a poster with some nice pics of IED victims who wore nomex and those that didnt. The difference is normal hands vs. blistering stumps.
I heard of another type of glove that is quite popular with mechanics and crewmen.  I believe the brand name is Mechanix.  I have seen them on sale in Kit Shops and also at Cdn Tire/Marks.
I have a pair of the Mechanix gloves and they are fantastic for the Svc Bn world. Not sure how they would translate into the Combat arms world, but I really like them myself. Reasonably cheap when you compare them to some of the "tactical" products out there. They stnad up failry well to daily abuse.
Thanks for the input gents, half-fingers it isn't. I never realized all the drawbacks.
I'll have to look a little more indepth into what's out there, until then, looks like I'll be sticking with the issue leathers. ;D


Like i said, see if you are entitled to the mortar gloves.. they are nice..
Wear gloves - preferably NOMEX (I get mine from the PX) Protech made ones

Devlin said:
I have a pair of the Mechanix gloves and they are fantastic for the Svc Bn world. Not sure how they would translate into the Combat arms world, but I really like them myself. Reasonably cheap when you compare them to some of the "tactical" products out there. They stnad up failry well to daily abuse.

I second that, 100%.
Kev, I think you just really wanted to show off your chest rig  ;)

However, I have found Hatch Operator gloves to be some of the best gloves I have bought, Tactile sense seems to be really good as well as grip for those quick mag changes.

Me have kit envy.  ;D I've decided I'm not going to try to get too cute with my gloves purhcase. So I'll be going with some of the aforementioned military use gloves.

Cheers and thanks for all the help gents,
