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ArmyRick said:Deny our impact? Hurt your grandchildren and their children.
Tough times make tough people. 8)
ArmyRick said:Deny our impact? Hurt your grandchildren and their children.
ArmyRick said:Deny our impact? Hurt your grandchildren and their children.
Exactly. I have no doubt that the climate, writ large, is changing. I do have doubts as to how much panicking is required.ModlrMike said:I don't deny our impact, I dispute the extent that climate alarmists claim. That being said, I refuse to sit in my cold, dark house in a -40 Winnipeg winter because some self righteous tw*t in California says it's good for the planet.
ArmyRick said:Deny our impact? Hurt your grandchildren and their children.
ArmyRick said:Again and again, face the facts people. There is serious global climate disruptions and environmental damages. End story. All this blither and blather about "we once thought the earth was flat.."
Guess what? Allan Savory brought that one up in one of his presentations. Lets do a paradigm shift here. How about all you people in denial that there is nothing wrong with MANs impact on the earth are the ones that have "the world is flat" mindset. Its you people that will hopefully wake up one day and see things for what they are.
I have stated these things before and I will re-emphasize them here again (my beliefs)
-People choose to believe what they want to (not what really is in front of them)
-We, mankind, must first acknowledge the problem (its really one problem at a whole, MANs negative impact on the earth)
-We do not need to PANIC and over react or make knee jerk reactions. We need very well thought out solutions that will work for a sustainable future and these solutions can be implemented in a short, medium and long term basis
-There is corporate and other interest in NOT changing things for the better (As an example how long did Tobacco companies ignore or deny that cigarettes were damaging to people's health? I am sure there are loads of Petrol, Industrial agriculture, manufacturing, large scale fishing that do not want to change)
Deny our impact? Hurt your grandchildren and their children.
The Climate change report will confirm that the rate of warming has slowed or been flat since 1998
Climatologists and climate-change deniers agree on at least one thing this week: everyone is awaiting the landmark U.N. report on climate change that will be presented at next week's meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The report will also include data that indicates the rate of warming from 1998 to 2012 slowed to about half the average rate since 1951, citing natural variability in the climate system, as well as cooling effects from volcanic eruptions and a downward phase in solar activity.
What won't be there is a more thorough explanation for the supposed decline in warming.
The lack of warming data has been around for a while.
Only varying in degree from the 2 or 3 "I'm right and everyone else is an idiot" Army.ca poster. :boring:GAP said:Don't you just love the comforting, supportive environmentalist community....... :![]()
Rest of comment at linkA funny thing happened since that blockbuster UN report in 2007 called for urgent action on global warming. The world stopped warming up.
This fact is a monumental PR headache for the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which is set to issue the first part of its next report on Friday. It’s hard to call for urgent action when nothing much is happening.
David Suzuki proves he’s pig ignorant about global warming
Andrew Bolt
Global warming - propaganda, Interviews with warmists like Flannery
The very first question put to David Suzuki on Q&A last night revealed this warming alarmist’s complete ignorance of the most basic facts of global warming.
Fancy Suzuki not even knowing what the world’s main temperature data sets say about global temperatures. Fancy him not even knowing what those data sets are, even when he is given their names.
The only rational response to Suzuki’s astonishing admission of utter ignorance would have been to say to him: “Sir, you are a phony and imposter. Get off the stage and don’t waste our time for a second longer.”
Read the exchange for yourself:
BILL KOUTALIANOS: Oh, hi. Since 1998 global temperatures have been relatively flat, yet many man-made global warming advocates refuse to acknowledge this simple fact. Has man-made global warming become a new religion in itself?
TONY JONES: David, go ahead.
DAVID SUZUKI: Yeah, well, I don’t know why you’re saying that. The ten hottest years on record, as I understand it, have been in this century. In fact, the warming continues. It may have slowed down but the warming continues and everybody is anticipating some kind of revelation in the next IPCC reports that are saying we got it wrong. As far as I understand, we haven’t. So where are you getting your information? I’m not a climatologist. I wait for the climatologists to tell us what they’re thinking.
TONY JONES: Do you want to respond to that, Bill?
BILL KOUTALIANOS: Sure, yeah. UAH, RSS, HadCRUT, GISS data shows a 17-year flat trend which suggests there may be something wrong with the Co2 warming theory?
DAVID SUZUKI: Sorry, yeah, what is the reference? I don’t…
BILL KOUTALIANOS: Well, they’re the main data sets that IPCC use: UAH, University of Alabama, Huntsville; GISS, Goddard Institute of Science; HadCRUT. I don’t know what that stands for, HadCRUT; and RSS, Remote Sensing something. So those data sets suggest a 17-year flat trend, which suggests there may be a problem with the Co2.
DAVID SUZUKI: No, well, there may be a climate sceptic down in Huntsville, Alabama, who has taken the data and come to that conclusion. I say, let’s wait for the IPCC report to come out and see what the vast bulk of scientists who have been involved in gathering this information will tell us.
See those data sets here.
Like I say, a complete know-nothing, citing false claims:
STEWART FRANKS: In an opinion piece last week you wrote that the Great Barrier Reef was threatened by the increasing frequency of cyclones. Everyone watching and listening can onto the Bureau of Meteorology’s website and see that there is no increase. In fact there has been a decline over the last 40 years and no increase in the severity. Are you not, by exaggerating…
DAVID SUZUKI: That I have to admit…
STEWART FRANKS: ...or even just getting wrong, are you not actually vulnerable of actually undermining your very own aim in that, you know, the Great Barrier Reef does have environmental threat, but cyclones ain’t one of them?
DAVID SUZUKI: All right. That was one, I have to admit, that that was suggested to me by an Australian, and it is true, I mean, it may be a mistake. I don’t know.
Nor does David Suzuki know what the hell he’s on about when he’s fear-mongering about genetically modified crops:
DAVID SUZUKI: Well, I mean, that is always the argument that’s made. GMOs are very, very expensive. Now, the people that need this food are not going to be able to afford it. Are we going to just create these new crops and then give them away? I simply don’t believe that’s what’s going to happen. I don’t think it is a generosity for the rest of humanity that is driving this activity.
RICK ROUSH: Actually, we are. I mean, Bt corn technology has been given away to the Kenyan State Government research people for use for subsistence farmers. Monsanto gave away insect resistant potatoes in Mexico over 20 years ago. James is working on lots of similar cases. In cases where there is no economic return, it is, in fact, being given away and they’re not so difficult to develop. When I was at Cornell, we got a gene that was a gift from Monsanto for experimental purposes. We made broccoli plants that were resistant to attacks of Dimebag Moths. A student - one of our students made about 50 transformants in about six months. The great cost of these things are no longer the actual creation of the plant. It’s the regulatory challenges to take sure that you can take them to market, to do all that safety testing.
TONY JONES: Okay, Rick, well we’ll get a response to that and we’ll move on?
DAVID SUZUKI: Well, I don’t have any response. It sounds great. I don’t know.
How in God’s name could people take this man seriously?
Nemo888 said: