George Wallace Dinosaur
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- 223
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- 710
Kilo_302 said:You can't be serious. The last two summers saw record drought in Texas and Kansas. Just because some areas had bumper crops does not mean there is not a problem. You clearly don't understand how climate change, or even the climate works. Changes will mean life has to adapt, and that is not an easy thing. Some areas will see more rain, and some will see less. Kansas and Texas have seen far less. I could post a thousand stories about the drought in the Mid West for every one that you could find about a bumper crop.
From that Commie-climate-change-cheering rag, The Wall Street Journal:
George we covered the ice issue a dozen posts ago. Yes there is more ice this year as we had a cooler summer. But the overall trend is clearly negative. I posted several graphs illustrating that fact. And to you AND Haletown, I also posted a link that rebuts ALL of your above arguments. Here it is again:
As you can see, pretty much every argument commonly made by climate change skeptics is thoroughly debunked with impeccable sources. All of the examples you both have just posted are either a) anecdotal, or b) data that does not go far back enough to illustrate the overall trend
c) or the data is just plain skewed out of all context
Several points:
1. that paper is examining medical science, not climate science (there is a difference)
and it has been debunked itself. See below from the Wiki on the author (yes the original paper by Goodman and Greenland is cited):
"Statisticians Goodman and Greenland agreed that "many medical research findings are less definitive than readers suspect" but found major flaws in Ioannidis's methods, noting that Ioannidis (who did not collaborate with any statisticians on the article) appeared to have confused alpha level with p value and also built the assumption that most findings are likely to be false into his reasoning, thereby making his logic circular. Therefore Goodman and Greenland rejected Ioannidis' claim as unsupportable by the methods used."
2. Climate science is multidisciplinary. We are seeing data from geologists, biologists, atmospheric specialists, etc all lining up, and often independently from one another. I'll repeat. These teams are NOT competing for the same breakthrough, which Corollary 6 is clearly referring to.

All I can say, is like Chicken Little, you are running off in a panic over something that is absolutely natural. So there is a drought in Texas and there are bumper crops somewhere else. This is not indicative of anything other than the peculiarities of Mother Nature. Stop trying to analyse it as indicating a Catastrophic Event. If you were around in 1932, you would be doing much more of the same as you are doing now, if not much worse. The Dust Bowls of the Dirty Thirties came and went and the World did not come to an end. Get off you friggin high horse and Chive on....Put the tinfoil away and try to show some semblance of normalcy.