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G8/G20 June 2010 Protest Watch

The difference between martial arts and three weeks of killing techniques is not about who can kill the easiest, because you can teach that pretty quickly; its about being able to defend yourself, and knowing WHEN AND WHY to use those techniques; or even TO HAVE THE SKILL TO OVERPOWER SOMEONE WITHOUT HURTING THEM.  When all you care about is kill ratio, and policy makers' troops are only so much fodder, these techniques are simlpy TIME CONSUMING and INEFFICIENT.  Who care if you make killing machines who can't be reintegrtated into socitiety, and could wake up in the middle of the night and kill a loved one on reflex before they know its just some ptsd flashback nightmare?

???  I really can't figure out what this has to do with this thread.

people grabbing person's jugulars as a 'pain compliance technique' risk killing those protesters, as the muscles in the neck that hold the jugular there are in fact, when ripped (there does not need to be any bleeding, it is a nerve response thing), what causes death from the supposed 'neck snapping' or seeing of chiropractors, etc.
I wonder if the police doing that are AWARE of this risk, or are only taught that it is useful to make someone pass out, and pain compliance: i don't like the answer, either way.

This website differs from almost all other sites in that we strongly encourage people to 'stay in their lanes' meaning, unless clearly stating something as an opinion, to refrain from posting things that are not within their area of expertise - in this case, I would suggest that you are out of your lane unless you have a professional medical background.

i skipped some pages in there, so something must have come up in all this debate since my previous post on #29

You shouldn't skip pages - doing so and then posting without a full understanding of where the discussion is at creates a disjointed thread to the detriment of the rest of the readership who are following along.

getting distracted...

I know the feeling.  You were expected to have read the site guidelines when you joined, part of which stipulate that proper use of punctuation, spelling and grammar are expected on this site.  A spell check function is also provided when you post - I use it all the time.  Repeated failure to do so can and has resulted in people being banned.  Your post is quite difficult to follow in its current form which detracts from your argument.  I encourage you to reflect on this before you post again and hope that you enjoy this site.


milnet.ca mentor
maikeru333 said:
if you search false flag or agent provocateurs hopefully you can find some pretty interesting stuff... sometimes switching up the search engines you use will suddenly start finding new things you can't seem to find elsewhere, or with certain (flagged) keywords.
Here is one video I liked on this topic:

This line tells me exactly everything I need to know about you.

We have been here again and again and again.

Hello, and good bye. Have a nice day troll.
Many people have said that the police "abandoned" their cars as incentive to the protestors to vandalize them, but this clip is the first one I've seen that shows the protestors attacking the police car with the officer still inside (@ 44 sec mark). It sure as heck doesn't look like the police abandoned the vehicle and left it until well after the protestors started trashing it. I hope the officer in the car was not injured from this attack.

2010newbie said:
Many people have said that the police "abandoned" their cars as incentive to the protestors to vandalize them, but this clip is the first one I've seen that shows the protestors attacking the police car with the officer still inside (@ 44 sec mark). It sure as heck doesn't look like the police abandoned the vehicle and left it until well after the protestors started trashing it. I hope the officer in the car was not injured from this attack.


HArd clip to find, as, if I was a conspiracy theorist, I would believe that most agencies posting these clips to the net deliberately edited out this footage to change the context.

I do not expect the apologists for domestic terrorism to ever speak to that... The cars will forever have been randomly abandoned in their minds.
or they'll say the protestors attacking the vehicle were really agent provocateurs... ::)
maikeru333 said:
You have to pick a side at some point. I don't mean Harper's, or the protesters.  I mean did you sign up to kill anyone you were told to, for money; or did you sign up to stand for something, and what Canada COULD and SHOULD be.  Canada is not its government; its not its land, its resources, its military, its tv.  CANADA IS ITS PEOPLE, AND WHAT THEY BELIEVE IN.
I know what kind of CANADA I believe in, and its not the Canada I'm living in right now...
But the Canada I'm living in right now is where I learned the Canada I do believe in; and I think I'm not the only one.
Sorry if I wasted your time.

Canada is indeed it's people. It's people have also decided that Canada will be a democratic nation - one where it's people can and do have the right to peacefully protest. Those people of Canada also elect it's government. Funny that. That is STILL the country that I'm living in.

I AM one of those PEOPLE. Don't forget that. I don't get paid to kill anyone. I get paid to defend this nation and it's sovereignty. If, some day, that includes having to kill someone in this nation's defense - so be it. I vote. Anarchist don't. Whose problem is that?

I'm now, mods beware, going to start posting links to videos of pers coming out of the detention centre who were interviewed and talked about being fed while they were in there, talked about the free legal services and advice they were offered, their court appearance that they were taken to (if necessary). I'll also find the one to the far-left lawyer who was interviewed about all the pers who were contacting her and all the other lawyers on standby from inside the detention block for legal advice ...

Where's your link to those my dear? Where's your link to the videos of the peaceful protestors grabbing black block guys & gals as they tried to inflict damage & destruction and telling them to get the hell out of their lawful and peaceful protest?? Only to get heckled by the not-so-peacefully minded parts of the crowd? Where's your link to the "Peaceful" protest video at Queen & Spadina that saw them sit on the street when asked to move on or disburse by police (thus turning it into an illegal event) ... you do know that those ones who the police went in to arrest were indeed the ones encouraging the peaceful ones to sit and disobey right ... thus the "ringleaders" who were indeed arrested by the police who went in and got them. Is that what you guys are editing out?

Oh, or is that what all you guys are waiting for to get out of the "edited" videos? You know, the videos that you mentionned posting earlier where you said you had to wait until the "editing was done".

Post 'em up - unedited.

*NB: Please, don't get yourself banned before my leave is done on 18 July; I have a feeling that I'm going to find you and your tinfoil hat quite entertaining.

Have a great, peaceful day.
milnews.ca said:
(((1)))I'm curious - what's your take on why the peaceful protesters didn't denounce violence or property damage.  After all, a lot of people are saying the vandalism took away big time from the main messages everyone SAID they wanted to get across.

(((2)))Also, how about the eyewitness accounts of how Black Bloc'ers were changing into and out of their clothes to blend into/out of the peaceful crowds?

(((3)))Also, what do you mean by "manipulating the media"?  Aren't there all sorts of non-MSM media outlets sharing an "alternative" message?  Are you suggesting the stories aren't coming out?

1) Divide and conquer is a well known tactic.
Many in the movement believe in non-violence, and did not go to protest because of incidents in the media about 'anarchists' planning for violence, with an RBC bank in Ottawa as one notable example.  So, knowing many activists, I can tell you that a very significant number did denounce the violence; this might suggest the numbers of protesters involved at the g8 -g20 summit may have been significantly higher than they were, if this were not the case.

2) It seems they were concealing themselves.  They forgot to change their boots.

3) I do not see any alternative media well represented on this site, except for what I have posted; this may suggest a paradigm of believing what you are told, and not questioning authority or the answers you are given.  This might be problematic in finding the truth. There has been much in the media about who it is being controlled by, media being forced to give away sources (so whistle blowers lose their protections), and editorial control of content, for instance with Global media, where one head office gives a directive about 'what opinion all editors will put forward in their media chains' etc.

What is the editorial directive of army.ca on the g8/g20 june protests, milnews.ca?

Why would protesters be so easily led astray, unable to discern what was going on, to maintain effective strategies for the movement, instead of being turned nearly completely ineffective by a few broken windows, burning cars, masks, and perfectly timed media attention? Leaders were targeted long before the event, some neutralized, others not allowed into the country; or snatched and grabbed from the (non-violent) protest, while, interestingly, sometimes the other protesters get angry, but generally continue to chant things like "we are peaceful, how about you"; that is to say, whether a strength or a weakness, non-violence as higher ground or as pathology, virtually no protesters that I am aware of reacted violently when they or those they cared about were violentlyl attacked by police, or arrested and dragged off.  So when there are lots of police nearby off camera (who had access to fire extinguishers), who were ordered mysteriously to back off from the vehicles and let them burn (but fortunately no explosions from gas or bullets in the trunk - and the computers had already been conveniently removed, and the vehicles were all back up ones mentioned by a former police officer to be listed on an auction site for somewhat over $200 ) it becomes questionable why protesters would see themselves responsible for stopping a crime against property.  I'm sure there were many who came out to cause problems - the 10% who would follow the 1% of initiators, however trees and bike racks had been removed from the route, a tow truck could have easily removed them - and after the media got their shots, firetrucks were called in - but I feel the level of strategy of many people who care about something but are essentially untrained, may not have been up to the task of discerning what kind of traps had been prepared for them. (Violent mass arrests in a peaceful demonstration in the 'designated protest zones')

There was a lot violence at the protest - virtually none from protesters towards police or each other - a great deal from police Integrated Security Unit (the new law allows police powers to those without police training, ie designated security guards, to make arrests or POSE as police officers (normally an indictable offense) in order to perpetrate justice punishment towards the protesters Canadian Citizens standing up for their rights -some while they were singing OH Canada en mass.
There were police officers, some of whom answered 'they had no idea what was going on' when asked by protesters or detainees, and others who 'knew it would be quiet night' when asked - possibly because the intent to mass arrest ALL protesters had been premeditated.

There are many 'facts' available, but as sites like youtomb.mit.edu sometimes show, these are often sanitized given time, and the prefabricated spin becomes more set, as evidence to challenge it is, bit by bit, efficiently tracked, and suppressed.

If you keep asking questions, I may keep posting; if you distract with other posts, this will likely just get buried and ignored; I'm not sure which may be more in line with your editorial directive.  If it is simply to get at the truth- well I think they can find that for themselves; if it was important enough.  If people wanted to see the truth, even when it doesn't serve preconceptions that make it easier for you to feel good about yourselves, and what you do.
Jack Nicholson doesn't think you can handle the truth.  Oh wait that was just a character in a fictional story.

I think while searching I thought I saw some intelligent debate; as I was reading through the other posts on this topic, I was less sure of that.

Maybe somebody confirm this 'fact' I was told: that CSIS confirmed there were no legitimate terrorist threats viable to occur at the G8/G20 protests (to justify increasing funding from ~12million? to 2 billion? --realnews gives numbers of 1 billion, and says only 500 million is unaccounted for by the security budget, etc)?  Maybe if the city unilaterally declared it was not paying, and the G20 leaders could then realistically reassess their own salaries in light of the necessary budgets for the things they want to have at their parties.

I really hope they weren't streaming the video from the film studio jail to the meetings, even though by law, they were required to allow protesters to be seen and heard, and so had a video feed from the designated protest zone to the delegates.  The jail where there were gratuitous strip searches, and many young people basically being broken through various means (which are in the links I provided) for their entertainment.

I may not come back here to read the responses, because I'm not sure what seeing how people would 'justify' that on here would do to me.

I understand good and evil is often not that simple; things are not always that black and white.  Even when they are.  Everyone has reason - to them its a good reason.  But at some point people's blatant disregard for the welfare of people you care about becomes intolerable.
Your quote - "I understand good and evil is often not that simple; things are not always that black and white.  Even when they are.  Everyone has reason - to them its a good reason.  But at some point people's blatant disregard for the welfare of people you care about becomes intolerable."


Freedom is not given, it is taken, and evil cannot be defeated, it must be overcome.

Don't like the Canada you live in? Well feel lucky, this G20 protest in some other nations would have had you shot for such behaviour, or at least be captured, tortured and beaten within an inch of your life. Your rights and freedom as a Canadian have been paid for by others, who died so you can have your freedom you obviously take for granted.


EDITed for spelling...
2010newbie said:
or they'll say the protestors attacking the vehicle were really agent provocateurs... ::)
Or they'll say the police LET the attacks on the cars happen  ::)
maikeru333 said:
I think while searching I thought I saw some intelligent debate; as I was reading through the other posts on this topic, I was less sure of that.

You are less likely to find intelligent debate when you deliberately insult us, and bandy about with half thought out conspiracy theories.
Argh, I gotta learn the points system. How did I give 150 points when I wanted to take?  Argh!
3) I do not see any alternative media well represented on this site, except for what I have posted; this may suggest a paradigm of believing what you are told, and not questioning authority or the answers you are given ....
I guess you missed these:
Might this suggest a paradigm of believing (only) what you are told, and not questioning (what you consider your) authority or the answers you are given?

Teeps74 said:
You are less likely to find intelligent debate when you deliberately insult us, and bandy about with half thought out conspiracy theories.
What he said.  Why don't you see if rabble.ca has time/space for you?  You're not worth any more of my time here.
Teeps74 said:
Argh, I gotta learn the points system. How did I give 150 points when I wanted to take?  Argh!
Did same - there's always tomorrow  ;D
maikeru333 said:
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19928 feet

This link is hilarious......

Take a close look at the upturned boot.

This is a brand new (? recently issued) very distinctive deep black colour combat boot. Note as at Montebello, the special thick heavy corrugated soles plus what appears to be some reinforcement of the upper forefoot area. Also note the mismatched black and white socks. Is this a recognition code to their uniformed colleagues? The nice heavy shiny new belt also appears to be part of a uniform.

The paragraph above is from the link and is discussing the same mis-matched sock picture that was discussed earlier in the thread. We should have realised it was a secret code to notify the police that he was really "one of them".... ::)

It also then compares the shoes to the combat BOOTS the riot police are wearing and states they are identical. The first photo shows one of the thugs and states:

Here an operative throws a metal chair through a Starbucks window. This man’s physique doesn’t look like a seedy ‘anarchist’ to me. Rather, this is the fit strong body of a trained soldier – somebody who puts in a lot of regular gym time.
(Violent mass arrests in a peaceful demonstration in the 'designated protest zones')

(emphasis added)

See?  If we aren't being accurate then it is impossible to determine the facts of any particular issue.

Below is an excerpt from today's Globe and Mail of an interview with Toronto's chief of police.

Q. Why did the police go in and make arrests at Queen's Park, which I understood was supposed to be the legitimate protest gathering site?

A. [There has been] incredible misrepresentation of what that was. It was a rallying point for legitimate protests.… There's no sanctuary from criminality. And what happened is after they rampaged along Queen and up Yonge Street, we watched them. We watched them as they went over to Queen's Park. We watched them as they changed into other clothes, and we watched them as they hid in the crowd among the people that had gathered at Queen's Park. We went in to apprehend them.

(emphasis added)

Two incorrect interpretations - yours and the reporter's - of what the Queen's Park area was actually for.

Edited for grammar and clarity
Technoviking said:
Well, mayors, it looks like you're showing your yellow stripes. 

Do we know yet what year Canada will be hosting its next G20?
I wonder if they will ever again decide to situate it in the downtown core of a major Canadian city.
If so, which one will they select next?
ArmyVern said:
Where's your link to the videos of the peaceful protestors grabbing black block guys & gals as they tried to inflict damage & destruction and telling them to get the hell out of their lawful and peaceful protest??

I think I made mention of this kind of action that could/would be taken somewhere in the thread.
These hooligans spend so much time and effort trying in every way possible to show some kind of
police brutality. Even going so far as to edit their own short videos. Those true democratic peaceful protesters will undoubtedly take notice of this, as will most people.
Take notes "maikeru", because peaceful protesters are not going to let a handful of hoodlums take away their democratic rights. As you tie the security personnels hands behind their back so as to make them seem somewhat non-effective, you open wide the door to retaliation from those you try
to rally to your sick cause. What will you post to yourtube when you have been beaten half to death
by those protesters who demand to exercise their rights. You can keep plugging away at it, but remember, just when you think that you have the table turned in your favor.....it crushes the life out of you. It would be a good thing for you to ponder on the statement, "power to the people".
milnews.ca said:
I guess you missed these:
Might this suggest a paradigm of believing (only) what you are told, and not questioning (what you consider your) authority or the answers you are given?
What he said.  Why don't you see if rabble.ca has time/space for you?  You're not worth any more of my time here.

Good catch, but alas, the one to whom we are responding has already admitted to NOT reading through the thread, or even the forums.  It came here with it's on prejudices and preconceptions, and it is unwilling to waiver from those falsehoods.
maikeru333 said:
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19928 feet
I told myself I wouldn't get involved with this faux-discussion...I did!!  Yet, here I am  :brickwall:

That article's only attempt at a premise is that people wearing boots with Vibram-style soles must be police agents provocateur (notwithstanding the vandal with mismatched socks is wearing shoes when the rest of the photographic "evidence" shows police wearing boots).

At the end of the posted diatribe, there's an ad for "Sinister Soles" -- Gothic Boots.
Oh look, Vibram-style soles!!  :o  Say it ain't so!

So my counter-argument, backed by the same absence of logic as the article's author, is that all people wearing "police-style" boots are goth punks