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G.I. Joe prepared my generation for the war on terror.


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  I just wanted to tell you about the newest conspiracy theory. One that I have just come up with.

  Was Marvel Comics and the G.I Joe franchise preparing us for the war on terror.

Think about it. Its 1983 after coming off of a Star Wars high.  Marvel comics try to persuade us into buying little 3 1/2 inch toys of special forces soldiers carrying very real replicas of weapons with Alice packs and the whole slew Special Ops gear. They were outfitted with Kevlar Helmets. Hummers and M-1 tanks even before they became recognisable mainstays on the evening news.

The bad guys all looked different and carried AK-47 and a slew of soviet style equipment.

By the time I was 12 I could tell the difference between an UZI and a Mac-10 assault pistol. I knew military acronyms in and out. And my typical boyhood mission was not an all out battle royal but one that would consist of a specific mission using specific equipment. ROE's, mission parameters and picking only the best Joes for the job.

Cobra who would do pinpoint terror strikes on my rear areas or take people prisoner. was always a clever  villain. In the comic series they had secret sleeper agents who would work for a company which was funnelling money to cobra. Have a life and a family living for years dormant being a pillar of society. Until one day the orders would come and he would reek havoc on upon the civilised world.

Terrorism doesn't scare me. What scares me is the toys. Had Ikept them in their package and not played with them. They would be worth thousands of dollars.  :warstory:
You're avatar of Tommy Chong suits you....
GI Joe was a brilliant line of comics; Larry Hama had one hell of an imagination; he did the file cards for the toys, too.  I'll bet there are JTF Assaulters who used to play with those 4 inch dolls.
Michael Dorosh said:
GI Joe was a brilliant line of comics; Larry Hama had one hell of an imagination; he did the file cards for the toys, too.  I'll bet there are JTF Assaulters who used to play with those 4 inch dolls.

When I was a kid, he was 11" tall and called "Action Man", (UK Pat pending).  The first uniform mine had was Welsh Guards, the only way my dad would approve a doll in his house... ;D
I had and still have (in my basement) many GI Joe toys, troops, trucks, jeeps, aircraft and a hell of a lot of armour too. Yes, I replay historical battles every Wednesday night at 8:00pm too. I even have a couple of the smaller Action man troops too, the Frogman was my favorite Action man.
A lot of people howled because of the Aboriginals being allowed to have braids on in uniform. Spirit who was one of my favorites was already sporting his traditional styles 14 years before the CF adopted it.  

My absoloute favorite was Scrap Iron the Cobra Anti Armour specialist. He could stop a convoy in no time flat and be out of the area in minutes.  He was so cool. 
I doub't he could fire that 50 cal from the hip like he did in issue 23.
In fact I have to call shenannigans on last wednesdays battle. I don't think that road block could have broken Destro's jaw.
He has a steel face dammit.......
Oh he can do it, you and Destro found out the hard way. By the way Tomax and Xamot are really lovers not brothers. HA! Take that Mover1. I will fix your wagon on Wednesday night.
You wait. Wedensday night. The battle is "the Charge or the Light Brigade"  Your Gi Joe Base camp against my HISS tanks..........

By the way Don't ask Don't tell policy.

Grunt, Shortfuse, Snake Eyes and Hawk, all told.
Okay, fill me in on what Wed night is.  I know there were some proposed mods for everything from Battlefield 1942 to Operation Flashpoint but I wasn't aware anyone ever got anything off the ground?
At the risk of taking this seriously, I really would like to know what the references to "Wednesday night" are.

Although if that video really is accurate mebbe I don't want to know....;)
Michael Dorosh said:
Okay, fill me in on what Wed night is.  I know there were some proposed mods for everything from Battlefield 1942 to Operation Flashpoint but I wasn't aware anyone ever got anything off the ground?

I've played the bf1942 mod. Didnt really like it, and apparently neither did the rest of the community, seeing as it fell off the radar within the first week of development.