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Fundraiser for RHFC_Piper


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Hello everyone,

I'm sister of (in)famous RHFC_Piper. If you don't know who that is, check the Army.ca homepage  ;)

I'll try to keep this posting brief:

After a thoughtful & sombre Remembrance Day morning, followed by a rowdy bus tour of all the local Legions (and their bars), all the while listening to my brother play and play and play -- on a 15 year-old set of "loaner" pipes -- it struck me that he should have his *own* set.  He's been playing over 8 years on these pipes of sentimental value...

After some prodding, he reluctantly told me about his "dream bagpipes".  We would like to see Ryan get them, and with donations, we can make this a reality. Need I say more? 

Here is the webpage with all the info: http://www.hollypagnacco.com/ryan/donations.html

Thank you so much & happy belated Remembrance Day,

~ Holly
I've been with rhfc_piper as long as he's been in the army (8 yrs).  Over the years his pipes have been good to him, but they're starting to get a little tired and I know he's always wanted his own set. 

I've always wanted to get some pipes for him, but because they cost so much I've never been able to...that still hasn't changed, especially since we just bought our first house and we have our wedding in April.

So for anyone that contributes any of their hard-earned money, I really do appreciate it and I know Ryan will too!   ;D


first one :

Item location: Sialkot, Pakistan

Shipping costs:
To Canada -- GBP 20.00 (discount available)

second one :

Item location: SIALKOT, PUNJAB, Pakistan

Shipping costs:
To Canada -- GBP 30.00 (discount available)

I'm glad they are saying that they are new, 'cause I could
have questions about the provenance otherwise ...

I know instruments of music aren't cheap, and bagpipes
beeing a rarity would cost more, but why is the dream bagpipes
of RHFC_Piper so costly ?
on payday i will be sending you some, i miss the mighty pipes...
L&R Scot  R  Last class of inhouse R031 trained BTT INF 8901,
Money sent. All I got at the moment. Good luck and God Speed Piper. :salute:
I'm no expert on bagpipes, but I do play a unique & very rare instrument  -- the Japanese floor harp called a "koto".  I have seen lower-priced instruments, when typically they are $5,000-$10,000 each.  Made by hand, out of paulownia wood that is aged several years before assembling, without glues or fasteners. Quality is what you get for the price, and most obviously is the quality of sound.  (Plus quality of materials, quality of craftsmanship... but I digress.)

Like comparing a Lamborghini to a Hyundai.  It's... not quite the same  ;)

I appreciate the question though!  And the ebay links!
Those Pakistan pipea are pure crap. I own a set... only thing they are good for is collecting dust. I swear, one way valve goes in a few seconds... everything. I was not impressed.

My two cents...
Having dabbled in piping as a cadet, I had the privilage of meeting a few great pipers. $3000 is very modest for a great set of pipes.

Unfortunately, my donation will have to wait till I get some more cash - but I do intend to chip in.

And as for the eBay pipes, he wants a synthetic canister bag, not some oiled hide.

No more seasoning for him, I gather.
Seasoning can be a pain... in the piping world...you get what you pay for basically..
There I email these folks and will see what they can do...


They will come from New Scotland...Nova Scotia...
I live in Kitchener, and would be glad to give you my contribution....could we meet?
under NO circumstances do you buy a set of pipes from Pakistan OR a set of pipes off Ebay.......period.

You very well could find a treasure on Ebay, but do you really want to risk it?  I can tell you that there are several unsavoury types on Ebay perporting to be selling really great sets of pipes.  The only problem is the photos have been stolen from legitamate auctions and once you send your money........your pooched.

PM inbound
You could always mount them on a wall as a decoration... as long as you never have pipers over  ;D
Klc said:
You could always mount them on a wall as a decoration... as long as you never have pipers over  ;D

Believe it or not, we already have a (toy) set mounted to the wall!!  ;D

I wish he could just play those...hahaha
Below is a message ive posted on several babpipe related websites.  I couldn't exactly post on here guys as I knew Ryan came here and read the forums from time to time and the secret would be let out if I told y'all what I was up too.  BUT, the big day happened yesterday so I can rat myself out to you all now.  After I had heard about this, I took it upon myself to find a supplier of a set of pipes for Ryan.  Originially, I was looking for a cost set so as to not cost as much.  Kenny McCleod from  McCallum Bagpipes emailed me with an offer I couldnt refuse.  He had read about this endevour and decided to get involved by providing the set Ryan wanted...........for free!  Well I couldnt believe my ears but couldnt really hold my excitement!  Last Friday, the pipes arrived.  I had asked Kenny if it were possible to place a personalized shield on the bass drone for Ryan, making them more "his" type thing.  Again, Kenny came through with flying colours! 

Yesterday, I met Ryan, Holly and Lisa for the first time.  Funny hearing Ryan describe it.  "who's THAT guy??"  Seeing the smile on Ryan's face all night long made this totally worth all the time I put into this with contacts and whatnot.  So now you know a little about me.  Thanks to all of you that contributed to this.  We really do have a family within a family here.


Well folks, the day came. I was sitting around the house the other day when UPS came a knocking, low and behold, Ryan's pipes had arrived! Gotta tell you all, they were a beautiful set!!! I had asked Kenny McLeod to put an inscription on the bass drone just to make it a little more "his" and Kenny came through with flying colours! We gave Ryan the pipes last night at practice and I gotta tell you, I felt a tremendous amount of pride. Pride for him, me and everyone who cared to send their encouragement and/or donate to the cause. It really reaffirmed my faith in the human race.

I want to thank everyone here who participated in this endevour. YOU are the folks that made this happen. Kenny and McCallum, Dont know what to say......you are a generous lot, and I for one will be singing the praises of McCallum bagpipes forever. Rob McCarthy, from McCarthy Highland Services, BIG shout out to you too my friend. You were always there with suggestions and help for this fundraiser to get steamrolling along. As a side note, Holly will be contacting you with regards to those donations you talked to me about. As well, you will be forever getting kind words from me and I will personally be directing business to you.

I know im forgetting people here and im truly sorry. As with feel good stories, something no doubt happens to spoil the moment. I must take off as I spoke to my mom this morning and it appears my dad might have had a stroke last night. Thanks again to all of you and I hope to see many of you soon!

Below is a link to the KW Observer article on the hand over last night..........enjoy!!

The Article, the link does not work in previous post

Stranger helps wounded soldier get bagpipes
Cpl. Ryan Pagnacco finally gets his "dream set" of bagpipes.
Article Link

The inscription engraved on the small metal plate sat nearly hidden amid the pieces of one of the world's most complicated instruments.

But the succinct words said it all:

Made for Ryan Pagnacco, 2007, McCallum bagpipes.

Pagnacco, 27, didn't even notice the discreet name plate that would forever mark the pipes as his own until he had belted out a few tunes on the instrument.

"That's just amazing," the soft-spoken reservist said as his fiancée, Lisa Doemer, read the inscription. "I don't know what to say."

For the past two months, Doemer and Pagnacco's sister have been raising funds to buy the soldier, a corporal with the Royal Highland Fusiliers, his "dream set" of bagpipes.

Yesterday, that dream came true thanks to the help of a stranger.

Injured in the so-called friendly-fire incident that claimed the life of a Canadian soldier just after Labour Day, Pagnacco was sent home to recover.

Cut off from his comrades still on the battlefield and healing from several shrapnel wounds to his legs, chest and hands, Pagnacco spent the past few months slowly returning to his beloved bagpipes.
More on link
hmmmmmmmm, thanks GAP, not sure why it didnt come out the first time!
