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FTX stories

PB is the ultimate 'carry me around and eat me later' snack. I remember telling my cadets a while back that the PB has toxins in it and they were to hand them over to the seniors when they come around to collect the matches (dry brush around.) Man, I never had so much PB

Nice to see you used your rank and stature to take advantage of your cadets, please don't join the CF we don't want people like you in.

I wonder how many of your cadets from your corps will read this and see what you are all about.
thank you! it's good to see that a member of the directing staff actually agrees with me
When someone uses leadership for their own personal gratification you will find many would agree with you on that aspect.
It's been a running gag in our corps. It all started (well, if I remember) when the warning stickers (and the reasoning behind them) were put on the IMP's about the tubes of Honey and containing traces of botulism (actual toxins in the IMP's... I was/may have been affected by it according to my doctors, thankfully I was given preventive drugs/etc) I was hit by the PB theifing. It was all in good humor, you tend to fall for it once, the breakfast seemed to be the normal 'hit' time.

Anyways, I was a Mcpl (are considered 'seniors' at my corps) at the time and was ordered to do so (one of the former RSM's, Chick, or Dan [most likely Dan].) I was a bit hesitant at first, but hey, "I was already hit by it a year or two ago, meh."

It was a tradition in my corps. It stopped the other year when Myles took hold of RSM for a while. It hasn't happened since (even though we have a new RSM.) I think the only FTX traditions that we have left is the hotdog eating contest (current holder is 16) and the group swamp mix (thick sugary goo composed of many juices, I havn't partook in that since I was a Pte... felt like crap after)
Just the same, you shouldn't partake in taking advantage of subordinates. that tells them it is alright.
oh man NEVER drink the jungle juice (all juices mized together) its diabetes in a cup i tell you!!!
Anyway what was the deal with the honey anyway?  No one seemed to know.  I heard people say sand got put in by accident, soap from the machines, salmonella and even avian flu (avian flu being highly unlikely as to the fact that, last time i checked, there wasnt alot of chicken in honey). 
I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the preservatives.
Kyle Burrows said:
I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the preservatives.

Well, according to my doctor, botulism (or however it is spelt) can form in sweet (aka sugary) food items that have been improperly stored/preserved. So yes, I would have to say you Kyle are correct.

Just the same, you shouldn't partake in taking advantage of subordinates. that tells them it is alright.

I very much agree. But there were to major factors that tuned in.
1-tradition... It was the whole 'peer presure' bit. You 'had' to do it to feel like you belonged. (I know, I know, "if that guy jumps off the bridge will you?" bit... but this doesn't physically/mentally hurt anyone and it's(was) just a running gag.

2-It's hard to get up the nerve when you are a newly promoted Mcpl to speak up to the RSM. You just kinda do what you are told.
its all about maturity and knowing what is wrong and right.  Even if they're a higher rank if they tell you to do something you know isnt right or are uncomfortable doing, then bring it up with an officer or something, or explain that you dont feel comfertable.  If they're a mature and responsible leader then they should respond in a mature way.  When I was a semi new recruit I had a person of higher rank try to order me to steal something for him from the canteen.  I told him that that wasnt cool and that I wouldnt do it.  He backed off.  Anyway what was he gonna do?  Gimme a red chit for NOT stealing? psh
Remember kids: stealing is only stealing if you're caught...otherwise it's skillfully acquiring.

I'm kidding, don't steal. If you do, the Queen will find out and cram IMP bread down your throat!
ryanmann356 said:
its all about maturity and knowing what is wrong and right.  Even if they're a higher rank if they tell you to do something you know isnt right or are uncomfortable doing, then bring it up with an officer or something, or explain that you dont feel comfertable.  If they're a mature and responsible leader then they should respond in a mature way.  When I was a semi new recruit I had a person of higher rank try to order me to steal something for him from the canteen.  I told him that that wasnt cool and that I wouldnt do it.  He backed off.  Anyway what was he gonna do?  Gimme a red chit for NOT stealing? psh

The proper way to deal with something of that nature..

2-It's hard to get up the nerve when you are a newly promoted Mcpl to speak up to the RSM. You just kinda do what you are told.

thats what being a MCpl is about. even in cadets.  you are there to look out for the welfare of your troops, If you are not able to do that, then you should not be in that position. Along those lines that also means that sometimes you have to tactfully inform superiors that what they are asking is not allowed or not Legal, and that you will not do it.

Well you want a story here ya go,

It was my last ex as the CWO of my corps when we were in Borden for a weekend and everything was going to plan. We were all about to go to ground being and being the CWO I made sure that the fire picket was all set for the night. I get nicely tucked into those cocoons of a sleeping bag when I heard the cadets on fire picket say "come here little guy, look at him ah he's so cute", immediately I knew that they were talking about an animal walking around the tent lines. Just as I was thinking to myself "why don't they scare the damned thing away" I start to hear what sounds like dog sniffing around. I turn my head towards the opening of my hooch when I am nose to nose.......with a RACOON ENTERING MY TENT! I yelled at the bloody thing and scared it away up a tree having to listen to the damed thing yipping at me all night. 

Later that weekend I had:
a glowstick blow up all over my face,
step in razorwire and sliced up my boot, and
GOT AMBUSHED BY THE RESERVES! (that was kinda cool though) :threat:

I got too many stories to tell,
till next time folks,
-Scott :salute:
future medic said:
a glowstick blow up all over my face,

How the heck did that happen?  Last I checked they didnt load glowsticks with C4.

I remember getting tangled up in barbed wire while I was hiding during "find the non-coms" night ex.
ripped up my combats and a cadpat camo net i was wearing
Haven't you seen the gag glowsticks? You go to break them...and you break them!

ryanmann356 said:
Last I checked they didnt load glowsticks with C4.
If they did, a bit of glowing goo on his face would be the least of his worries. ::)
LOL! Ya the glowstick would of been the last of my worries if it had C4 LOL.

No it was one of those flimsey extra long glowsticks. I guess what happend was when I cracked it to "ambush" the little night nav patrol I must of bent it to far back and caused it to squirt at my face through the tear on the side.

-scott :salute:
Doesnt that stuff burn when it gets on ur skin?  I remember at a school dance a few years ago a friend of mine broke one and rubbed it on his skin so he could "glow".  He had to wash it off quick because he said it hurt like heck....idiot lol

Kyle Burrows said:
If they did, a bit of glowing goo on his face would be the least of his worries. ::)

ok perhaps C4 is a little too extreme. lol
Remember inside that plastic cylume tube is a smaller glass vile which contains the other chemical, and thats which makes the snapping sound when you bend the plastic outer shell.


oh let me tell you I was rushing for my cantine in a hurry to flush it out of my eyes.....

I tell ya I wasn't at all expecting it to squirt like that

-scotty :salute: