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Foul Mouthed Parrot

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Somehow, this bird must be related to a certain politician that cannot keep her mouth shut:

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/britainanimalsparrot

Foul-mouthed British parrot banished by embarrassed keepers Tue Jul 26, 3:36 PM ET

A foul-mouthed parrot previously owned by a lorry driver has been banished from public areas in a British animal sanctuary after repeatedly embarrassing his keepers, they said.

Barney, a five-year-old Macaw, is now kept indoors at Warwickshire Animal Sanctuary in Nuneaton, central England, when outsiders visit after abusing dignitaries with swearword-littered insults.

"He's told a lady mayoress to f..(expletive) off and he told a lady vicar: 'And you can f... off as well'," sanctuary worker Stacey Clark said.

Nor did the forces of law and order escape, she added.

"Two policemen came to have a look at the centre. He told them: 'And you can f... off you two wankers'."

Clark said sanctuary workers believed Barney either picked up the phrases from television or was taught them by his previous owner, a lorry driver who emigrated to Spain.

"He does say 'Hello, big boy' and 'Thank you' when you give him a biscuit," she added.

"But it's mainly naughty words and always to the wrong people. We're trying to teach him not to swear. Macaws are very intelligent birds."


Perhaps the CDS ought to give CP a biscuit.
A few years ago the Toronto Zoo had a similar problem with their Macaws; not quite show how they handled it though.
yeah, I heard that too, this is JUST a rumor but I heard they had to put them down, which would be too bad.
I had a girlfriend who worked at the zoo when this happened, she said nothing about them being put down.

though I do wonder becuase I stood beside them one day and didn't hear a single swear word, just the general "hello" and whistling.  Perhaps an urban legend... perhaps not.
No,if one has patience and time you can even teach Budgies to speak.
When I was a young lad at sea I and another used to visit the ships carpentar in his cabin for a chat so we decided as a joke to see if we could teach this young yellow head how to say F' Off.
Well one day we are sitting having a chat with the chippie when the old bird came out with F' Off,F' Off we roared and the chase was on. Yup they canm learn and the best talking bird is the African Gray Parrot and they live close on 80 yrs if looked after right.

I can get him a job as "Second Chair" in the Public Defenders Office.
Spr.Earl said:
No,if one has patience and time you can even teach Budgies to speak.
When I was a young lad at sea I and another used to visit the ships carpentar in his cabin for a chat so we decided as a joke to see if we could teach this young yellow head how to say F' Off.
Well one day we are sitting having a chat with the chippie when the old bird came out with F' Off,F' Off we roared and the chase was on. Yup they canm learn and the best talking bird is the African Gray Parrot and they live close on 80 yrs if looked after right.

Did you keep said bird on your shoulder as well?